Stickers for a Job Well Done in Inglewood

Stickers for a Job Well Done in Inglewood

The first rule of law – one set for “you and me” one st for “them!”
Stickers for a Job Well Done in Inglewood

The #legal #definition of a #reasonable #personality
“we have generally held that a reasonable person would not believe that he or she has been seized when an officer merely approaches that person in a public place and begins to ask questions” supra.
— State v. Cripps, 533 N.W.2d 388 (1995)

One set of #laws are applied to #you and #me , one set #claims #equality within the #doctrines description. Court ruling show in supreme court decision in re Castillo, 297 F.3d 940,916 (9th Cir. 2002) citing that government agents within the judicial and quasi-judicial acts, enjoy a form of immunity which being justified in theory that it helps protect judicial independence by insulating a form of immunity by insulating judges and police officers from vexatious litigation by disgruntled litigants.

#RickyMunday # LosAngeles #police #education #advanceconcept #concept #qualifiedimmunity #immunity #sheriff #firstamendment #industry #cityofindustry #badcop #cops #thugs #gangster
#intimidating #liberty #free #passport #american #national #citizenship #california #trumpnews #politics #democrats #republicans #democracy #first #firstamendment #fifthamendment #secondamendment #rights #chamber #power

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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