Update – Florance County Deputy Is No Longer With The Department

Update – Florance County Deputy Is No Longer With The Department

Stay tuned to Pepperoni Audits for uploads of all the footage from this interaction

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43 thoughts on “Update – Florance County Deputy Is No Longer With The Department

  1. The reason Deputy Florance is no longer with the department is that he got promoted. I will not reveal my sources but soon he will be running for mayor. Sorry to reveal the bad news.

  2. After seeing more and more video of this department and knowing the SGT got fired for attacking a citizen journalist and seeing how the officers in this video acted more than one officer should be fired.

  3. In many of these towns that have large Military Contractors the company puts all kinds of money into civic organizations and the politicians pockets. It is great you got some justice.

  4. This whole sheriff's department is corrupt, the deputies just proved that. The Sheriff needs to get rid of the bad apples in hjs department or he will be out of a job because he is elected to office

  5. News flash! The state of South Carolina has conducted a training session early in 2022. All agencies were invited to Columbia South Carolina and urged to attend concerning the first amendment audits.
    If this Sheriff did not attend or if he did not send a representative then he needs to go during the next election. If he did send someone or if he did attend himself he still needs to be out of office at the next election because obviously this information was not conveyed. He waited to put you taxpayers in jeopardy of a lawsuit.
    FYI citizens of South Carolina. I believe South Carolina has 46 counties. That means they have 46 sheriffs. Since 2010 there have been 14 sheriffs convicted of felonies. That number is a little strange isn’t it? You had better pay attention to who or what you’re putting in office

  6. Abolish qualified immunity! Remember this disrespectful behaviour at Election time because it ALWAYS runs downhill! 💩🤡🐷❄️😤🤯🚽⚖️💸🇺🇸👏🏻

  7. The idea that ANY law enforcement agency has to “train” and have it be an “ongoing” process for officers, deputies and command staff (ffs) to understand the FIRST AMENDMENT is utterly absurd and a complete embarrassment…or at least ought to be.

    This is elementary school level stuff here.

    The same goes for ID laws in the various states. The idea that any law enforcement officer is unaware of, or misrepresents, their states ID law requirements is an absolute shame and a stain on all law enforcers.

    If they can’t get these most basic and fundamental of our rights correct, how can we trust them to enforce anything whatsoever…let alone anything remotely nuanced.

  8. Every officer that was there on the scene should be fired and held criminal liable. They witnessed the sergeant attack the individual and praised him for doing so by not condoning it and not upholding their own oath to the Constitution by stopping him.

  9. I see the point, But the outcome is always the same all he has to do is move to another county or to another state, I guess my question is he can still get a job in law enforcement what really changed besides forcing a x cop to move

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