The roads in Bulgaria have one of the highest death tolls in Europe, second only to Romania. Every day, two drivers lose their lives on Bulgarian roads – twice the rate of many other European countries. It’s a tragic statistic for the country.
Most dangerous of all is the Trakia highway. The traffic is heavy; the road carries 100,000 vehicles per hour. This trunk road has become the most dangerous in Bulgaria. The road itself is poorly maintained and peppered with potholes. Bulgaria is the poorest country in the European Union. Unfortunately drink driving and speeding are common, despite legal restrictions.
The road has an average of 250 accidents and 42 deaths every month. In November 2021, Bulgaria suffered the deadliest road accident to happen in Europe in the past ten years. Forty-four people died in a bus after it hit a guardrail and then caught fire on the highway. From survivors’ stories and archive we will tell the inside story of this tragedy.
Finally, Bulgaria is plagued by another evil – corruption. Bribes are commonplace here. They are used to cheat the roadworthiness tests for vehicles, as well as to settle police stops for speeding or using the phone while driving. So it isn’t just a problem caused by irresponsible drivers, but by the underlying corruption that creates the situation. We will explain the situation in this most dangerous region of Europe. We have access to the police and to Bulgarian emergency services, but we also talk to ordinary drivers as well as accident victims.
This documentary was produced by Impala and directed by Barbara Hinderholtz . It was first released in 2022.
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It is hard to make a decent report when you don't have materials for it. And in this case it is stupid and laughable to use dashcam recordings from Russia.
Yes, bulgarian roads are dangerous. But making claims and backing them up with false "evidence" (videos not from bulgarian roads) is just unprofessional and not proper journalism.
Ужасна реклама за България!
Stop saying "accident" – driving like an idiot results in predictable "crashes"
The most poor country in the Eu ! Everything there is corrupt – from the lowest to the highest authority !
Good advert . Where else can you get the tril. Just messing. Situation is dire
I agree that the roads in Bulgaria are not in good condition and there are many road accidents, but in this almost one-hour documentary there are not a few deliberately manipulated moments. First there is a lot of used footage from road accidents downloaded from YouTube which are not from the roads in Bulgaria. This can be easily verified. Yes, we have bad roads, but over 1 milion trucks a year pass through our country from Asia to Europe and back. Many of them do not comply with rest regulations and cause accidents while rushing to their destination. And on the corruption issue, yes there are corrupt cops, but they are the minority of all cops. Every year especially in the summer season there are ten drivers arrested for bribing traffic police.
4 minutes – Bulgaria have left direct8.
Reckless driving by cars and trucks Our mind state is at its lowest point.
Бойкооо крадливоооо копелееееенцеее ти строеше на всякъде във Бълхария крадецооооо
Most of Dashcam footage was from Russia. And yes the bad condition of the roads and the human factor are responsible for the countless traffic accidents.
Euro-atlantic "values"!
Българите се жегнали разбираш ли от видеото? Кадрите били.. Е, кое не е истина? Че лятото е кошмар там? Че всеки ден стават по няколко катастрофи? Че това не е магистрала реално, а скоростен път? Че на някой участъци да караш с 90 е опасно? Че караш с 140 и някой ти връхлита с 200? Кое не е истина?
Please report this . This is not Bulgaria.
Turkish driver and dashcams from russia and usa .
21:25 – 5 glases of wisky ? delete the video, educate yourself, find 100% accurate info (without russian and USA videos), drink 5 wiskies test yourself on alchohol detector and than make new video.. THIS video i s bullshit with 20%max true.. rename the channel on LieWitness xD i'm not gonna watch fullvideo cuz its so bad with that fake info and comments..
0:30 – turkish driver fall asleep and crashed.. road is fine there
2:20 crashes wasnt in bulgaria exept one that was over the ledge
most of the crashes are from Russia – you can tell by the car plates + bulgarians dont use dashcams
It is what it is… I am from Bulgaria and honestly everyday someone is dying because of drunk driver, or driver on drugs, or pedestrian crossing the road not on the place he must and jumps infront of the car, tir. We have problem on the roads with turkish and romanian truck drivers, my situation with some was, i was driving with 100 km/h and i could not reach the turkish tir infront of me… Off the highways and the 1st class roads is tragedy. Even in the capital Sofia the roads are disaster.. the fun fact is that bad roads half of them were never touched after the fall of the socialism, the other half was repaired or newly made during the so called democracy… They place asphalt and after one rain its gone, there isnt holes, there are craters! The government doesnt care, there are few hotspots in the country that need attention, something to be done, where the roads are perfect, but the drivers are stupid and the government have to do something, but they dont care, they care to order the police to hide in a bush where the speed limit is 40 or 60 and make pictures…. this is more importand…
Why this video of lies are not riped off youtube ?
