Doctors on Trial for Prescribing Death: The US Prescription Opioid Crisis | Drug Crime Documentary – Everything Law and Order Blog

Oxycontin. Codeine. Fentanyl. All prescription drugs to which countless patients have become addicted. As America battles an opioid crisis that sees 170 citizens die everyday, lawyers and prosecutors are trying to bring an end to Big Pharma’s impunity. How did it happen?

Midwest City, Oklahoma. Family doctor, Regan Nichols, is on trial charged with five murders for over-prescribing opioids. Her lawyer insists that she was tricked into writing prescriptions by junkies and is being made a scapegoat. But others believe that doctors like Nichols bear a large responsibility for the crisis now engulfing the country.

Strong, opium-based pain killers like Oxycontin were traditionally only given to cancer sufferers. But from in the mid-1990s, they were rebranded and aggressively marketed for all types of pain. Patients were assured that these highly addictive drugs were completely safe. By the time the dangers of these pills became apparent and regulators started restricting access, it was too late. Denied the prescription drugs they had become dependent on and with a chronic lack of resources to treat addiction, addicts turned to harder drugs like heroin.

In this film, we follow those trying to reverse the trend: addicts struggling to get clean, lawyers and prosecutors trying to hold someone accountable and the police force building prevention.

This documentary was produced by Babel Press and directed by Sophie Przychodny. It was first released in 2019.


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11 thoughts on “Doctors on Trial for Prescribing Death: The US Prescription Opioid Crisis | Drug Crime Documentary”
  1. This is nonsense, they do not prosecute liquor store owners for selling to alcoholics. The War on Drugs has been a farce and damaged our country and others, very deeply. Many of the negative problems we have, are related to the war on drugs. 50 years and ZERO results. No more militarized police and federal agencies violating our rights. $1.5 trillion has been wasted, for what? Packed prisons, murderous gangs in our cities, destroyed families for non violent drug offenses? Full legalization, not the dumb decriminalization which does not work. It does not address the high cost of drugs and unknown dosing which leads to massive thefts, robberies, prostitution and overdoses. Treatment on demand instead of prison. We need to stop attaching value to these drugs and 3/4 of our crime will disappear. Now it's people who need pain relief, paying the new price for more bad government policy. No more nutty government destruction and waste! We didn't learn anything from Alcohol Prohibition, which caused a massive, crime wave and made the Mafia a national force.

  2. This video has been circulating for several years now. While carefully screening patients for addiction risk, Oklahoma has also passed a law for people with serious chronic pain to receive opioids more easily than when the crackdown first started.

  3. I really wish the government would stop this war on opioids. You can only wage war on people no matter what you call it and that's what's happened. The addicts from pain meds are still a minority so blanket laws should not be made for everyone based off this. The media and government would have you think that if you so much as look at an opioid you'll become an addict and and thats simply not true! Medical science still has no't invented anything that can stop pain like an opioid yet they've basically banned them. So the majority of opioid users who have legitimate pain snd go to legitimate docs are being hurt! Yet theres more addicts than ever because now they have street fentynal. The sad truth is all this blaming snd Ra
    Ra Ra crack down bullshit has created the street fentynal crisis. We need laws based of logic snd problem solving. We can't war, sue, and blame out way out of this!!!

  4. I suffered from lower back pain for many years, until my wife introduced me to tramadol,i take one or 2 per day and it changed my life i can go on and be active without the debilitating pain! I don't understand why people have to become junkies on the stuff!? I don't blame pharmacutical companies or the docters prescribing them, perhaps the docters could be more circumspect when a patient starts swallowing the stuff like smarties, and rather recommend another type off pain killing drug, when they see a individuals consumption going through the roof!,but the patient is the one that makes the choice to abuse the drug through over use and should speak up and say it's out of control,but they won't because they don't want to stop chasing the 'high' and then when they OD and die then it is the pharmactical company and docters that are to blame that is nonsense! Pain killer drugs are for use not abuse! The patient needs to speak up and request a detox program when they see things have gotten out of control!
    We are all different, i am fortunate to not have an addictive personality type, i can't really speak for others, but the responsibility remains with the drug user,we are speaking of grown up individuals who make their own choices!


  6. The doctors are not to blame. Pain patients are being punished and studies are proving that legal prescriptions are not to blame. Even the FDA knows that this problem isn't a pain pill problem, it's a society problem. The vast majority of deaths are due to people being turned away due to government overreach and hitting the streets. They eventually die of illegal phentanyl overdoses. What I find interesting is how nobody is addressing why people turn to drugs and alcohol to begin with. What's so messed up about society that everyone wants to escape? That's the real issue here but there is no money to be made on that subject. Attorneys will eat this situation up and keep pumping out propaganda for a return in their bank account. Meanwhile, you can head on down to your local liquor store and drown your sorrows until your hearts content. How many people have died from alcohol? Almost 3 million people a year worldwide, that's not including drunk drivers plowing into people or going on rampages. 140,000 people died due to alcohol in the US in 2021. 80,000 people died from synthetic opioids the same year of which 88% were from illegal phentanyl. It's not a legal prescription problem.

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