WHY YOU NEVER TALK TO POLICE – 5th Amendment Rights – Amagansett Press – First Amendment Audit – Everything Law and Order Blog

WHY YOU NEVER TALK TO POLICE – 5th Amendment Rights – Amagansett Press – First Amendment Audit

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


33 thoughts on “WHY YOU NEVER TALK TO POLICE – 5th Amendment Rights – Amagansett Press – First Amendment Audit”
  1. Wow I wish I would have seen this video when I was younger. You can bet my children & family will watch this in it’s entirety

  2. one thing that i hope to aid in bringing to light is the fact that all laws and policies are put in place for monetary gain. cops enforce laws for the people who own and profit from those laws. same with everyone else involved in the legal system. whoever has the most power, usually the most money can instate whatever bullshit law they want and its usually a low level educated human that will be willing to bring to "justice"

  3. 99% of my job as a lawyer and legal academic is telling stupid people to shut their yap. You have no idea how hard it is to get that concept through peoples heads. "I have nothing to say." It's not hard. If you feel guilty, prefix it with sorry, or under legal advice, but just don't spill your guts about wearing womens underwear the moment someone says hello. Say nothing. Talk to a lawyer first. Face to face and alone somewhere you feel secure.

  4. I found it odd Amag Press puts this on his channel. He always talks to cops, always too much talking. Of course, it makes for a much better drama videos, right?

  5. When you're pulled over by an officer / revenue collector and tell him I do not consent. And the officer / revenue collector proceeds by saying sign the ticket or go to jail. At this time he has become his person and has surrendered his qualified immunity. He then becomes liable for criminal and civil charges.This is also known as criminal coercion it puts the officer / revenue collector behind bars for 2 to 5 years with a permanent mark on his record.

  6. Ask the officer / revenue collector if he has probable cause supported by oath or affirmation.Meaning he must have concrete proof that you have committed a crime or are in the process of committing a crime. If so the office / revenue collector must have a signed warrant with a certified affidavit attached to it otherwise the officer is operating under the color of law and should be put in jail for no less than one year.

  7. If you haven't committed murder, bodily harm, property damage or theft then you have committed absolutely no crime whatsoever.Codes, statutes and ordinances all must be maintained through consent otherwise the officer is operating under the color of law and may be put in prison from one year all the way to the death penalty never consent.

  8. Study lawful contracts, grammar and styles manuals meant for lawful contracts and you will see that the de-facto government contracts are counterfeit fraud.

  9. Learn the difference between a citizen and a man they are not the same thing they are convicting the citizen they are not allowed to contract with a man.

  10. The 11th amendment provides no shield for a state official confronted by a claim that he has deprived another of a federal right under the color of state law. When a state officer acts under a state law in a manner violative of the Federal Constitution, and he in that case is stripped of his official representative character, and is subject in his person to the consequences of his individual conduct, the state has no power to impart to him any immunity from responsibility to the supreme authority of the United States.

  11. This man should make the men and women of this Republic aware of the fact that our government is operating in de facto now that they are acting under the color of law not law the color of law which puts them behind bars.

  12. The attorney / lawyers are criminals their allegiance is to the British crown and the court first they failed to tell you that you become a ward of a court when you hire them.A court is supposed to be a level playing field yet the judge sets 3 tears higher than you in a different jurisdiction why is that?

  13. The federal government is a foreign private corporation out for profit operating in de facto using the color of law not law itself. Legal is not lawful in most cases legal is criminal.

  14. When I was like 21 I actually got out of a felony burglary charge by talking to the cops and being honest. They were ready to arrest me, but after talking to them they realized I was more of victim of circumstance than anything else. They still could have charged me, but decided against it. I just had to write an apology letter to the victim, and pay for part of the property damage.

  15. Just so people aren't confused, the 5th ammendment right can only be used when you're either arrested or in court. Whenever the professor is talking about never talking to the police, he's always referring to a situation where you've been placed under arrest or in court.

  16. just use your phone to record any interaction with police , period!. DO NOT RELY ON TRANSCRIPTION . not unless your momma is the transcriber . I had one of those go wrong. Transcribed incorrectly

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