Donald Trump Jr. On Kyle Rittenhouse, “We All Do Stupid Things At 17” – Everything Law and Order Blog

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


46 thoughts on “Donald Trump Jr. On Kyle Rittenhouse, “We All Do Stupid Things At 17””
  1. Kyle rittenhouse will get his due process ok! Can’t wait!! Aquitted of all charges for self defence cause I’ll tell you now there would have been three killings that night! That dude with the GLOCK pointing that thing at me wouldn’t have been walking away just without a bicep! Justice will set Kyle free

  2. Charlemagne literally just went off about “don’t agitate people who will bring violence to you”
    Now he’s saying Kyle Rittenhouse is wrong
    Cant say I expected anymore from a guy who calls himself a god and claims to be religious…

  3. Can't we shut this stupid useless family up for good. We're tired of them and anyone with common sense wants them to fade into obscurity.

  4. ***** Antifa opposes tyrannical UnBiblical government that controls peoples and nation, subjecting them to constraints, that suppress peoples and their freedoms. Fascism is when the church of Revelation/Apocalypse 17,18 join forces to eliminate all opposition. Antifa opposes, what God also opposes. In the scriptures cited, we see that there is a kingdom, that rules over other kingdoms. This is the Vatican city State, which it mentions in the scriptures as riding the Roman Empire. It has a King, which is the Pope. If you look at history, you will see that Popes have installed governments of the world. The Pope claims to be in the position of God's representative in the earth, but the scriptures cited show that God opposes this government church alliance. It mentions what the people of this city state wear, scarlet(Cardinals) and Purple(Bishops), which are the colors of the Catholic Church. Hitler and Mussolini were both Roman Catholic, and they joined with the church in exterminating their enemies. They started by creating gangs, that would destroy the property of Jews and those opposing their rulership. They smashed out all the store windows, burned and looted Jewish businesses. Like what is happening today. Before they blamed it on the Jews, today on Antifa and BLM, because they plan to slaughter them as they did the Jews. After breaking and burning their business and blaming the violence on the Jews, they started rounding up people under the guise of a Typus epidemic. For the protection of people, they started putting Jews in concentration camps, and today the same thing is happening, people being killed under the guise of a Corona virus. They plan to start putting people in to concentration camps soon. There is a fenced holding center near me, with communication and guard tower, and high fences. To my understanding there are concentration camps being built all over the world to deal with people who have learned about what Revelation/Apocalypse 17, 18 says. We see there, that it says, in this Church Government was found the blood of the prophets, holy ones, and all those who have been exterminated from the earth. People are being illegally forced to wear masks, so that those destroying property and committing violence can not be identified. They are setting up for the slaughter of BLM and Antifa for these crimes, just as Hitler, Mussolini did to the Jews. ( George Floyd was killed right in front of the world, by 4 police officers. They had called an ambulance, because there was a man in respiratory distress, and later they said he was in respiratory failure. A Corona virus victim, right in front of our eyes. The ambulance workers are guilty also. They know what is going on. When they arrive, the guy checked his pulse, with three cops on top of him(he was dead, from the police). An other Black man Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times by the police. The guy was casually walking, like he didn't know any thing was going on. That was caught on video also. To try to make Antifa BLM look like they are evil and deserving of this evil. The police stage some killings, where they had a blue lives matter, aspiring German police officer aspirant from an other state, come to Kenosha and kill some people. There is video of the police thanking this group of men and boys(including the killer Kyle Rittenhouse) with semi automatic weapons for coming, and offering them some bottles of water. Kyle Rittenhouse (German kid) wearing the same latex blue gloves that police wear, when they are about to kill some one. Kyle killed a young man, phones some one, admitting, that he just killed some one, and this was caught on video, even though this heavily armed group had said, turn off all cameras, just before the shooting, which was also recorded on video. Kyle ran from there, down the street to were a group of about 5 police armoured vehicles were, but not before killing another person trying to stop him for killing the first person. He also blew a mans bicep half off by shooting him.(this is the kid that Trump says is a hero) After all this gun fire and killings Kyle Rittenhouse was able to walk by all the police vehicles, still carrying his semi automatic weapon, with people yelling to the police, that this guy shot all those people. Kyle left the State as he didn't even live in that State. He was a hired gun, by the government, to make you hate Antifa and BLM. If people had of listened to their order, to shut phones off, then Trump would have got away with it. He would have proved to you, that Antifa BLM are evil. So just like the Jews were made to look evil by the Catholic church, so are Blacks and those opposing the Church. Trump is pro Roman Church, as he appointed 6 Jesuit Judges to the Supreme Court. Jesuits are a militant arm of the Catholic Church, which say they will destroy enemies of the Church by any means possible. Trump is of German background, and his grand father, who was German, has the middle name Christian, which refers to the Roman Church. Trump's wife's last name is also German, which it was of course the Germans who started the greatest slaughter of human beings in recent times, but can not be compared to the slaughter of the Americas, by the Roman Empire, under Papal direction. By Trump appointing those Judges, which will work against the peoples' rights and freedoms, shows that he is not for you. Trump is a very wealthy man, and he is attacking those who are trying to make you free. The things they say are reversed. Every thing they say about China, is really about them. They say that China has concentration camps, but it is America. The MP of Kingston Ontario was cut off in the Ontario government's legislature, for asking about the concentration camps and what they will be used for. First he asked one question, that was side stepped around, and when he got no intelligent answer, asked another and was immediately shut down, by the guy on the throne. Black people are some what outside of the controls of the false church, and they see the hypocrisy of it, and the church can not stand that, as it needs absolute control, and that is why Black people and America is under attack, because the Pope has declared war on you. There are many other Black people who have been killed by police, like the Black man who had a perforated bag put over his head, in New York State, and was pushed, with all of an officer's weight, in to the street, killing him, and another officer comforts the killer cop saying, it is not your fault. The man never resisted, even until his death he didn't. Another black woman was shot through her window, by a cop, while she played video games with her nephew. Both of these killings were on police body cam. There are many other killings that are recorded, and many that have not gotten recorded. This is an attack by the Pope to undermine your entire system America. The Pope controls many nations, as he is the King.(Vatican City State, which has its own flag…etc) The Pope has a triple tiered crown, which is on the Papal flag and has the number 666 on it. The 666 on the crown symbolizes his supposed position on earth. It is written in Latin. Doesn't the Bible say some thing about the number 666? In the book of Daniel in the Bible, we see that governments are reffered to as beasts. The Bible says, that those who worship the beast, or the image of the beast will be for ever condemned. The cross of the false church symbolizes its belief system, which includes a fake Sabbath, and many unBiblical beliefs. The Bible says, call no man your father on earth. Why do the Catholic Priests call themselves fathers? It is because the Bible says, that they are full of blasphemy, as there is only one father of us all, who is in heaven. There is no Pope mentioned in the Bible. The Pope claims to descend from Peter, and that is how he gets his power, but that is not supported by scripture. The Pope and his priests(Fathers) say, they are single, because the Apostle Peter was single. In the Bible it mentions Jesus(Yeshua) healing Peter's mother in law. You can't be single and have a mother in law. Peter had a mother in law, so he had to have a wife. The Roman Catholic system is satanic and a fraud. Some have come out of the false church, as God told them to, but they have gone in to a daughter religion, instead of the truth. Protestantism is also fake. Same fake Sabbath, called the Lord's day, so people will think it is the Biblical Sabbath. BLM is being made to look evil, so that when the full scale extermination happens, people will not feel sorry for them. Antifa apposes what God opposes, but is being made to look evil. Communism is mentioned in the Bible, it says, that the followers sold all their belongings, and had all things in common. The false church and state combination, always appose any thing that they can't control. Revelation/Apocalypse 18 of the Bible says, in her was found the blood of the prophets, holy ones and all those slaughtered from the earth. BLM are opposed to Black people being exterminated, as any one with a good conscience can see is happening. Antifa is being set up to look bad by the people who are trying to keep you enslaved. God gave the earth to the Adam and his offspring, which includes all mankind. The inhabitants of the earth, own the planet collectively. There are people pretending to represent God, who are stealing from you. Speaking of the false church and empire, the Bible says, that they came only but to kill, steal and destroy. Look at history and you will see! Antifa is not Fascism, but is directly in opposition, as its very name implies. Rome s waging war on America and the world. They have tried to kill me many times, and it will be OK, as long as you copy, share and talk about what I wrote here! God be with the peoples of the earth in their struggle for freedom.****** ** Amen ******* *

