What is this City Attorney drinking on the job? #firstamendment

What is this City Attorney drinking on the job? #firstamendment


Bar rules. https://www-media.floridabar.org/uploads/2022/08/TFB-Best-Practices-Guide-For-Remote-Court-Proceedings-2022-Edition.pdf

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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38 thoughts on “What is this City Attorney drinking on the job? #firstamendment

  1. Absolutely something she knew she shouldn’t be drinking on the job, the oh shit put it back move along with the awe crap look on her face said it all…

  2. Wooooowwww, yeah she's drinking. It was habit for her to pick up that bottle and she quickly realized she fkd up 😮😂😂😂

  3. So they are trying to suspend state law for a 60 day period? When did this become a thing? I am going to guess that they are trying to suspend underage drinking for 60 days, wow!

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