Pat Robertson Blames Las Vegas Tragedy On “Profound Disrespect” For Our President – Everything Law and Order Blog

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By phillyfinest369


43 thoughts on “Pat Robertson Blames Las Vegas Tragedy On “Profound Disrespect” For Our President”
  1. Disrespect of our veterns? Trump was again dissing a true American hero on Twitter again this wkend and who can't forget this gem," He's a war hero cuz he got caught, I like my war heroes not to get caught ) Disrespect for our nation's law enforcement agencies, he believes Putin over the FBI ! Comparing the FBI to nazi 's and talking about comey and muller like dogs but the rest of Washington gives them glowing reviews! Mr. Crypt keeper I mean Mr. Robertson Trump doesn't deserve our profound repect! Sorry for my terrible punctuation and grammar but y'all r picking up what I'm laying down! # impeach Trump!

  2. Oh Biblical authority , Damn why did'nt we think of that , Yeh bring back slavery , take your unruly child to the edge of town , and stone them to death , yeh that'll do it.

  3. Pat Robertson is probably the most dishonest atheist in the world. His religion is and always has been about politics and money. He has gotten very wealthy in the religion business.
    This fake believer claims that to criticize Trump is to "rebel against god". He uses his god for money and politics and many Americans think of him as a "spiritual leader".

    Using his Lord's name in vain is what this man does for a living. If he believed, he would know that he does things that will condemn him to hell, every day of his creepy life.
    But he does not worry about that because, like me, he is a non believer. He is just very dishonest about who and what he is.

  4. Robertson was talking about profound disrespect for our Democratic institutions.  Doesn't Robertson know that no one disrespects our courts, FBI, Justice Dept, State Dept, and other institutions than Trump and The 700 Club..

  5. I remember the late 80's when everybody freaked out on poor Jimmy Swaggart for seeing a prostitute (much like our current President).  However, Pat Robertson has done more to destroy Christianity than a 1,000 Jimmy Swaggarts and Jerry Falwell's.  This scumbag spends most of his time forcing his crazy political conspiracy theories on his "TV flock".  He claims that God took him to heaven (via a dream) and that he  saw Donald Trump seated next to God (on the right side).  This is the place reserved for Jesus.  Thus, Pat is equating Donald Trump with Jesus.  I can't believe that God hasn't struck him dad.

  6. Don't be so ignorant to Mr. Robertson. God and Jesus speaks/advices him directly . The more you can manage to donate to his Television network; God will Reward you! Don't worry about your immediate bills!

  7. Tell us Pat. I know all about you miserable fundamentalist so called Christians. One lives on Dandison across the street from Clint and he is a real sociopath. Hides behind the bible to make you think he is holy. Quotes it with a vengeance only to point the finger of judgment at you if you are not a member of his fundamentalist church. If you are Catholic then of course you are in the wrong sect because his hillbilly fundamentalist phony preacher attacks that sect every chance he gets. Maybe with any luck, his seawall will fall on him and his three Volvo's and boat. It is leaning more and more to the extent that one day it will collapse completely and totally smashing everything and everyone in its path. It seems like each mean spirited thing he says about Catholicism and while condemning anyone who is does not think like him, the seawall leans a little bit more. Hope it does not fall on any pets who walk there. Timber!!!!!! It is falling!!! Please Preacher boy Pat Robinson pray for that wall. We all know how God answers your bigoted prayers.

  8. They are the cruelest most barbaric fork tongue people on the planet, pat robertson is a naive and bias wizard, if it had happen during President Obama term, pat would had blamed it on "GOD" being angry because President Obama was chosen for the Presidency, he's just like trump and fox news .. They all hates reality !!

  9. Without a spiritual foundation people tend to…be more logical.
    So many people have said they killed people because they heard some supernatural voice in their head telling them to do so.
    Religion has this ignorant fool spewing out these dumb things.
    The high top fade has come back, yet Jesus still hasn't made a second appearance…ridiculous

  10. Not to mention ole racist ass Pat Robertson was disrespectful to Obama numerous times… seems he forgot his times disrespecting a president…

  11. Pat Robertson is insane.  He supports a president who disrespects the constitution and judicial system.  Pat Robertson is so full of shit if you gave him an enema, he would disappear.

  12. This is the same man that said Haiti's earthquake happened because they rebelled against the French in the late 1700s….so basically fighting for freedom caused an earthquake to occur over 100 years later.

  13. Kneeling for the anthem is disrespectful but homeless veterans without healthcare isn’t? Mmhmm right white people are so full of shit

  14. Pat Robertson could be on every week. This isn't even close to the stupidest shit he's ever said. In fact just google stupid things Pat Robertsons said and I'm sure it'll be over whelming. Fucking idiot

  15. The only thing still fueling Pat Robinsons life are bigotry & idiocy, why is this old man still on tv? Why does he still have an opinion? It's time for us to start putting our old folks in a ho,e cause this shit makes NO SENSE!!!

  16. Being a disabled war vet, i would love the no taxes and healthcare and I would love just 5 acres of land, can i get a patch of aemrica for serving in a war.

  17. for all you who are going to defend robertson on his BS words here on disrespecting the president. put this in youtube search "pat robertson negative comments about obama" AND SEE AND HEAR HIS OWN WORDS ON HIS DISRESPECT OF OBAMA. HE HAD PLENTY OF DISRESPECTFUL WORDS OF OBAMA, ROBERTSON IS A HYPOCRITE…

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