What is Green Cove police HIDING?! JMA + honor your oath – Everything Law and Order Blog


Chief E.J. Guzman jguzman@gcspd.com 904-297-7301

Operations Commander Shawn E. Hines shines@gcspd.com 904-297-7311

Anyone with information about misconduct of a green cove springs police department please email- jamesmadisonaudits@gmail.com

@HonorYourOath Civil Rights Investigations

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


27 thoughts on “What is Green Cove police HIDING?! JMA + honor your oath”
  1. james your asking them when your their superior and you should be demanding, in vermont state law and constitution we have the right to give order an official to do somthing so long as it doesn't violate laws and if they don't follow the order its a crime under general provisions

  2. If I had my wife's condition, I could get legal permission to tint my windows beyond the standard limit. Conversely, law enforcement could also get legal permission to tint their windows beyond the standard limit

  3. The Freemasonic ORDER is 1000% in control of ALL American police and their training! The Thin Blue Line = The Blue Line Flag = The Blue(local) Lodge of Freemasonry! The Thin Blue Line is the DIRECT representation of the BLUE LODGE OF FREEMASONRY!!!! The Blue Lodge cantrols all military, security and police forces, the Red Lodge controls administrative officials, like senators, congressmen, president and cabinet and supreme court, etc. All cops are pressured to join the local(Blue) Lodge! The oath to a cops freemasonic brotherhood, IN SECRET, …OVERRIDES and NULLIFIES his PUBLIC oath to the Constitution, the USA, …AND WE THE PEOPLE! The VERY FIRST thing a freemason MUST DO, to join the ORDER is TAKE AN OATH TO KEEP SECRETS FROM THE PUBLIC! THATS your police force America! Which oath do you think they honor/uphold more?!!! They are in total control of ALL police training thru their brotherhood ORDER The FOP, the Federal ORDER of Police, which fully controls ALL police academies and police unions!

    They are INTENTIONALLY putting these undertrained, low IQ, corrupted by power, apathetic, ignorant psychos out on our streets without a speck of substantive training, and they even encourage their BETRAYAL, by promising "Qualified Immunity" whenever they violate our Constitutional rights! Its all part of their plan to destroy our Constitution, …the rights it provides, …our freedom, …and America as a whole, to fold it into a global New World ORDER government. And the incredibly low intelligence, honor and morality of accepted applicants, ensures that the stupidity of cops will keep them from ever questioning how incredibly UNDERTRAINED they are, or understanding just exactly how they are being setup, and used, to destroy their very own country …and the country of their very own families, friends and neighbors!



    Freemasons worship the Sun, the Sun is Lucifer, "the light bearer", the Morning Star, which Rises in the East, which is why female freemasnry is "the Eastern Stars".

    What year do you think we are living in?

    Well, to us, we believe we are living in the year 2022 A.D., which means Anno Domini, which means "In the year of our Lord"

    BUT, to Freemasonry, which began in Babylon, ….they believe, and go by the fact, that it is actually the year 6022 A.L., which means Anno Lucis, which means "In the year of LUCIFER!

    HERE IS THE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF THIS! When freemasons build their temples, they always make a cornerstone, or plaque, marked with year that the temple was built, MANY TIMES they put the year, that the temple was built, in BOTH A.D.(Anno Domini, "In the year of our Lord") ….AND …in A.L.(Anno Lucis,"In the year of LUCIFER") !!!

    For instance, a temple built in 1914 in A.D., is also shown as 5914 A.L.


    Do a google image search of "Freemason cornerstones". Look thru them and notice how many show the date in both A.D. and A.L. !!!

  4. Wow! They are absolutely disgusting. The people in most areas are struggling just to put gas in their cars and buy groceries and they are buying expensive windows and writing tint tickets. We have a new sheriff in our area who got rid of the metal detectors in our small town and invited first amendment auditors into the very small court house and his office and he also was front and center when the citizens of our county wanted to make our county a second amendment sanctuary. I have a little bit of faith in our new sheriff but we are still watching and that’s exactly what we all need to be doing. Thank you guys for everything you do and please stay safe out there.

  5. Police do not take their oaths to the people or our Rights, they take their oaths to the Federal and State Constitutions. Barron Vs Baltimore, States are not Obligated to uphold the Bill Of Rights, this means the Federal Constitution is not Obligated to enforce the Bill Of Rights, Amendment 14 Section 1, Citizens are SUBJECT to State Authority. we are only Guaranteed our 5th and 6th Amendment, Due Process and Equal Protection.

  6. Yup, our chief of police of Morgan Hill Ca rolls around with super dark tint! I bet that’s how he got his car too! Thanks for highlighting this issue!

  7. YouTube is so inconsistent. It won't allow comments to post phone numbers, web addresses, emails. But it lets channels post in the description any of those things. What's the difference?

  8. The chief claims someone had a sign saying "I LOVE georgia vs CUMMING" that they describes as "cleverly written" and then claimed that when officers arrived he was on private property, but I have no record of that ever happening.

    It's a good job that the chief does full and accurate investigations to make sure that the information that's put out is true lol… It must have been so "cleverly written" that even with the officers reports, relevant case law of Smith vs Cumming (that they should be aware of) and video evidence, the chief's still not intelligent enough to know what it said, or where he was standing when they arrived.

  9. I keep seeing this pattern 🤔 Shaved head, and arms, look like they're definitely taking steroids, and usually a blue line sleeve…

  10. Great stuff ! It’s so awesome to see law abiding citizens holding government Accountable plus exposing the tyranny on steroids across America, We The People are The principles Not the Subjects !
    If we could stop the race & gender divisions they sow and stand together to get rid of the “ employed” corrupt including the supreme court we didn’t elect that reduces our rights and holds officer safety over our inalienable rights Americans could feel proud rather than fear!!!

  11. Watch the idiot run back and get his Daddy. did you notice his red puffy eyes? we all know what that means. well, it's John Guzman who would never have been promoted if not for the death of Derek Asdot. how much do you think? it cost Guzman to buy that worthless star .

  12. In Florida, as hot as it is? There should be no tint restrictions in southern states. Those guy have the worst summers in the entire country.

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