Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Signs Controversial Abortion Bill Into Law

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Signs Controversial Abortion Bill Into Law

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47 thoughts on “Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Signs Controversial Abortion Bill Into Law

  1. Wtf?! Because in a gay marriage the other person isnt being forced down the aisle against his/her will. In an abortion that poor child is being ripped out of his/her mother against its will. How fucking hard is it to put on a fucking condom.

  2. abortion goes against the laws of God, and the most important thing is to respect the laws of God and not the laws of a city of a government or a country, God bless America to the president, and the governor of this state.

  3. I’m not a supporter of abortion but honestly this isn’t right either. Why they didn’t just make late term illegal I don’t know. Late term is evil and disgusts me. But going all out illegal is asking for trouble to me.

  4. How dare he sign a law that will protect unborn black babies lives.

    According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics , while African-Americans constitute 32.2 percent of Georgia’s population, 62.4 percent of abortions in Georgia are performed on African-American women. By contrast, whites constitute 60.8 percent of the Georgia population, but only 24.7 percent of abortions were performed on white women. Even pro-abortion groups like the Guttmacher Institute admit that “black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion.”

  5. Anybody who voted for Brian Kemp. I don't care if you were Republican. I don't care what side of the aisle you were on. It serves you right. If he stole the election now he's stealing your right to choose what you can do with your body. He's on the side of Donald Trump you should have thought about it before you voted for him. Think about people's platform before you voted for them. The man was a thief in the beginning threatening people because they was going to the polls. And now signing a bill that's totally unconstitutional. And the rest of the South is going right along with him totally bulshit. I don't feel sorry for none of y'all cuz you put them in office. When you go back to the pole at least remember the things that he's doing.SMFH

  6. Breakfast club needs to stop pushing that liberal agenda, it has nothing to do with controlling women, it's about protecting an innocent baby smh

  7. See George Carlin's piece Not Every Ejaculation Deserves a Name. One key part, "If you're preborn, you're fine. If you're preschool you're fucked. "

  8. Women should have the right to kill any unborn baby. If they didn’t want to have kids, practice safe sex, or don’t have sex. Everybody who has sex and knows what sex is knows what can come from having sex. This can be pregnancy and STDs, it’s ok to play but safety first.

  9. Why do people who oppose abortion make it a men telling women what to do issue. Can you guys get it through your head that there are millions of pro life women?

  10. 3:14 In overwhelmingly white, Christian communities, birth can become fetishized by way of mantras like “Motherhood is the most important job in the world,” that threaten to turn women into dangerous enemies to their own fetuses.

    They feel their nation is being emasculated by changes in the social orders related to gender, gender identity, sexuality, race or ethnicity, and white people are facing racial subjugation by being out-reproduced. Their families, culture and social dominance risk being destroyed by darker non-Christians and non-Europeans.

    Moderate or mainstream conservatives would never frame the issues this way, but their social and economic policies are optimized to ensure that the people who are most disempowered and impoverished are women and minorities. In the U.S., we have the highest rates of maternal mortality in the “developed world.” What this means in practice is black and brown women, those who also experience the greatest wage gaps and most severe inequality, dying.
    No-lives matter to the Pro-life movement
    The Religious Right
    The Religious Right – birth of the anti-abortion movement

  11. No abortion after a heart beat is detected is COMPLETELY REASONABLE… yall seriously think it's ok for a woman to have an abortion all the way up until labor is induced don't yall? You need to look at what an abortion truly is & stop turning a blind eye

  12. All valid points Charlamagne! Thank you! We hate Kemp here in Georgia! Most of us absolutely do not agree with this bill and voted for Stacey. This is being taken to court!

  13. i will NEVER understand the logic of forcing these women to have kids they either didnt plan, cant support, or were the product of rape, THEN abandon them when they need help raising said child…..make it make sense please!!

  14. Anti- abortion doesn't = anti- woman. Not all women are for abortion. Some women are pro- life from womb to the grave. Some women like myself are pro life, pro police accountability and anti death penalty. As a woman who lives in GA I value life at all stages. Stop painting all pro life people as anti women. Are those who oppose the death penalty anti victim?? Sheesh people are complex & have complex beliefs. Stop over simplifying issues to fit a party's talking points

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