Charles Barkley Pushes Back On Breonna Taylor Case – Everything Law and Order Blog

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34 thoughts on “Charles Barkley Pushes Back On Breonna Taylor Case”
  1. So apparently when a black persoas an opinion that doesn't support a certain narrative it's because the secretly he/she hate themself. Critical and impartial thinking are traits of self-hate given this logic. Blacks that think this way must be silenced. Damn the truth. You must stay on code at all cost if your black or you must hate yourself.

    Got it.

    Get a clue and grow the f8ck up!

  2. Please show your gratitude for this HERO – MR. JOHN FITZGERALD JOHNSON (aka GRAND MASTER JAY). The Founder and Commander of America's largest ALL BLACK MILITIA (NFAC). Your support is needed to help us defeat this racist attack on Americans exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights. His teachings have ignited a renewed unification of people around the world; and his organization has stood up to the powers that be in the face of such atrocities as the AHMAUD ARBERY & BREONNA TAYLOR killings. GMJ has been targeted by the U.S. Government; as a condition of his pre-trials release he has had his 1st Amendment and 2nd Amendment RIGHTS removed. The U.S. Government moves to silence, destroy and disarm this MOVEMENT. Please assist us with signing the petitions below and raising the funds needed to pay his Lawyer/Attorney fees for both his STATE & FEDERAL LEGAL DEFENSE TEAM. We ask you to HELP Mr. Johnson WIN this blatant bogus attack on him as we know that he has fearlessly stood for US ALL.

    "HISTORY is NOT repeating itself, WE ARE repeating HISTORY!" – John Fitzgerald Johnson aka GRAND MASTER JAY





  3. Both were victims of police murder; one intentional and one grossly negligent. Charles Barkley is a moral bankrupt, and is slandering the victim. I detest Charles Barkley and I am glad Black people are dragging him. Let's drag his immoral position for 100 years.

  4. Tatem Report. Get the truth. Both her and her boyfriend were heavily involved in her exs drug trade. And I have to say, the way you defended her boyfriend was so funny to me. First, he admits the police knocked but didnt announce themselves because he stated they asked who was at the door. What indruders knock on the door of the people they are trying to rob? They both knew who was at the door and why they were there. The warrent was for Breonna, her apartment, and her car. Tatem Report will show you all the facts .

  5. Why he didn't get shot because he ducked off out of the way, that's why she(in the drug trafficking game) got hit. What a man walker is right. Its funny how Charlemagne the fraud never stepped up for any other instances except what can push his career and spotlight, go straighten up the hoods killing more blacks with the nwa gangsta mentality. You racist money hustla with selected "facts ".

  6. Well all I know is if you shoot at or shot a cop what you think is going to happen and they were running a drug operation too 🤔 so… just saying

  7. Kenneth Walker did NOT shoot at the cops! He shot at someone he thought was breaking into his house. The police did not announce themselves during this "no-knock" warrant. And why the hell are the police "supposedly" serving a warrant at midnight? Get your facts straight CB.

  8. Well charlamange if we stick to the facts her boyfriend in the body cam footage said it was her who shot the gun because she was scared so hes lying the cops lying they all lying the whole situation is fuckd this is what happens when you lie tell the truth

  9. Your past follows you closely… look at her history. Just call Charles an Uncle Tom because you don’t agree with him.

  10. In the end, after all this talking and bullshilt. We have a young woman dead for no reason. Y'all need to think. Why get a no knock warrant to knock on a supposed drug house with violent drug heads inside?

  11. No one thinks it's weird that the bf did not get hurt at all and his gf got so many bullets? That dont make no sense.

  12. Once again, someone black thinks for himself and makes good points and the black community calls him a donkey. Ridiculous. Blake people continue to act stupid.

  13. Breonna Taylor was a fired EMT that was cheating on her bf with a drug dealer and she was having drugs delivered to her bfs house thats why the cops were there in the first place if you want the facts

  14. In the most chaotic event you would or should know if you or a girlfriend fired a weapon. It’s not rocket science and Mr Barkley is right we shouldn’t lump all these tragic events together or it will take away from the real cases involving police misconducts which are criminal.

  15. The body cam “facts” shows he said the police were banging on the door and Breonna fired a shot at the police. People that break in don’t knock on the door.

  16. The point is the cops killed somebody and they knew they messed up so they resorted to lying. They KNEW they f'd up. But I guess we're okay with lying police officers 🤷🏻‍♂️

  17. Was it a no knock warrant? I heard it was but they knocked.(but who knows look what media did with Jacob Blake shooting.) The media only tells one narrative, that whatever gets most headlines true or false. I feel awful for the Taylor girl and her family. The boyfriend said he heard a knock. 2nd degree manslaughter is BS. Just like an attempted murder of a police officer is BS. Its a tragedy truly sad and heartbreaking. I am tired of people telling other people they should apologise for there beliefs/opinions. I am a white man who is not racist. I do not believe in race I believe in Americans and people who are legal citizens are Americans. Not African Americans,Not Asian Americans,Not Mexican Americans, we are all Americans. Now a tragedy did take place but until you or I are in the shoes of a police officer who is being shot at who are you to say he should be charged with manslaughter . Now you say Barkly should have to apologise to Brianna Taylor's family because he has an opinion, that's what's wrong with the world. I will apologise to Brianna Taylor's family/boyfriend for the loss of their daughter/girlfriend.I will not apologise to her family for the fact that her boyfriend had a legal gun he fired at armed police officers and hit one with a shot. Witch promted police to return fire. If it was a robbery there's a good chance the outcome could have possibly been the same. In my opinion guns are dangerous. I do not own one for the simple reason of awful tragedies like this happening. I do believe anybody has right to bare arms if they get background checks and pass all requirements. The sadest part is from what I read Brianna was trying to get away from her old boyfriend who was troubled, he was the drug dealer police were after. Brianna rented him a car and police found a dead body in that car. Body was believed to be one of Brianna ex's associates.
    Like my tent parents told me when I was very little guilty by association surround yourself with good people so you don't get put in positions like this. I am not blaming this on Brianna Taylor but I think it's something we should all be aware of and teaching our children. I hope that a lot can be learned from this tragedy.. Now you can call me a donkey,dumbass, whatever you want to call me,but I no that my heart is genuine and is thinking about both sides. At the end of the day I will always teach my kids you are going to be judged by the crowd you hang with. Guilty by association, maybe thats wrong but I always thought about that as a kid and made decisions based on that. My sincere apologies for BriannaTaylor's family for their loss. Being a parent there are no words to take this pain away no time will take this pain away. I hope her family will help to change how warrants are signed/executed by judge and police officers. A lot can be learned from this tragedy so hopefully it won't happen again.

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