  5. A minor illegally carrying a powerful weapon, crossing state lines, shooting 3 people, killing 2 of them, does not qualify as a “stupid thing”

  6. You brought race into this, is isn't about race it was about survival. You assume he is a white supremacist. That's racist man. He was defending himself from a mob, not attacking it.

  7. Your such a troll…first you demonize Kyle then you say that others demonize black people… you see what you did there?

  8. If you think the greatest terrorist threat to America is anything other than Antifa, you're an idiot. Sorry to break it to you.

  9. Who else remembers buying a gun and crossing state lines before killing two people and wounding a third? The stupid things we did as kids right?

  10. Yes, Donald Trump Jr., we all kill 2 people when being 17. What the hell, he is even more disturbed than his father. Unbelievable.

  11. Shooting at people while in the back of a car is a lot different then being chased by an angry mob

  12. “Blasting a Jesse McCartney song while driving ‘white’ …”
    I’m black and I feel personally attacked!!! 😩😭
    “Beautiful Soul” is a classic, Uncle Charla!

  13. I guess these people didn't see the tape of Kyle being hit with a skateboard or defending himself against a man with a gun

  14. LeBron attacked Daryl Morey for supporting Hong Kong human rights activists and wouldn't condemn Uighur concentration camps, because he cares more about protecting profits in China. Just as hypocritical how folks pick & choose when to have values based on what group the oppressed is from.

  15. Kyle was straight up defending himself to all the people who disagree you are brainwashed sheep who believe whatever the corrupt Media tells you the “victims” a pedophile, woman abuser and felon all deserved what they got it wasn’t peaceful protesters it was a straight up mob and if he hadn’t done what he did he would’ve been dead keep your head up kyle we know your innocent and hope u get out soon

  16. The kid just did what he got to do to survive…what are u supposed to do just watch those murderer to kill u while u have a gun in your hand …that is called the 2nd amendment…u have the right to defend yourself and that's exactly what he did….😋😝🤪

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