Bill Clinton Shades Stokely Carmichael At John Lewis’ Funeral – Everything Law and Order Blog

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30 thoughts on “Bill Clinton Shades Stokely Carmichael At John Lewis’ Funeral”
  1. Remember what MLK said about the “white moderate”? He was talking about people like Bill Clinton and most of the Democratic Party.

  2. Charlemagne. I am not your oppressor. Stop. It's not working. You are on a great radio show, your incredibly talented but politics is not your strength.
    You totally missed the point.

  3. Charlemagne you are wrong as usual. I can't believe a president that is known for being extremely popular to Black ppl and a large part of this country of all races is now being treated like he is some scumbag Nazi. He literally gave John Lewis a compliment n said NON VIOLENCE PREVAILED over a strategy that had it's necessities but for LONG TERM GOALS DIDN'T WORK. Now he's a bowl of "Mayonnaise potato salad" wtf are you talking about dude.

    I didn't hear him saying ANYTHING that KING wouldn't have said. Going for Non violence over violence isn't just a SPECIAL BLACK THING. There is a psychological reason why it works. That's why Tiennamen square is so famous. Ghandi obviously and countless others like oh idk JOHN LEWIS THE GUY WHO DIED AND WHO THEY'RE REMEMBERING.
    I fail to see how this was OFFENSIVE in any way.

    If this is a "Gotcha moment" for saying something that THE PERSON WHO WROTE HIS Memoir/Biography would have said. Not all his ideas proved AS EFFECTIVE LONGTERM AS JOHN LEWIS.
    THIS IS such a petty, unimportant comment that if any other black person would have made it nobody would have batted an eyelash.

    This kills me in a country I love when the white people who ARE NOT RACIST are suddenly being read as racist. Its unbelievable. There is NO consistency here. That's why when Angela Stanton came on she owned y'all cause u wanna act like u Kno politics when u just wanna race bait.

    Sad man

  4. Not to mention how the Clinton’s robbed and destroy Haiti.The Clinton’s brought nothing but prolonged despair. Some 13.3 billions was pledged by international donors, so Haiti can rebuild. The second year after the earthquake, 9.9 more was raised. They made themselves the commissioner to handles Haiti’s donation, in particular the Clinton foundation, meddling in international affairs. They very much hated in Haiti.

  5. Well Carmichael's rhetoric may have conflicted with lewis and dr. Kings 's so he, the panthers,and X were considered militant. Same cause and goals just a diffrent style. Clinton don't feel comfortable.

  6. The Clinton's are some of the biggest culture vultures of modern times. Bill is responsible for locking up more people of color, primarily black people, than just about anyone human history

  7. Hahaha. Remember when people were saying that Clinton was the first black president just because he played a sax on Arsenio Hall’s show?!? Always thought that shit was corny AF to claim. Showed y’all.

  8. Billy “Lolita Express” Clinton needs to go away. Also vote out the useless pig in office who’d rather golf than care for his sick citizens.

  9. This is a reach 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

  10. He is like Trump. Any occasion will be used to talk about himself and/or a condescending dis about those who are lower than him. Also, anyone notice that Trump, Clinton, and Biden seem to have very diminished mental capacity? Why are their followers so enthralled at what they say?

  11. But but but you still riding with moderate dems though right🤔 You caping for Harris right🤔 They are one in the same. I know you are rich CTG but you are going to get taxed fairly soon trust. Tick, Tick, Tick

    Progressives all day we are making good trouble for the people, the VAST MAJORITY of people not the rich.

    What is truly radical is why we have a country thar doesn't have free tuition or medicare for all while every other industrialized does. If our system is so great why haven't they moved to what we are currently doing.

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