Rowlett Texas Officers Caught In Act – Edited from live stream – Everything Law and Order Blog

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “Rowlett Texas Officers Caught In Act – Edited from live stream”
  1. Yeah bro!!! If they are cool ,, you be cool,, you get more respect that way.. I love it when they don’t know who they are f&$king with too!! It’s good content.. be smart and safe!! Keep going!!

  2. They seem a jovial lot. good job you're fairly fit Mr.Freeman hardly out of breath! Wonder if your exposed face will make a A P B . It was unfortunate that the police were where they were. but they seem to be jovial AND fair – good combination! Bravo this police department. Long may they reign in this good cop guise!

  3. It's not bootlicking, I don't like People In Government, but if a code enforcer treats me as man then I will do the same. I have known some really good peace officers in my day. But now they are just code enforcement. Even in the sticks.

  4. Glad to see them help someone. That is unusual.
    Several years ago I was driving my van and went up an off ramp. My accelerometer pedal broke off! The steel arm literally broke in two! Three St. Louis county cop cars came. I was on the side of the road at the top of the ramp, well out of the way of any traffic. They demanded that I get my van out of there NOW! I showed them my pedal and explained that I would soon have a wire ran so I could move it, but that wasn’t good enough! I was told to move it now and a tow truck was called by those pigs. They didn’t want to help by putting their lights on or anything. They just barked orders, called a tow truck and left. I got it rigged and was gone in about 5 more minutes. The deserve the hate they earn!

  5. Just done a brake job on my pickup and one drum was really worn but had no replacement. Drove to town and fueled up. Then I couldn't go forward because the shoe was jammed. Drove 11 miles home in reverse in a K2500. Went through the gate, down the drive and back in the barn to tear it down. Buddy was with me and it mad him sick to do 40 mph that far in reverse.

    Tore it down and replaced a pin and it was fine…..sorta.

  6. When the officers do it right and you say good job that's not licking their boots it's giving credit where credits due you disagree with me too bad

  7. We should all have f**** little helicopters by now and energy would be free this f**** place is not free it's a s*** hole lockdown flat plane dome piece of s***

  8. Awesome awesome work James. This is precisely how police get reconnected to the people they serve. The fact that they helped the person driving backwards proves it.

  9. Hi how you. Fine and you. Wtf does that mean. Or are we suppose ignore 90% of verbal and non verbal bs. BECAUSE I bet his hermrodds are f u

  10. Auditor finds one of the only cities in the country with cool cops….

    Then moves. 🤦‍♂️

  11. Dang, I expected something bad, but this was a nice surprise. 🙂 I wish all cops could be like this unless the situation requires force.

  12. January to July is not a "long time to train". 6 months. Whoop dee do.
    4 years, a bachelor's degree, kind of a "long time".
    8 years, law degree, definitely a "long time".

  13. Illegal entry of a vehicle, illegal parking and unlawful stopping by Police.
    Those cops had no right to open that woman's car door and get into her car, or get her to exit the car..
    They had their police car parked in a dangerous position on the intersection that was a traffic hazard.. And reversing is not an offence, they did not have a lawful reason to chase and stop that car..
    Get the names and badge numbers of the first two officers and file a law suit, because they were doing unlawful acts they won't have qualified immunity.

  14. Awesome!!! This was how the job was done at the beginning of our national Stanford Prison Experiment. We used to talk to people and smile and show respect.

  15. None of that shit would fly around in my area, the po-po serving the public like that even though you have your rights they will be violated here in Vdub Ohio… Facts…

  16. It's amazing how surprised people are when they see cops acting the way they are supposed to act instead of acting like goons.

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