Disclaimer, I am not a lawyer and am not practicing law. It doesn’t take a law degree to read law and understand the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. The Defendant is NOT Privileged Under the Law of Self Defense.

The subliminal message is posted.

I’ve been recording police and making videos since 2010. I am a freedom fighter, and I am always actively seeking to learn and educate myself and share my factual information with those that want to keep an open mind throughout this journey down the rabbit hole.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

8 thoughts on “The Defendant is NOT Privileged Under the Law of Self Defense”
  1. Ask yourself this – how many times have you done something that would justify another person killing you in self defense? If everyone that needed to be killed was killed – This world would become a Utopia.

  2. Some of us understand this is a psychological operation. Just wait to see what new gun legislation is created to farther restrict our right to bear arms. Sad part is it will probably be backed by the NRA. Oh you thought the NRA was pro gun? Wrong. They lobby for gun restrictions.

  3. Why are you still on this shit? Little fucker went looking for trouble, found it, and got away with it. Premeditated homicide.

  4. Oh let's go! Who wants to debate this? Kyle got exactly what he deserved. And if you have some bullshit debate then let's go Brandon!

  5. You have the "Right" until the Government takes it Away! We call that a "Privilege" granted by your Masters to suit their needs not yours!

    The freedoms we forfeit today are the freedoms our children will never know tomorrow. May your “Rights” RIP.

    When the Government’s Boot is on your throat, weather it is a LEFT Boot, RIGHT Boot, or a BLUE GESTAPO Boot is of NO Consequence! It is still the Government Boot!

    Major General Smedley Butler USMC – "There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights.”

    Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty for the People!

  6. The Cops hate Cameras, Transparency, Citizens, Accountability, and the Bill of Rights!
    I am from the Government. I am here to Screw you. I have Qualified Immunity. I can Kill you and get a Paid Vacation. You will kiss my ass on Demand or Else! If I don't have a Law… I will make one up! You have No stinking "Rights" on the Streets! You will not beat the Ride!
    Cops are Government! Government Protects Government! It is all about Power, Money, & Control!
    Just when you think it can't get any worse… it does! FTP & the Ruling Class that created these Monsters! Abolish Qualified Immunity! Institute Accountability! Abolish Civil Asset Forfeiture! Abolish Red Flag Laws!
    It is Clear… the US Government is at WAR with the US Citizens & the US Constitution! The Ruling Class hates the pesky citizens! They especially hate Critical Thinking Freedom Loving citizens!
    In a Country of Lies… Truth & Justice is Treason! How about the Murder of Ashli Babbitt by Capital cop Lt. Michael Byrd? When is Michael Byrd's Trial? Oh… they investigated themselves! Where is the Equal Justice!
    Let's Go Brandon! The Law has been Weaponized to Destroy You!

    The Government (Federal, State, & Local) has gone Criminally Berserk! The People need to TAKE their Governments Back! Close the GD Borders, and Fix the Injustice System!
    Gee Do You Think the People are PISSED OFF? I wonder WHY? Got Totalitarianism? Got a Police State? Everything is ILLEGAL and the Cops are Protected by both sides of the isle!
    The Gospel of Government! All Pesky Citizens Will Shut Up, PAY, and OBEY! This is what your Government thinks of the US Citizens.
    We once suffered from Criminals committing crimes, now we suffer from Psychopath Control Freak Government Agents making Laws to Control every aspect of your life and Violating the Constitution!
    When the Government’s Boot is on your throat, weather it is a LEFT Boot or a RIGHT, is of NO Consequence! It is still a Government Boot and they mean to Rule You!
    Whenever someone tells you that your safety is their responsibility, they’re either selling you something, running for office, or yanking your chain (Lying to you). It is not for anyone else to do that, especially Government!
    Legalize Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty! I am tired of being SCREWED by Big Daddy Government!
    George Washington – “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence,—it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”
    Michael Malice – “There is no law so obscene that the police would not be willing to enforce it, up to and including the mass execution of innocent children.”

  7. That whole case sham from the beginning. The police didn't even get involved when Kyle finally made it out of that area alive. The judge and lawyers knew it was profitable to hold that trial. Profitable for themselves.

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