Adam Pearson: Freak Show (Medical Conditions Documentary) | Real Stories – Everything Law and Order Blog

Documentary in which actor and presenter Adam Pearson explores the world of freak shows and meets people who use their medical conditions to educate, entertain and make money.

Adam has neurofibromatosis, a genetic condition that causes non-cancerous tumours called fibromas to grow along his nerve endings. Whilst these can grow anywhere, most of Adam’s have grown on his face, causing severe disfigurement.

Adam has been called ‘monster’, ‘freak’ and ‘Elephant Man’ because of his similarity to Joseph Merrick – one of the most famous freak show performers in history. It’s a name he despises and something he has tried to distance himself from, even avoiding watching the film, but he was inspired to make this programme after being approached to work with a famous American freak show.

To find out if his concerns regarding exploitation are true, Adam travels to America and spends time with travelling freak show 999 Eyes, meeting its most famous ‘born freaks’, Black Scorpion and Vlad Vendetta. He travels to Mexico to meet world-famous performer Jesus ‘Chuy’ Aceves, who is known onstage as Wolf Boy due to a condition that causes excess hair to grow on his face. Adam also meets people from modern-day freak shows such as actor Mat Fraser, who starred in the cult TV series American Horror Story: Freak Show.

Will spending time with the performers change Adam’s viewpoint, and could he be closer to the Elephant Man than he ever thought? Will he be inspired to take to the stage and put on his first one-man freak show?

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49 thoughts on “Adam Pearson: Freak Show (Medical Conditions Documentary) | Real Stories”
  1. Well the people chose to be performers in the 'freak shows' in the Victorian times…they were paid well and they were treated well. The Elephant Man himself chose to be a performer in order to get a lot of money, and it worked.

  2. We are all freaks in one form or another. Even the most beautiful, or the smartest, the most unaware or lopsided and stumpy….I am a freak with my genes so messed up my financial state reads like a roller coaster due to bouts of medical freakishness. My teeth being yellow and crooked give away my freakishness with each smile…I ussed to be very pretty but radio active iodine to kill my thyroid stained my teeth and I can't afford to get them fixed. So, I don't smile with my mouth open for the last fifty years. I am a freak but who cares when I have love?

  3. It's not normal that anything that's different than 100 million people looks all the same. Something like that annoys me, he's a person with feelings, he just looks different, the rest is the same. It's the same with black people 99.9% inside the same with amrs legs heart liver kidneys ect but only because they are black which is because of the continent they were born on. treat everyone the way you would like to be treated. i stay behind you. if you don't are normal, your are normal to me.POINT.god bless him

  4. Adam your are as god sent you , unique ,no one will ever come close to being as you ,your well spoken,intelligent and respectful,with a kindness all your own, I love you and who you are embrace who you are ,live to your fullest ,life is a journey and we only get one chance, my blessings to you and mum,

  5. A handsome tall popular male was kicking me when I was down, pulling my hair, spitting in my face, punching me in my face, choking me, and he got away with it. He is very respected for his looks. He is a real monster.

  6. Joseph Carey Merrick (5 August 1862 – 11 April 1890), often erroneously called John Merrick, Was a lovely man and ended up being loved and respected

    Adam, I don’t care how you look , but you have a whinging , rotten personality. There is always someone worse off . I’ve seen your “hidden videos” walk around – no one treats you poorly , which further proves your unlikable ness .

    You cannot change your looks, but you can improve your personality

    BTW – you cannot act .

  7. This is amazing, I love it when people show love and support. Taking and changing our own narratives is what we all should do. I've met extraordinary people over the years that are amazing

  8. It's always sad when people are unkind even to their family. I have allergies, bad allergies, it's always sad when people judge without knowing their stories. I once met a little boy scarred from a fire, I always saw him as beautiful, and encouraged him always. Treat people kindly, it shows how wonderful people are

  9. Something doesn't sit well with me regarding this particular part of the doc. 9:47 I like Mat Fraser's personality in this. He has the talent to pull off that comedy gig I knew even before he was great in movie Under The Skin with Scarlett Johansson.

  10. What a superstar. This guy has more charisma in his little finger than many supposedly good looking folks, where vanity makes up 90% of their personality. Really enjoyed this documentary.

  11. People will always stare at him as we're all curious and are fascinated by anything different, why not monetise and own it, but I don't think it works here in the UK, only the US where they're all freaks anyway.

  12. That description of the elephant man in the museum was heart breaking. these shows still exist! I remember going to the Mexican Circus that came to my small town and there were the family that they called Wolf Family . And in Asian they have such shows too as the Tree man made his money that way to support his family!

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