shake the cops hand? whatever you do you – Everything Law and Order Blog

I get this a lot….people acting like they don’t like me, or don’t want me there in front of the cops, but as soon as the cops are gone….they will thank me….i get it….Please thumbs up, share and subscribe

Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (, the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


22 thoughts on “shake the cops hand? whatever you do you”
  1. Lol. I don’t shake hands in anyone in authority. People can turn on you before, during, and after the fact…. learned that in the military…knowledge is wisdom…😏

  2. Tried to email u. And it kicked back. Got to fix that. Please ignore b a emails from daemon. That’s not me. Heads up

  3. LAURASHARKCW I just watched all of your video. Awesome just awesome work. I follow you and High desert community and Tom zebra I love all of you guys videos

  4. I think he thought he was being set up or something. Prob thought the police were doing the filming. I bet the outcome for him would have been different if they didnt see you videoing them. Great job Laura

  5. I would not let them put me in Handcuffs for a ticket if i am not under arrest.
    I think that is totally demoralizing and completely unnecessary!!
    Also i think that people in California need to band together and Peacefully Protest against this demoralizing behavior like we have in NYC against Stop and Frisk. Because California Police are out of control.

  6. Cops like it when citizens shake their hands as if they did you a favor, but what it really signifies is they love the power and the special ass lick for their egos.

  7. Hi Laura, I’m frm Hawaii and HPD is very corrupt…when I was a teenager a friend and I were walking along farrington hiway, when all of a sudden two patrol cars pull up…4 police officers jumped out with there guns pointed at us, they told us to get on the fkn ground. One officer ran up to us and kicked my friend in his ribs and then kicked him in his groin(nuts)….he then kicked me in the ribs and attempted to kick me in my groin but I closed my legs…that pissed him off even more, he put his gun to my head and said move again and I’ll blow your fkn head off…just then another unit pulled up, it was a female cop…as soon as she seen us she yelled out to the officers “that’s not them, the suspects are two asian men”….they then told us to get up and go home….my friend and I had crack ribs, but his was worst, one of his crack ribs punctured his lungs as of result frm the kick…we both stumbled our way home crying the whole way…the next day we went down with our parents to HPD to file a complaint…they basically covered it up, showing us photos of totally different officers saying these were the only officers working in that area on that shift….they gave the both of us a polygraph test and said that they were going to do an investigation and contact us when they were done with they’re investigation… we had no names, no badge number, no video nothing… so it got swept under the rug…this happened in the 80’s and it has changed my life for ever…since I was a little kid I always wanted to become a cop but now I hate them!…when I felt the barrel of his gun against my head I really thought it was game over…I have relived that scene over and over for decades…
    We need someone like you here to film these new age terrorist and hold them accountable for they’re unlawful activities…
    I love watching your video,s it’s very inspiring and I think you’re amazing…..

  8. I'm so happy that I pay the police to HANDCUFF AND HARASS people for not having a BIKE LIGHT? I'm just so darn proud that as a tax payer the cops do this in my name. At least the kid knew the score, but I'm sorry he's caught in the game. Thanks for being there Laura.

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