Sioux Falls PD Looking For Answers – Everything Law and Order Blog

FTP channel

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


39 thoughts on “Sioux Falls PD Looking For Answers”
  1. Maybe this supervisor can tell his cops not to be nervous about being recorded. I have watched well over 500videos and have never seen a camera person attack a police officer. If they are not one of the bad cops they have nothing to fear from being recorded. If they are one of the bad cops should be afraid, not of physical violence, but of being caught doing something wrong, like violating peoples rights, police brutality, and police misconduct.

  2. It pisses me off when cops ask "Why are you nervous" and use it as "reasonable suspicion" of a crime. ANYONE not nervous of cops today is really uninformed and prime targets of the police.

  3. Newark, DELAWARE PD (Home of the U of D) Wilmington, DELAWARE PD, and Dover, Delaware PD, Elsmere, Delaware PD, as well as the New Castle County PD are all bad and have been for OVER 50 years.

  4. Matters are being looked into and we will address them….. if that was the case for the last 40 years, we wouldnt be where we are right now!

  5. Keep up the good fight for us all & your plenty brave enough to take The risk because any wrong move & your family is short of a husband & father.. Your no coward sir!!.. You are a true crusader & that’s coming from a black man in America who thanks you for your endless work to expose corruption & show it to the world.. Your a hero in my eyes.

  6. Posted Date: 03/12/2021
    Those that agree, copy and get it to everyone from sea to sea, to the tops of the Rocky Mountains, and to all four corners of the USA.
    Please, I know your are out there in the shadows way in the back ground. We desperately need you now, the "good police". We also need the old protectors of the citizens, those police that left the force, because you could not stand for what was becoming the police force of today. Come back, join with citizens & the real POLICE. Those who were the bold, the brave, the defenders of the citizens & country . Your needed most desperately now more than ever. Citizens are dying for no good reasons, but from what we can see only as thrill killers (BAD COPS) THAT HAVE NO RESPECT FOR LIFE! We need you good police to step forward and say enough is enough! They (BAD COPS) can and must stop spilling blood! It is NOW uniting a force movement that will only end up killing more and more police (GOOD & BAD ALIKE) along with good citizens. Please, please, in these desperate moments if we do not stop this cycle of violence it will lead to a civil war between police & groups of citizens seeking justice, the only way left to them. HOW MANY MORE ON BOTH SIDES HAVE TO DIE? Terrorist are not going to tear our country apart, we will do it ourselves while the whole world watches!

  7. Don't get yourself shot we need you out there exposing these tyrants you are a patriot and you are not a coward I wish I had the brains to do this but I would want to learn from you or johnny 50 because I would want to learn from the best if you could give me some tips on things to learn i would appreciate it

  8. What about sharing to the precinct of unlawful arrest. Maybe the upper commanders will put a stop to it. Small towns maybe not but worth a try

  9. sounds like aberdeen, SD, make sure you wear a bullet proof vest cause you can get away once with murder in SD after that youre on your own

  10. Pennsylvania has a state law and case law against cursing at cops (not fighting words) but any language that makes an officer "uncomfortable in the discharge of their duty" is disorderly conduct.

  11. It's especially chilling now, after all the protests and all the police brutality spotlighted, to watch this blue-gang beat down, and then the way they swarmed and the one cop in that oily just-short-of-mocking voice saying, "I'm sorry you feel that way." Very creepy. New viewer from Portland.

  12. If someone called the cops in my country
    to report someone recording they would
    tell not only that they were allowed to
    record but also tell you to only call in
    with actual emergancies or you'll get a
    fine for wasting the emergancy hotline.

    To see officers show up to
    investigate a camera is just so absurd….

  13. James, you never got around to telling us what other organization a lot of the local pigs belong to. I would guess you are referring to the Mormon mafia. Is that it?

  14. I think me and your other viewers would totally appreciate a video talking about how many times you’ve been arrested how you dealt with the arrest what your charges were so we can better understand what might happen if we choose to do the things you do

  15. Good sir when you stand your ground agaisnt these badges criminals you are standing in the face of fear this is very courageous not the act of a coward

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