In Your Face: Confronting Tattoo Prejudice | Real Stories Original – Everything Law and Order Blog

WINNER Best Documentary at The Lockdown Short Film Showcase

In Your Face: Confronting Tattoo Prejudice (Social Experiment Documentary) | Real Stories Original

To what extent do face and neck tattoos shape your opinion of someone? Three heavily tattooed people have their facial tattoos covered up by an expert make-up artist as part of a social experiment to compare how they are treated with and without ink, and to explore whether tattoos on the face are the final frontier of self-decoration.

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Produced by Showem Productions

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

50 thoughts on “In Your Face: Confronting Tattoo Prejudice | Real Stories Original”
  1. People are free to judge someone for anything. It's everyone's right. Just move on and find someone else. No one should ever feel pressured or shamed or guilted into associating with someone they don't like.

  2. This is why we should never judge others on the surface. Everyone has a story… I lost my daughter, too, so I very much empathize with his story. May your daughter RIP. She is with the angels now ✨️

  3. Im not going to stop and give some random person change whether they have tattoos or not. If you live in a city you learn to ignore people asking you for money or favors so that you don’t get scammed, robbed , or your time wasted.

  4. Honestly i got bats next to my ear and my dads reaction was "Ohh but dont go onto your face." He is covered on tattoos I am going to be getting a throat dagger done. Peoples reaction are ridiculous. A tattoo does not make a person bad, its a symbol of expression.

  5. As somebody who is also tattooed…did we not chose to be tattooed. It's not something we're born with. If you weren't prepared for how society would react to you, that's on you. You knew what you were getting into. I have complete strangers grab my arms in public to look at my tattoos like it's not an invasion of privacy. I knew it would happen as soon as I started getting good tattoos in visible places. I accepted the reality. Sometimes I say something about personal space, but I usually brush it off.

    This seems so tone deaf to a lot of the prejudice in this world for things people have no choice about (race, culture, etc)

  6. Oh my God, how this world is full of strange people, I don't understand what message they want to send to the society. These people need to be treated in a psychiatric health care center so that they can be returned to a normal life. Her private part is one of the most valuable things, if she opened it to get a tattoo in front of a non-man, then it was shameless.

  7. Tattoos are a sign of insecurity, low self esteem. Not only that but your body is a temple and you are discarding your God made temple with your narcissistic needs. In my opinion is evil. Not only that but you have brought dishonor to your parents and really is quite hedonistic.

  8. BTW – Most people will not engage with ANYBODY trying to "fool around" with exchanges of money on the street because they fear being scammed. Do the same "social experiment" with someone with a normal face and you'll see the same reactions.
    Sending those people to ask for directions after covering their tattoos is BS. that's totally different than trying to engage strangers in a money swap.
    not many businesses want that kind of look representing their company and they have the right to not hire people who look like that.

  9. I understand it's a shame for the individual with tattoos but it was a choice theyve made and expecting the world to change because it doesnt suit their choices seems a bit much to me

  10. They all came across as regular people but we form first impressions based on what we see & what we see at the first sight of them is not normal. I don't think they should fill their bodies & faces with tattoos & not expect reactions. I think they all looked better without tattoos but they should do what makes them feel good. I feel sad though, that Skat & Becky hated their appearances so much without the tattoos. I think that they both probably have emotional things that they maybe haven't dealt with & the tattoos are an expression of hurt or pain that they carry.

  11. My window cleaner is heavily tattooed, face neck. when i used to see him in the village years ago i thought he looked scary, he is the nicest bloke but the heavy tattoos especially on the face on a male. at ttone time you associated it with thugs, criminals.

  12. I detest people who think its ok for them to judge others because of tattoos! Ive actually found that most people with tattoos are some of the most decent people around.
    The narrow minded people are the baddies, the fact that they are so judgemental says all you need to know about them!!
    I love tattoos!

  13. Face tattoos are for display. The person with the tattoo can't see it, (ya ya I get it, mirrors…. not relevant) it is there for others to see. So stop with this "don't judge me" garbage. Yes, It's the person, not the image that matters, that said, the way you present yourself does. The tattooed female in this video is just plain obnoxious (the tattoo makes no difference) and I'd never hire her, whereas the guys are polite and kind and I would help them. She even acted differently (nicer) with her tattoos covered. She has some serious issues.

  14. I love tattooed people nothing scary about them nuthin but respect i never understood the hate for them these people dont deserve the way i see if you aint got nun hateful tatted on you then you aight 💯🤘

  15. None of the people in this experiment seem like bad people. And no one should be treated poorly for their appearance. However, with that being said, why would anyone CHOOSE to do something permanent to their appearance that they "know" will cause people to discriminate against them for?… But also, unfortunately it seems like there are wayyyy more criminals and gang memebers that are super tatted up with face tattoos as opposed to people that are not. If people are scred because someone fits the common discription of what a criminal or violent gang member looks like, can ttou really blame someone for feeling possibly on edge or weary around them?

  16. They had full body to make tattoes, i think in every country head/face/neck tattoes should be prohbited with fine up to 3000 euro to protect people from (themselves) not getting job or beign rejected by society. It might sound stupid but thats the way should be.

  17. I think these types of "social experiments" are a bit dishonest. im covered in tattoos and nine times out of ten, I wouldn't stop if a person randomly approached me in the street for anything other than asking for directions, tattooed or not. having me pull out change or something like that, absolutely not. its really unfortunate but i live in a major city and as a woman, you can never be too careful.

  18. As a 25 year cop and soldier prior – nearly every crook has a tattoo . They are soooo 2005.

    Army doesn’t take facial tattoos

    Identified a high percentage of crooks based on tattoos . All crooks have their tattoos photographed and digitally recorded on their file – professionally, I love idiots that get tattoos

    Visible tattoos are self destructive – who would hire them ? Who would hire a person who has zero self respect .

    The woman has the face of dropped pie . If you must self mutilate yourself , never mark visible parts .

    I bet nearly all face tattoos are unemployed on the dole or in the underworld .

    But as I said, professionally speaking crooks should get more tattoos – makes our job easier . No dole

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