You should be taken down, this is a disgrace for misleading your poor viewers with this kind of “reports”
Complete nonsense, a shit*y mix of Russian,etc dashcam videos, biased opinions and so on. Is this supposed to be journalism? Trakia is an almost normal European highway where almost all accidents are caused by human error, like everywhere
За всички които пишат че кадрите небили от БГ!!!
Лек и приятен път пътищата които Б.Б направи!
Качеството е 1/10… а вие чатите за кадрите че небили от БГ.
Just for the record, today we had the first rain in eight months. Stop talking shit. All the crashed people including in the hospital are Rumanian and Turkish. Mind yourself on the M 25. Don't make a fool of yourself mate
This first driver was drunk!!!. Did you see him. Turkish drivers don't sleep, don't have tachographs and because in turkey are not allowed to gamble and drink shit themselves and innocent people with crashes. Turkish drivers should be kept under constant control.
Extremely misleading and false journalism. Defamation is also prohibited, as is misleading information. Many of the dashcam videos are not from Bulgaria. The figures and examples given are wrong and exaggerated! A good idea for a report, executed in the most pathetic way.
Will be more correct if you don’t show clips from Russia,America and who know where. There is a problem but be correct please! Presented like that is like death sentence every time you drive….
Many of the filmed incidents are from Russia and not from Bulgaria? I can see the license plates of the cars! You obviously want to impress with a spectacular video.
The record is in Haskovo,Bulgaria with 4.7 grams alcohol which is held by a woman
Most of the accidents they are not in Bulgaria
Tell them thats because of the american puppet government thats in place and we cant get rid of em. They get money to destroy the people and the country. The criminals are protected the good guys prosecuted. Doesnt that sound familiar. Good thing now its obvious with Donald cuz no1 would believe it otherwise.
Fun fact: In Bulgaria cars are parked on the sidewalks. It is forbidden of course, but everyone is parking on the sidewalks, so the pedestrians are forced to walk on the road.
"In Bulgaria you can drink up to 5 glasses of whiskey before testing positive."
Yeah… no. That's not how alcohol works mate.
Част от кадрите които излъчвате НЕ СА от България, а от Русия, САЩ и други държави. Не подвеждайте аудиторията си, че в България такива случки са е ежедневие. Поднасяйте информацията КОРЕКТНО!!!
Reckless driving, absolutely POOR road conditions, lack of drainage system and maintenance are one of the reasons for the situation in our country.
Lived in Bulgaria for 12 years. Have used the road countless times. Only ever seen one minor accident in that time.
Long post, but it will shed some light for foreigners to better understand the situation in Bulgaria and some of the things shown in this video.
There are some real facts pointed out in this video, but not all of them are true anymore.
Also, most of the cases and interviews included in the video are old and not relevant to the current situation in Bulgaria.
The majority of the dashcam footage is from other countries, such as Russia.
They showed a police operation in Plovdiv, which was illegal, and police officers were breaking the law and forcing some of the owners of the cars to open the hoods, start their engines, and decide with a crystal ball that the cars were modified.
They can do that to some extent, but the cars must be stopped while actually driving on public roads, which wasn't the case in the video, and that makes those precautions taken with some of the cars illegal. Actually, if taken to court, there will be a ruling in favour of the owners of the cars with some financial compensation.
In reality, the only thing the police were legally permitted to do was check the IDs of the people gathered in the parking lot.
They had no right to ask for the parked vehicle documents, and they had no legal grounds to ask for the cars to be started or to open hoods and trunks to conduct searches without a warrant.
The most alarming thing was that the police were profiling people in the parking lot and accusing them of possibly committing a crime, which is why they were approached.
Also in Bulgaria, the drug tests performed at traffic stops tend to yield false positives for driving under the influence (DUI).
The police deny this and have stated that this is untrue, so we must undergo blood testing to prove that the results from the roadside test are false.
Until the results from the blood tests are ready, drivers are left without a driver's license, and the car is temporarily prohibited from being driven on the road.
These results are often waited for five to six months, and during that time, the affected people are unable to drive or allow someone else to use their car.
After a series of accidents involving police officers using drugs in 2022, the government made it mandatory for the police to regularly test its employees for drug usage.
Police officers almost went on strike because of this request.
The police syndicate stated that those tests are not 100% accurate and law enforcement should not be checked for drug use and appealed for a court ruling.
After a court ruling in August 2024, those tests are no longer mandatory for police officers due to possible false positive results.
So the funny thing is that those tests are not good to check police officers, but they are okay to check drivers during police stops.
This behaviour, corruption, and controversy are some of the reasons that a high percentage of Bulgarians have little to no respect for the laws and law enforcement officers.
