Tucson 3rd fail in 3 hours – Everything Law and Order Blog

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Tucson 3rd fail in 3 hours”
  1. James, I have a question which has nothing to do with this video. What happens when they take your camera, or cellphone and cease it?

  2. James HUGE fan of your work in the education of the unlawful enforcement. However this particular video struck me as a odd one. They came out greeted you and only asked that you not film victims. Which I understand, as there are rape victims and witnesses to murders that would be in the best interest not to video as it would serve no real purpose and only put them in a potential danger. ANYWAY… I seen this video a little different from your other work as to you were seemingly soliciting confrontation. They were staying out of your way and it almost seemed to aggravate you that they did not infringe on your constitutional rights. I give them a B+ on there actions as a whole. I believe they were for the most part courteous and respected your rights. The job of a auditor is to make sure that the rights of the Constitution are not being taken away or infringed upon. Once that goal is met then move to the next. However antagonizing and soliciting confrontation defeats the purpose if the subject is honoring your rights. No disrespect toward you. As I stated huge fan. Just a little respectful criticism.

  3. The captain is an A$$HOLE and his lack of respect for Mr. Freeman only shows his ignorance. James Freeman Audits, the actual process is a great metric or test for each PD to go through. They should "Just Obey". . .

  4. Good cop , bad cop. Captain dickhead and officer I Hear Ya! Then go next door and put fear into the people😵😵 Close your window and move to the back😵😵. 👍👍 Good Job. Captain Dickhead!!

  5. Victims? You area a million times more likely to be a victim of a cop than any other type of common thief.

  6. It’s a necessary EVIL so we gotta watch it. Really think on that people. wow great wording brother. I’ll use that in the future thanks

  7. “I want to give you an opportunity”,,,,—to kiss my self righteous ass. Then he goes next door to further spread his ignorance and childish attitude.

  8. That is pretty sad that we have to train these guys on the constitution when they took an oath that’s how dumb cops are

  9. The best thing for freedom in the past 100 years is a smartphone with an instant upload to the cloud. Never store video on your phone.

  10. Find out if officer Johost is still on the force. A very violent tyrant, that brags that he can beat you up and get away with it. Qualified immunity. He also said he was a white supremacist. I experienced him back 2014. He needs to be exposed!

  11. @12:10 I totally disagree with you James, they understand but do not respect it b/c they don’t like it. I don’t like the fact that my tax payer dollars goes directly to these tyrants bank account (line clock work) every week but I have no say in that, now do I?

  12. I guess we all missed the throngs of "Victims" waiting to get in! Cops are so dumb that they don't realize that just saying Hi and leaving you alone would probably result in you leaving soon after entering.

  13. THANKS JAMES, For making sure the people keep what little GOD Given Rights we have left. It's apparent that it doesn't matter what the law is, does it? I didn't see any victims come in? Thanks again, 🙂

  14. It would have been funny if you had told the old woman officer that you had planned to be gone but the captain convinced you to stick around longer and do more filming.

  15. After about a year of watching alot of these audits it's my feeling that "police" hate their fellow people's rights and that's a very concerning situation.

  16. Hey JF, here’s a thought, how about we advocate for the removal of the title Law ENFORCEMENT Officers and replace it with Law COMPLIANCE Officers. My reasons being they really believe that they have the authority and power to ENFORCE their individual interpretation of what they consider to be a law. Lawyers study for years to understand how the LAWS are structured and administered yet these ego maniacs think they can be qualified in just a handful of weeks. Just sayin!!!

  17. How can the FAA oversee the maintenance and air worthiness of 1 million aircraft and coordinate 5k flights at anyone given second. Yet the police with some of tbe most basic of duties are this blatenly aweful.

  18. As I said before – you can tell them the incongruencey was because the person told you if you had not had asthma since childhood you could answer no but that you answered yes to the inhaler because you did indeed have an rx since childhood for an inhaler PROPHYLACTICALLY So you had to answer yes for the inhaler.

  19. My first time watching you, and im paying no attention to the first moments of the video. Because im too focused on if u have or would ever give a first name wait for them to ask for last and phrase and pace your sentence to where u give your name but sound as though you were refusing id.

  20. Freeman you’re a dick. I don’t say that lightly but you should highlight the cops when they’re being right and go after the tyrants you badgering them cops was discredit to the service you provide

  21. Go to Maricopa County and Audit the Board of Supervisors. You should make a citizens arrest there.

  22. Doesn't want to hear any other point of view walks away rudely. Wants to maintain pretense of ignorance. So he does not have to be recorded being informed on citizens rights
    Basically stopped you in your tracks. Must be a tactic they employ a lot. I hsve seen it before so I am betting it is intentional operating procedure

    Very good work
    Thank You

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