Girls Visit Howard University With ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats, Complain For Getting Harassed – Everything Law and Order Blog

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


38 thoughts on “Girls Visit Howard University With ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats, Complain For Getting Harassed”
  1. The reason you see them as carbon dioxide that interrupts with the ecosystem is the same intention of all the “Karen’s” calling cops in black folks.

  2. “Handle all the consequences“?? Handle intolerance and hate from racists and a guy who judged you by your gender and color. Total hypocrisy. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  3. Maybe they should go to the hood with it and stop and get some Coney Island!! That clout shit really is a drug!!

  4. This girl is not from New Jersey, she’s from Pennsylvania—more specifically, she’s from my home town, and she was pretty unpopular in terms of her political opinions. I still think she should’ve had more sense than to do that, though.

    Side note, our school was a small, rural, predominantly white school, where most kids were Trump supporters

  5. I think everyone here is missing the point. It’s supposed to be a free country. You shouldn’t get harassed over a fucking hat or shirt!

  6. So because they wore Trump merch, they shouldn’t go to an HBCU? Trump passed a bill giving more than any president, to HBCU’s

  7. "apart of me this apart of me that". A part of me feels like you don't care for the first amendment right of Freedom of speech and expression, and that it's her fault that she got harassed at a black school. It is her freedom of speech, imagine someone getting harassed and hajab stolen because they were muslim, would you think "maybe they shouldnt of done that, they should know better"? No, you'd go after the people who attacked them. Why now, choose to side with the aggressors over the people standing up for our president, not "celebrity" in chief.

  8. It’s a fucking hat… and it was made to represent something positive. Only liberals can turn a phrase that literally means make your country a better place into something racist. It’s kinda racist to say that two white girls shouldn’t eat somewhere just bc they are wearing a fucking hat that supports our President. This shit is stupid and how dare you give donkey of the day to a 16 year old girl. I think Charlamagne is one of the most racist people I have ever seen, like wtf is his problem. Just bc you’re black doesn’t mean you can’t be racist

  9. I'm a black man who came through the Civil Rights and Voting Rights era. Looking at the behavior of 18 to 40 year old blacks today, embarrass the hell out of me! Instead of teaching these young girls inclusiveness, maturity, humanity, this host chose to be a racist! How does anything positive come out of being a racist to someone else you believe to be racist! 16 years old and idiots stealing these girls hats! A college idiot showing that type of behavior. And most of you wonder why people think you are aggressive and harmful to be around. Don't lecture me because there is not a damn thing you can tell me about racism. You haven't seen half the racism I have experienced and seen. I'm from the era where your current party (democrats) were the ones who beat John Lewis butt on Selma Bridge, kept our forefathers under slavery for 400 years up until 1865. Suppressed our voting rights and civil rights until 1964 and 1965. The same democrat who got you hustling for them today and calling every republican a racist even though you don't know a damn thing about them; you just label them because your democrat politicians (black and white tell you to). They lunched us in front of our families, beat us, released dogs on us, fire hoses on us, killed our young women in churches, and enlisted the KKK as their military arm in hunting us down. You either don't know the history of the democrat party, or you don't give a shit about what they did to your ancestors as earlier as your great grandmothers or grandfathers. The Virginia Governor and his AG was elected in office mainly by the black vote. They both were Blackface and KKK on their year books and the Virginia charter of the NAACP turned into spineless bitches when they said they will not resign and basically told the NAACP and House democrats to go to hell! If it were a republican, the House democrats would have organized a Nazi rally and stormed the Richmond mansion until the republican gave in. Since it was their own kind, they gave them a pass like the spineless night crawlers they are. So hands off the hats and other peoples 1st amendment rights and be somebody that God don't have to send to Hell.

  10. Curious as to if lunch was to all high school students from their school or was it just a place these 2 girls chose to eat?

  11. What a donkey is is, hbcu is historic black university and colleges.
    Wow chipotle what a racist statement.
    Becky is correct, she looks like she was ready, unless you speaking of validating violence.

  12. Them folks always doing something just because they can do it. but yet they act as if they are clueless when the outcome turns out badly basically the stupid leading the stupid

  13. They can wear whatever they want. I've seen people wearing those annoying Che Guevara shirts and let them go without saying anything shitty to them. Get over it. If the girls DID come to troll, then follow the number one rule: don't feed the trolls.

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