Wkmg news report –

00:00 start
03:00 police
05:00 interview

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

36 thoughts on “Woman talks AFTER Miranda! She’s accused of hitting sheriff on bicycle”
  1. What does his previous bike accident have to with this? Absolutely nothing – for you wannabe attorneys in the comment section!

  2. She should have stopped – called 911 and talked to cops after she ran him over! If you do anything different your a scumbag! If you disagree your a scumbag also!

  3. I think riding a bikini the road is risking your life and should be illegal if there are sidewalks. But if you run someone over you stop! That just a law of life! If someone runs over your family member – you wont be taking all that trash like you are in this garbage comment section! Some trashy people live on this dirty ass earth!

  4. I grew up in Florida riding a bicycle on the roads. We had enough sense to get out of the way of cars! Where I lived, there were no sidewalks. As I got older I rode motorcycles until I was almost ran over by a garbage truck… There are a lot of stupid drivers on the roads! It hasn't gotten any better in the last 60 years…

  5. If it had been Joe citizen hit by a car while cycling….
    The cops would make very little effort, if any at all, to find the driver. That's the blue line gang and thems the facts.

  6. Don't talk to the cops! Don't flee from the scene of an accident. Please, render aid and summon help. As in life, running from responsibility is a dick move.

  7. On the official WA state printers office website, most govt printed materials items are free (brochures, posters, stickers, drink coasters, etc). However the Miranda warning cards are only available to LE *only" and at a higher than average cost. And shooting targets of "bad guys" – at cost.

  8. Sounds like they don't have any evidence that it's her to me. Unless they can get some kind of bike paint off her car or car paint off her bike, it's going to be hard to prove. That potato video is useless.

  9. When something happens to a cop, they mobilize the entire apparatus of law enforcement from INTERPOL on down. Something bad happens to a Prole…no biggie.

  10. If I hit someone on their bike i would sure as hell stop, Miranda rights or not take responsibility for your actions

  11. What this girl did was wrong and her life will be ruined, and probably get some jail time. Compare that to the recent case where a blue line gangster came up on a stop too fast and ran over his blue line gang brother and the guy he pulled over. If you look at the article it's like only the gangster was killed, hardly a mention of the guy being held against his will. Was he checked for drugs or alcohol? Will he be charged? No and no would be my answer, because there are in fact two sets of laws.

  12. I have always thought Florida's bike laws were stupid. They tell bicyclists they have to ride in the road for pedestrian safety but few roads have bike paths.

  13. She should have stopped because I didn’t see any lights on the sheriffs bicycle and it looked like inclement weather to me.

  14. I live in a small valley between 2 mountains. Our narrow road that runs through national Forrest, and is barely wide enough for 2 vehicles, is a favorite bike way for bicycles. They think they own the road, will not yield when they need to and will ride in a row, taking up the entire lane. I have a real problem with this. I have to pay to use that road, they do not. I feel sorry for the first person to snag on of those bikes or run them off the side of a cliff.

  15. Lets talk about when this very Shefiff, lost his bicycle from what, I believe was a county vehicle on 95 and caused a 3 car accident. That went on the taxpayers dime. The big question is, where has Chitwood been?

  16. yeah but we just wanna hear your Sadly many young people feel the windshield of your car is really a video game.

  17. This is flat-out wrong. If she talks without a M Warning, anything she says can be used against her. M applies after an arrest, not before. Once you are arrested, the police can not question you. Before you are arrested, anything you say is voluntary. I'm with American Amy here "DON'T TALK TO COPS." Just don't do it. Give them nothing.

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