PARANOID LA Port Police – Everything Law and Order Blog

Foxy and I were in Wilmington, looking at the left over scene from the officer involved shooting 2 nights ago (that video coming soon) We heard a call just down the street and headed over. Port Police Sgt. Cee accused me of a “set up” – after calling out my name asking which of us is “Laurashark”. All kinds of nonsense over a girl not making a complete stop at the stop sign…..
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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (, the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


30 thoughts on “PARANOID LA Port Police”
  1. You should start giving them your own names like sgt douche wad or cpl dipshit. Maybe then they might want to give their names more freely…😜

  2. At 2:30 the cop can't even tell the truth on how many cops are there. The cop said there's three of you and there's only two of us that's why you're going in handcuffs.

  3. Oligarchy Police State (USSA)… Welcome to the United Police States of America… USSA! Bend over Sheeple the Government has a surprise for you… the Giant Red White and Blue Government/Tax/Police/SPY/War Weenie!

    Thomas Jefferson – "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

    The people are suffering and grow tired of Policing for Profit and Endless Extortion/Taxes. Our money is fake, we are over taxed, have the worse healthcare (our taxes supposedly pays for) and constantly get the short end of the stick is this supposed to move us. In addition, we are left holding the bag for 17 trillion dollars in debt.

    You have been drinking the Propaganda Police State Kool-Aid! You have been indoctrinated to support the terrorist actions of the thugs with badges! You Will Be Assimilated!! Try thinking for yourself and looking around to see the real problems are caused by the abuse of citizens, loss of civil rights, and extortion.

    El Paso,Tx-FBI Assault Crime=Photography –

    Marion, IL – FBI Field Office – 1st amendment audit –

    Why are there no criminal penalties for violations of the Bill of Rights? No Mandatory Minimums and Prison Terms? Why don't the laws apply to the Ruling/Blue Class? It is clear that we have a Bill of "Privileges" not Rights.
    A citizen can seek a remedy in Civil Court but this is expensive, while the "state" has unlimited resources (our money). I am sure the blind folded lady with the scales and sword is NOT working for the people.

    Why does no one wonder WHY the Local, State, and Federal Governments are Spying, Filming, and collecting data on all citizens! Then Allow Foreign Governments to have Access! In this day and age citizens need to be vigilant in their RIGHTS!

    Home Grown State Sponsored Terrorist Groups – FBI, CIA, NSA, NRO, NGA, TSA, DEA, DHS, State & Local Police, etc!
    According to Our Government: Violence of Any Kind is Unacceptable in our Society… Unless the Violence is Perpetrated by the Government!
    I find it ironic that the colors red, white, and blue stand for freedom until they are flashing behind you.
    America is a country, which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to “Fight for Democracy” but will not cross the street to vote.

    The US Government can't Fix or Manage Shit! If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in four years (or Less) there’d be a shortage of sand.

    Government's view of the people and economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it. If all else fails, make it illegal and profit from it.

    We have the finest Police/Politicians that Money can BUY! They are all following the Money and Screwing the Sheeple! Land of the Fee and Home of the Slave!

    The Law You Won't Be Told –
    DrugSense –
    Think The FBI Is About 'Law Enforcement'? Guess Again –
    George Carlin – It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It! The American Dream –
    The Simple Truth That Would Smash Our Immoral System –
    Citizens Killed by Police –
    Louisiana Parish Caught Issuing Fake Subpoenas –
    Trump Tells FBI Director Comey "You're Fired" –
    What To Do When Contacted By The Police? –
    Can Cops Arrest People Knowing They Will Not Be Charged? –
    Congress is a ‘dysfunctional’ institution: Mark Steyn –
    Gazans hold Trump effigy at gunpoint as thousands decry POTUS visit –
    Electronic Frontier Foundation –
    NSA Spying On Americans 'Widespread' – Let Sec. 702 Expire! –
    Marijuana: Last Week Tonight –
    Police Accountability: Last Week Tonight –
    THE PRIMARY Example of Violence Everybody Says We NEED! –

  4. I bet he's still wondering if the guy on the other side of the fence is his really bio dad and what those words mean when he spins Deep Purple Smoke on the water backwards . I bet when his cat blinks he thinks it's Morris code messages just because the cat's name is Morris .
    Jeez there's medication for that .

  5. Yep, this is what happens when you don't know your rights and allow pigs to do what they do best: Extort you!!!

  6. Just do your job you dirty pigs, recording is not illegal, so don't make fools out of yourselves you ignorant fuckers

  7. What a Douche! See you at the next set-up?? …that's stupid…If he really believed that someone is setting them-up then why are you playing into it? that makes no fucking sense!!

  8. How have the courts weighed in on cops claiming that they can search any car that happens to have someone on probation in it? It doesn't sound credible.

  9. "Anything on you that we need to know about…hand grenades..rocket launchers??" Where do you think you are Sgt Cee, Fullujah?? Do the world a favour and STFU, you are too stupid to live. 😐

  10. Looks like a fishing expedition but unfortunately with your camera on they could jam them up or plant evidence so only give a ticket
    Probably would have been a lot worse if you weren't filming keep the bastards honest good to see that women auditing the cops can be just as hard ass as male auditors

  11. use that paranoia against them. " I know your every move because I know everyone in this city ".. god, could you imagine how freaked out they would be? lol

  12. awesome video my friend who wouldn't get out of the car after having a bunch of bullys around you making you step out sgt is a straight dick I bet if U ladies were not there it would of been worst for those citizens ….. LOVE UR WORK AND VIDEOS

  13. so they KNOW why you are there, and THEY STILL JUST CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES, they STILL have to find some way to interfere or intimidate you and treat you like a criminal… this guy is SO paranoid he's making an assumption everyone around him now is someone with a camera trying to catch him in the act of something, you know who is paranoid and does the head turn looking at everyone, criminals trying to evade security… stop being a criminal officer, and you won't have problems!

  14. Would you get hemmed up if you yell for them to stop talking to pigs? Can't you casually walk by and tell them to stop talking?

  15. 3:00 FAIL. "I don't answer questions." after you answered his questions. LOL. It sure was nice of him to give you permission to film in a public place though. What a nice guy. He must be one of these so called "good" cops.

  16. I think the Sgt. is in lust with you (sorry if you just ate). When he said that you and FOXY are "always together" he was implying that he knows you two are a lesbian couple and no matter how much of a stud he believes himself to be, he stands no chance so he's going to go back and try to screw over the one waiting for him on the curb.
    ps. The rocket launcher comment; I was taught that at the academy too. If you throw in an insane comment like that and they laugh; it means that they're paying attention and you relieved some of their stress by getting them to realize that you are just doing your job.
    Do you think it works; or is just idiotic?

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