From Pen Pals to Advocates For Justice: The David McCallum Story | Real Stories – Everything Law and Order Blog

Fight For Justice, David & Me (Crime & Punishment Documentary) | Real Stories

When troubled teen Ray Klonsky began writing letters to prison inmate David McCallum, both of their lives changed forever. Hundreds of letters later, Ray graduated from university determined to set his wrongly convicted friend free.

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25 thoughts on “From Pen Pals to Advocates For Justice: The David McCallum Story | Real Stories”
  1. This was an amazing story I came across & it brought me to tears at the end to see him out with his friends & family, hes a ery proud humble man & i wish him allk the best for the future &mits amazing to hear hes now working with kids to make sure they never end up walking in his shoes, he’ll make a difference fior that I’m sure. God Bless

  2. This man’s story made me teary, I landed on it randomly, I could see innocence in his eyes same time hear it in his voice. How can life be so unkind considering other unfortunate things in his family like his disabled sister. Good to know he finally was set free to catch up with life.

  3. What a touching story that was both disheartening and uplifting. I am amazed that David never lost himself to the system. Thank God for people like all of you that fought for him. Enjoy your life, David. I can't think of anyone that deserves it more. The cops that did this to you and those that have done and continue to do this to so many others should be locked up. I worked in the legal field for 28 years and it was after I had worked in criminal defense for 8 years that I quit because I saw first hand how corrupt the system is and I could no longer work for a system that is so broken. I wanted to have our county investigated by a grand jury because I had two forged documents from the court and proof (could call a Judge to testify) that they altered a court record. I thought better of it after it was pointed out to me that if any of the law enforcement, lawyers. Judges, or court personnel that I was on a first name basis with found out I was the one that turned them in that I might wind up disappearing or dead, and this is exactly why they get away with it. Lock the bastards up, put them in general pop in a really rough prison and then throw the key away.

  4. This Was one of the best stories I’ve ever come across in such a real heart warming video. Hope is real and like he says… Hope is the closest form of freedom we could have when hoping for things to change. Congratulations on your release and pray and hope that you live the rest of your life enjoying every second of it. I bow down to every single one of you who never gave up on David M. and changed a mans future from the past that stole the years of a teenager who was at the wrong place and the wrong time. May God bless you Brotha
    – Hans K.

  5. Praise GOD. All the GLORY belongs to GOD!
    This mans story truly touched my heart. I felt so sad that he lost all the younger years of his life but GOD NEVER LEFT HIM and he walked out of the chains of prison and now has become a new man.
    If this isnt miraculous I dont know what would be.
    David, GOD BLESS you and your precious family! You will do great things in your life. I am so very sorry this happened to you but you have become a better man and Im sure you will never take anything for granted.

  6. wow so deeply emotional … credit to the entire team and especially David! His attitude is totally remarkable. It has been my professional and personal experience that the legal system seldom entails justice …
    Did David ever receive compensation for 30 years of lost life? Although no amount of money could truly compensate such injustice!

  7. I can see how the other guy Stuckey, at an early age, back in 2001 died of a freaking heart attack. At a very early age I had and still do have an aversion for police and the entire criminal justice system. I am so very happy his case was dismissed. No doubt there are violent cruel people in America, however when the State doesn't reign in and discourage corruption and innocent people actually get convicted the over all loss to society is incalculable!!!

  8. This is supposed to be a beautiful story, but it’s a sad story, a tragedy that for ‘some reason’ tends to happen to people of a certain identity. And that it took a DA with these men’s identity for the truth it come out and for real justice to be done, says a lot. It really doesn’t take a genius to see what the injustice system in the US was(is) used for, it’s all just to maintain slavery. It’s evil to deny a man of his freedom for 30 years when he’d done nothing wrong!

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