This is why people HATE cops! Miami Beach Police THUGS – Everything Law and Order Blog

Five Miami Beach cops are charged with simple battery for excessive force this is ridiculous #acàb

I’ll have more info tomorrow along with full body cameras.

Miami Beach Police Department
Rick Clements, Chief of Police
1100 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139-4665
Contact Number: (305) 673-7925
Email Address: Region Number: 14

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


42 thoughts on “This is why people HATE cops! Miami Beach Police THUGS”
  1. Every one of these pigs that laid hands on them should be charged criminally and all the others that stood idly by and did nothing should be dismissed. Not a single one of them deserve to wear the badge.

  2. As a LEO they need to fired every single officer involved in this altercation, this are not cops they are animals.

  3. No need for any of that. None of it. What a gross display of power. They are not satisfied until there’s lots of blood or worse. Look at those vultures unloading on a man surrendering and another who recording. It’s not a few bad apples. It is the culture and you can’t fix that.

  4. What's this PDs recruiting base…….MS13 rejects? Has all the earmarks of gang activity. Right in front of a person filming and security cameras. I guess beating on a handcuffed suspect is worth your job.

  5. She is just as bad as the police charge her to because she's bullshit lying dipstick too

  6. They should all lose their jobs, either for participating or taking no action to stop this senseless behavior by law enforcement. The suspect had already submitted and anyone that doesn't see that , needs glasses more than I do

  7. Words cannot convey how sickening this is to me. These are our "blue line protectors"? I will never get over just watching it more or less being on the receiving end of it. How is there not 1 in that entire group that is not completely morally bankrupt.

  8. Hey, c'mon guys!
    I really can't find the problem here…!?

    Isn't that just your – always praised – United States..!?
    Land Of The Free…?
    The Greatest Country on Earth..!?
    The so called Leader of the free World…!?

    And the self-proclaimed 'Role Model' for all of us other western countries…!?

    Why is it, that whenever an exemple for something viscious or evil is needed,
    many americans like to refer to Germany….when the reality shows,
    that Germany was infested by evil almost 70-80 years ago.

    The one who's now ruled by evil … is You.

    I honestly hope you are strong enough to overcome this pest of corruption,
    greed and lies, lies lies … & unhuman behavior,
    which slowly suffocates your whole society.

  9. What are you Americans expect from these legalised thugs.
    You pay there benifits.
    Fire the whole lot of the scum.

  10. Honestly, can ANYONE tell me what was misdemeanor about that?
    Just wait until Florida obstruction, agitation bill passes…Is this going to be the new punishment for FILMING??? This is why they don't want anyone filming

  11. Everyone of those fucking grubs need to be charged. Even the ones that didnt stop it. No wonder we fucking laugh when one of these gutter rats get the cold room temperature.

  12. Absolutely astonishing how inept this group of thugs is at subduing a perp. Neither of them fought back initially yet 20 swine can’t control one scrawny dude. The blue gang is ineffective and thuggish.

  13. That gosh darn 1% of the bad apples at it again. That must be one HUGE police department.
    If only a few of the other 99% had shown up. 🤔

  14. They are worse than criminals–just like pedophile priests are worse than regular pedos, because they represent themselves as godly leaders of innocent men when while defiling their children.

    These cops give criminals a bad name. Any crime a cop is convicted of should be punished one level higher–i.e. assault punished like attempted murder, manslaughter like second-degree murder, and a cop who does second-degree murder should be sentenced as if it was premeditated and given the death penalty.

  15. Only 19 Law Enforcement Officers for one perp. A bit of over Manning you would think.

  16. I have just sent a message to the universe to taze and bash these thug cops to a pulp so they can't work again because police higher ups will just slap them on the wrists.

  17. Viewing the bodycam footage will be telling. The cameraman,hoping hes ok, now owns Miami!!

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