Retaliation and targeting by police and government is real. – Everything Law and Order Blog

My wife has a vantrue camera setup in her car -ad she has a front and rear. Thankfully my car has 9 Total cameras built in.

Recording, making stories, and expressing your first amendment rights will get you targeted by government. This is not conspiracy. Rather than focus on criminals they will devote resources to silence you. Even charge you as much as they can for records.

surrounded in a parking lot, first time out filming:

To criminal Charges filed against me: coming soon

Sergeant disciplined for not charging: coming soon

Tint meter I use now:

#copwatch #firstamendmentaudit

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


32 thoughts on “Retaliation and targeting by police and government is real.”
  1. IMO> I wish the cameras had of been here at the time they allowed cops to use qualified immunity! I believe it was in the early 80s, around 83 – 85 when it came in, and if we the people had such an easy way to film and hold them accountable, like our camera's we now have WHO KNOWS. Maybe today, a cops actions would be much different than what qualified immunity has allowed many ill-informed cops to become? Yet, as of late I'm starting to see through video's, some cops are starting to change. Those that have are becoming Officers who have earned respect, NOT the Cops who demand it because of a gun and badge!

  2. There are NO good cops. End qualified immunity NOW. End internal affairs NOW. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS
    SO….COPS breaks the law and pulls a citizen over…charges thrown out….ZERO blow-back on the officer

  3. Have you ever said why your not a cop anymore? If so can you post the link. Thanks love your videos and your style of doing videos

  4. Welcome to the United police states of Amerikkka. 🖕🏼🐖🐷 the blue line gang the real sovereign citizens.

  5. Anytime I mistake is made on even a minor ticket the state should have to take money out of salaries to reimburse for time wasted

  6. The nerve of that cop!
    Trying to be a friend most likely…got his ass chewed out by the Chief. They're not out there for public safety…
    their out there to bring in cash flow!

  7. My advice would be is to start filing lawsuits suing them into bankruptcy. Which I guarantee that they will back off if it start affecting their wallets

  8. Don't hold your breath on the changes. I am a former Fla. LEO who had to leave a job I used to love due yo my unwillingness to go along. If a behavior is allowed, it is encouraged. As such it comes from the TOP. If a Chief or Sherriff is unaware, they are not fit. If they KNOW and do not stop it, again, they are unfit.

  9. This cop is a petty little bitch that generally only help themselves to taxpayer's money and offer very little in return.

  10. I'll say it again.
    The Thin Blue "Lie" is getting a little thinner but the cops are ones who drew the line and wonder why there is such a disconnect with the public. The loudest one(s) are usually the dumbest one(s). Maybe I'm I hard a** but no one should get hurt on the job, any job, but when a cop get hurt on the job it so often seems they want folks to donate to their injured co worker. Like they don't they have health insurance or even life insurance. I good cops worst enemy is bad cop…

  11. their tint is super dark but they aren't held to the same standards of the law we are, what do they call those people
    ? oh yea sovereign citizens.

  12. Oh yea the road pirates do not I repeat do not care about public safety they are all about revenue that's it!..nothing else matters shits gotta change

  13. Relax, being pulled for the tint is just his way of trying to be your friend. Nothing sinister, i mean what could go wrong?

  14. Something I thought about was how can tint be a reason to detain if there are exemptions? You don’t have to prove you have a medical reason.

  15. James, I have a MS. I know what you have. Take a look at the Garmin Mini 2. Smallest dashcam made. I mounted mine at the inside windshield at the A Pillar on the passenger side. It faces across and out the driver's side window. Turn it on with a remote relay mounted on the steering column. perfect.

  16. I was just arrested wrongfully on new years eve. Just getting out of my 4th 12 hour shift. Claims I wasn't maintaining my lane, and speeding. I seen him behind me so I used my speed control. 1.3 miles before he pulled me over through town. Blood draw, the whole nine. I was tired but not high like he claimed.

  17. If this scumbag come on ur property without a warrant u r allowed to shoot them or if they break down ur door without cause u can shoot them it’s legally now

  18. What really ticks me off is how the police vehicles we pay for, have tint that is darker than the legal limit, yet they go around and use "illegal tint", or their assumption that it is, to either do a pretextual stop or, like in this case, retaliate against an auditor for legally filmng them at work. For officers to work so hard to violate your rights, they really must be trying to hide how they treat the citizens they swore to protect and serve.
    The other thing that pi**es me off is how many LEOs have private vehicles that have tag lights out, break lights out, expired registration, one Arizona cop had his vehicle lisence plate, not only expired, but it still had a California plate on it; something that drivers must switch over within 14 days, after moving to AZ. Besides having an out of state plate, it was expired by a few YEARS!!! There were several vehicles with registration issues, dark tint, and lights not working, yet no one pointed that out and still went after low income citizens to fine or arrest them for the very same issues! Some were even cocky about it
    For these officers to file complaints of harassment because he didn't agree to be filmed, should have gotten him laughed out of the supervisors office, and the prosecutor should have told him to get a different job if he didn't like being filmed and he couldn't handle an issue without abusing his authority to try to get you arrested! There is no room for babies who can't act professionally and file false charges because his ego was bruised!

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