Extremely trendy documentary movie ! That's why I will continue to write only in Bulgarian!!! Първо, кадрите ви са около 20 % заснети в българия, а останалите , незнайно къде… В българия такива електричесни стълбове около магистралите нямаме, а и въобще в цялата страна… На кадрите с катастрофиралите камиони поне трябваше да покажете номерата, за да видят всички, че са турски камиони… Попитахте ли шофьорите, как се излиза от пътя на прав участък и защо…? Специално за хладилните им камиони, които преобладаваха на кадрите… Питайте шофьорите, на колко литра черен чай са на денонощие? И това е в най добрия случай, че всички останали субстанции са в графата със гриф "забранени субстанции"… Знаете ли, че не спират като тръгнат от Езрум, чак до Дрезден, а има и три граници по пътя, които се преминават за време между 7 ч. и 72 ч. За случая с македонския автобус , за който прикриха истината…..; Зададохте ли им въпроса, как така "дизеловото' гориво на автобуса пламна като факла от някакви искри породени от сблъсъка и последвалото триене в мантинелата??? Попитахте ли ги, колко туби с бензин превозваха в товарното помещение на автобуса…..? Или, може би Прометей мина с факела и направи белята… И понеже сте много умни всичките в Европа и започнахме да ви копираме във всичко, напраяихме си кръгови движения за намаляване на скороста и "безопасност',дори и там където няма разклонения и нужда от такива, и какво последва??? -Челни удари в циментовите блокове на същите тия кръгови и нови смъртни случй! !!! КОГАТО НЯКЪДЕ СЕ ИЗГРАЖДА КРЪГОВО ДВИЖЕНИЕ / ОСОБЕНО НА ИЗВЪН ГРАДСКИ ПЪТ/, ТО ТРЯБВА ДА СЕ ПРАВИ ТАКА, ЧЕ ДА БЪДЕ ПРОХОДНО!!!! ТОЕСТ!!! ДОРИ И НЯКОЙ ДА НЕ ГО ЗАБЕЛЕЖИ НАВРЕМЕ В ТЪМНО ИЛИ МЪГЛА, ДА ПРЕМИНЕ ПРЕЗ НЕГО С МИНИМАЛНИ ЩЕТИ – ДРАСКОТИНИ СЧУПЕНИ ПЛАСТМАСОВИ ДЕТАЙЛИ…. ВИЕ "УМНИЦИ", ПРАВИТЕ НАСИП И ГО ОБЛИЦОВАТЕ С КАКЪК!!!! АКЪЛ, ИМАТЕ ЛИ???!!! Съжалявам , но на 20-та та минута ми дотегнахте с глупостите си и ви спрях. Филма ви е направен за пространствени идиоти и олигофрени!
“5 glasses of whiskey, without testing positive” you are absolutely ridiculous!!! Half of the statements in this video are false! Im Bulgarian and I can assure everybody, that we have severe fines and rules. Not like it is described in this false video!
5:12 i that guy
Most of the footage and crashes are not from Bulgaria… even though general information is correct.
95% of the video is lie. Nothing of the "facts" is true.
Yeah dashcams from USA and Russia . Good work fakers
As a Bulgarian, the sole reason our roads are falling apart is because we do not build ditches, in order to save money. The result is that whenever it rains the soil beside the road can not hold the rainwater and it accumulates in potholes; seeps into the asphalt and expands; and as overloaded trucks speed on daily over the cracks they expand to form potholes. Every other European country builds ditches everywhere along the roads, we don't.
The idea is that if the construction companies build a durable road they won't be paid to repair it later. So they make deals with the corrupt municipalities (which act independently of the Government, so it's much easier to bribe a small town than the entire government) to approve construction projects for cheap, short-lived roads that need to be repaired annually so they don't entirely collapse into the ground.
Another issue is that in Bulgaria each county is supposed to fund its infrastructure independently. So even if the government pays to build a road somewhere, it will up to the local municipalities to maintain it. As a result, the Trakia highway is split at least a dozen times and counties which do not directly benefit from its existence simply do not pay for it. Driving on that Highway can be surprising because you'll have a 100 km stretch of perfect asphalt, followed by 50 km of endless potholes, followed by 100 km of perfect asphalt, simply because the road entered the border of some impoverished small town. It's a mess.
turkish drunk driver usually to compensate effects of alcohol they are high of stimulants. the result is sleeping with eyes wide open human wood log with hands behind the wheel. thats the funny part. the scary part is that this thing drives 50 ton truck with 120-150km/h. no reactions just strajght line.
The random breath test is for alocohol
The second truck crash in this video is from Russia not Bulgaria and that's why the plate number cannot be seen. Yes Bulgaria has some problems but why in this video many of the truck crashes whot took place somewhere else are presented like happened in Bulgaria? Even the 3rd crash in the video is actually from America … Only there we can see tracks like this. Why so much of false misinformation here? Many of this car and trucks incidents in the video are from other countries and not from Bulgaria …
Повече от показаните видео клипове са от Русия и САЩ.