Unlawfully ARRESTED! – Dr Shawn Berry Florida police TYRANT officer Maya #auditorarrested – Everything Law and Order Blog

https://jmaudits.com/school-safety-zone-arrest-rights-violations/ (this right violating statute text here)

Rogue nation arrest video – https://youtu.be/-PsqMgpop3I

Dr Shawn Berry channel – https://youtube.com/c/DrShawnBerry


** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Unlawfully ARRESTED! – Dr Shawn Berry Florida police TYRANT officer Maya #auditorarrested”
  1. I'm pretty sure for them to use that and tresspass you, you have to be breaking a law. So just them coming to tell you to leave isn't good enough.

  2. So let me better understand this. Anyone driving past or walking past a school in that city can be arrested for trespassing, Like Dr. Berry. OR if you've been trespassed and drive past it or walk by it you can then be arrested for trespassing. Or if you live within the 500ft and get notification of trespassing you can't live in your own home? Good Luck Floridians

  3. Thank God for Government Laws & Corporate Restrictions! Without them, we would have NO FREEDOMS at All! What a Great Country… where NO Choice is now Your only Choice!
    OMG… This is the FREEST Country in the World?

    Psalm 113 The Government Giveth nothing and the Government Taketh everything… blessed be the Government! For all power and force, belong to Government! The sheep shall kneel down, Shut Up, Obey, and Pay!

    Psalm 121 The Government shall control thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and forevermore. No Real ID; No Fly! No Vaccine Passport; No Fly! No Mask; No Fly! 4 ounces of liquid; No Fly! Piss off the Government with your 1st Amendment; No Fly! Flying is now a Government Privilege reserved for the special people!

    Psalm 131 O Israel, put your hope in the US Government, both now and forevermore. The Money shall spew forth as if from a never-ending fountain called the FED on the backs of the Proletariat!

    The Post Office is Spying on Us! Ep. 7.434 (Steve Lehto)
    The Gospel According to Government (Larken Rose – YouTube)
    Privacy: Who Needs it (Stossel)
    Police Officers Arresting Biker With Taser For Jaywalking (Texas) (A Happy Day)
    Welfare for the Rich (John Stossel)
    Cop Loses It When Passenger Disagrees – Contempt Of Cop (LackLuster)

  4. What does his profession have anything to do with his arrest. I'm such of this crap about adding a doctor to some stranger that isn't relevant to medicine. They are no better than anyone.

  5. ✌️😎📷💯 Alright piggy's.. leave Dr Shawn Berry Alone. ✌️😬 I don't think they'll listen to me.

  6. Check with Jeff Gray at Honor Your Oath channel. He had the same thing happen to him and he beat it if I remember correctly.

  7. So a guy gets arrested for trespassing, then the cops take his phone and try to get into it. REALLY! This not policing. These cops are thugs, the law means nothing to them. I hope the Dr. sues.

  8. His charges may not be dropped. The Florida Legislature just passed a Bill a couple weeks ago making it "ILLEGAL " to Film Police while they're doing their job. They upheld convictions on 3 people who were arrested for doing this and they said even though the 1st Amendment gives you that Right, they still consider it Illegal. Florida cop watchers and 1st Amendment Auditors better be careful, they could end up in a VERY COSTLY LEGAL BATTLE and end up with a Record. Google "Florida made it Illegal to video Police Officers "

  9. Tresspassing laws are being violated all over fl. Thanks for your teaching. Keep it up. I am going to court today. 1:00 judge carbello pinelas county. I will be using Sec 242 of title 18 under the color of law violating my civil rights. And sec 14141 pattern and practice by gulfport police. Wish me luck

  10. Arrogant and uneducated police officers. This besmudges to reputations of all police officers and that seems to be unfortunate. Perhaps a federal standard for police officers would be a good idea and may help clean up these small departments with inbred officers.

  11. Is recording a video while you are driving, with your kids in the car the smartest thing you can do? I watch the majority of your videos, love the content but I guess I expect a higher standard from you.

  12. Land of the free lol. As much as the UK sucks at times I am glad we are no where like that. Keep up the good work all.

  13. You guys are doing awesome work. True patriots! I live in a town on LI that has memorials from many freedom fighters against tyranny of the crown. You are fighting the same fight. Your willing to risk your freedom for your values!

  14. How are you driving while staring into a camera? Also, it appears your back window is obstructed with pillows. Both are traffic infractions in WI, so I'm seriously curious regarding Florida law.

  15. Is there not enough real crime in America without creating bogus crimes against lawful individuals. Lady liberty needs to be demolished.

  16. Here in Louisiana our trespass laws are tough .you are trespassing if you don't have written permission to be on any land, even if you are lost.

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