How Do We Recover El Dorado’s Sunken Treasure? | Witness | American Colonial History Documentary HD – Everything Law and Order Blog

Faced with an ever-growing demand for precious metals and dwindling extraction sites, the world’s oceans are being seen as a new Eldorado. Thousands of shipwrecks litter the ocean floor with cargoes of these ’precious metals’. With today’s technology, this treasure is in reach.

Underwater archaeology has revealed that 3 million shipwrecks litter the ocean floor, 3,500 of which sunk with cargoes of gold, silver and porcelain onboard. Billions of dollars worth of this material, just sitting there, at the bottom of the sea. With today’s technology, this gold is in reach.

But how can this sunken treasure be recovered? And who has the right to do so? The nation whose territorial waters host the wreck? The country plundered years ago for its resources? Or indeed humanity, as advertised by UNESCO? Between diplomatic battles and great buccaneers, this international investigation uncovers a new gold rush.

This documentary was produced by Via Decouvertes and directed by Denis Delestrac, Didier Martiny. It was first released in 2019.


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By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “How Do We Recover El Dorado’s Sunken Treasure? | Witness | American Colonial History Documentary HD”
  1. So what I'm hearing is the Spanish come in and said hey we murdered raped and pillaged to get that gold but yes our captain was a idiot and wrecked the ship. But no one else can have it even if they found it fair and square.

  2. Wait a moment…. The boat may belong to Spain’s kingdom but the cargo was stolen from the Americans ( Peru, Ecuador and Colombia) the gold , silver , emeralds .. all that cargo should be back to where it came from . To museums and not to support the Spains banks 🏦

  3. sorry but if it was so important then spain should have gone and got it. can't leave it for hundreds of years not do a single thing and when someone else foot's the bill and brings it all up then cry it's mine! you want it go get it! if you don't go get it then tough if someone else does. you lost out tough luck

  4. ~ – Whatch do you Mean We…!!!….Whatch you Sayin' ….. : ) First of All…. It wasn't Sunken…. It's all Stored Away safely in the Old Mineshafts I (we) found…. at The El Dorado (Largest of the Gold Cities) of the Cibola (7 Cities of Gold) …..You All know that Right..??…!! ..We all know that Right… : ) > Somebody's Gonna Gotta Know This & That….!!! ….. : ) RIGHT…??? !!!… : )

  5. I say it should be whoever finds it keeps it ! But just like in America anything over 100 years old the government can claim it I say that is not a good law , if people do find treasure in the US instead of keeping it in original form that opens the door to it being melted down so that to me is just dumb !

  6. You know what really chaps my butt is the archeologist act like there discovering an ancient world no one knows about .Lets be real you just want the claim and you want the glory to say I found the treasure . What kind of data can you get to help mankind understand from a pile of gold and silver laying on the ocean floor be real people !

  7. Everything in the very same place is the best? What about fire, war, eartquake, volcano an such? The only very long lasting thing we've got is the huge stone block buildings and deep stone carvings. Anything left under water or underground will be lost. At least to have it spread out over the world will delay the total loss. Maybe we should carve everything we know in stone nowadays, for the future archeologists to have a way of understanding our time of destroying all of the the healthy environment for them..??

  8. This is pretty stupid. You’re crapping on the people that did the work to find these things. You don’t put in the work or find anything and you’re criticizing the treasure hunters for finding treasure. If not for them you wouldn’t have anything but history records.

  9. Problem I have with the way these heritage places want it is because they cant afford to go get this stuff under water so they want to make it law so nobody can get it!!!!I say *uck &ou Too!!! sorry somebody puts the money out to rescue these cool objects so the people can see stuff never seen before is absolutely bad *ss!!!enough with the control freaks of the world!!

  10. I believe if someone has the money to set up a crew to go to the deep for treasures,the treasure should go to the finder,if the finder wants to contact the Country that lost it. The Country should pay whatever price to the finders that risked there lives to go down and bring it up. Governments should stay out of it by taxes or taking part. Finders Keepers. If the Countries were so worried about it,they should’ve found away to retrieve it.

  11. This is Bullshit just leaving at the bottom Just leave it out at the bottom of the ocean, that's just stupid, let the treasure hunters do what they do. At least we get to see it then. The only reason that Spain in these people are causing. This issue is because they want the fucking money plane in simple

  12. We spanish-speakers have a saying: "A thief who steals from a thief has a hundred years of forgiveness."

    So we have Spain claiming stolen bounty from native south americans, found off the coast of Portugal by an American company… yet if they didn't go and look for it nobody would've done it…

  13. lol the Spanish stole all that gold and treasure from the new world and claimed it’s there culture heritage on a military ship and to go into a museum.thats funny,it should go back to the culture they stole it from or at the very least divide it up to the people of the country there now.

  14. How do you preserve something for future generations by leaving it underwater and eventually rot away, crazy let those who can recover them reserve some for museums while making profit, commercial fishing is destroying this treasures anyway

  15. Instead of a box make a large like floating lense that covers more area or lenseS that would quicken the process like how oil rigs float with big propellers and just program it like an automatic vaccum machine goes around the floor to pick up crumbs an dirt…lol

  16. I’ve figured out the lauriers map and deciphered the code it’s really easy actually and a lot easier then people realize…at least in my opinion I think it was. I figured it out in two seconds the locations but spent hours deciding if I should or not. Lmao

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