PKK: Hunted & Killed by the Turkish State? PKK Murders & Erdogan Documentary – Everything Law and Order Blog

Was Erdogan’s spy agency responsible for the murder of Sakine Cansiz, co-founder of the PKK, and two other activists in Paris? Following the murders, a young Turk called Omer Guney was arrested. He is suspected of being an undercover Turkish agent, whose mission was to target Kurdish officials in Europe. A tape was leaked of a conversation between Guney and his suspected handlers in which they discussed tactics and other potential targets.

This documentary was produced by Premiere Lignes and directed by SYLVAIN LOUVET. It was first released in 2016.


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By phillyfinest369


46 thoughts on “PKK: Hunted & Killed by the Turkish State? PKK Murders & Erdogan Documentary”
  1. Erdogan should have been removed from power a long time ago! He seems to be good on the outside but inside he's a brutal, evil a dictator and a killer who kills his own people from political gains! Eventually everything will come to an end nothing lasts forever…! ♾️

  2. لا الله الا زمان
    لا اللهً الا سلام
    و ابراهيم رسول الله ~ السلام
    Allah Akbar
    There's no God but TIME
    There is no God but peace.
    Father Abraham is the messenger of ALLAH.
    u Peace upon yo

  3. One think doesn’t make sense – if he’s an agent of a very powerful org why he didn’t leave the country immediately after the execution? He most of know there are cameras so his face would be all over the news. Pretty sloppy job imho.

  4. What the Hell??? usa murdering every Second ao called Terrorists and ven their relatives and innocent Childrens and othe Civilians in other Countries with Drone Strikes without ANYBODY condeming it. But here you make a whole Documentary about three dead terrorists????????????????????????

  5. Look I’m not Kurdish or Turkish so I don’t have a horse in this race. But this is the worst investigative journalism I have ever watched. Eg. One guy who is clearly delusional says he worked for MIT and they are better than Mossad and CIA. Then literally in the next scene they have a guy call up a phone operator and he claims the number he is asking about is MIT owned. If that is not the worst spy organisation in the world I don’t know what is. Which spy agency would register a phone in its own name. I mean seriously you have to be stupid to even put this into your investigation. Absolute stupid investigate journalism. The only thing I will give this guy is he is that stupid he took some big risks.

  6. Nice documentary, but the ‚Kurds‘ isn’t correct. It’s the PKK. It’s a terror organization which has killed 40.000 people in turkey so far. You should mention stuff like that and choose your wording. Kurd is not synonymous for PKK. You should know better

  7. I thought PKK was internationally recognized terrorist organization. Why doesn't France send all the terrorists who have worked for PKK to Turkey? I have hard time understanding this documentary, it just makes no sense.

  8. Erdogan not only suppressed the Kurds but also the Cypriot EU citizens. Greek Cypriots are victims of the Turkish invasion, and Turkish Cypriots are also victims of the demographic change policy of President Erdogan in the occupied part.

    Since the invasion, Turkey has systematically settled mainland Turks in the northern part of Cyprus to change the demographic balance of the island. This policy has been widely condemned by the international community.

    The then Chief of the Turkish Armed Forces' Special Warfare Department Yirmibesoglu admitted that Turkey burned mosques during the Cyprus conflict to foster civil resistance against Greeks.

    Yirmibesoglu's admission is a clear indication that Turkey was deliberately targeting mosques as part of its campaign of ethnic cleansing.

    Yirmibesoglu was also behind the "1955 Istanbul Pogroms". The Turkish "deep state" also provoked the Maras massacre that occurred in December 1978 and targeted the Alevis in Malatya, Turkey.

    Yirmibesoglu's history of involvement in atrocities is further evidence of the Turkish government's willingness to use violence against its own citizens and minorities.

  9. This soft manipulating tactics are what the Empire does. Erdogan refused to abandon his countrys interest and play ball. Like a colony Germany, France. So this video and many similar are part of propoganda campaign for a regime change.

  10. Very good to reveal the truth thank you Turkey is terrorist state for killing the kurdish in they homes and pkk are kurdish that's why Turkish people saying they terrorist we all know the truth

  11. 👉 51,00 The Transparency is useful till the politicians don't eel met those Transparency they going to damage the intrests of the 1% of the elite! Do not forget the politicians are on the job, just to protect the interests and the deals and stay garant for the elites ! The nice words that they use in the public is useful just to keep the society quit in order to continue their jobs ( to protect the interests of the elite) and getting their high salaries and if they did their jobs very well then they can expect the bones!

  12. Turks are racist against Kurds
    They don’t let Kurds speak there own language
    Even there music
    Erdugan put soooooo many innocent Kurds in jail
    Even Kurds mp in jail

  13. This is completely nonsense its not the turks problem that france wants to aid and support the pkk whom ar terorists not rebels 20 millions kurds in Turkiye and Erdogan gets the majority of his votes from the kurds the pkk are not muslim their ideology is based on marxist lenist communist the day will come when they will not be useful for eu foreign policy then they will realise they have been used the pkk was around long before erdogan we thank erdogan for defending his nation can you please answer how a terorist movement sucb ass pkk can get its hands on eu weapons and attack turkish troops with it ? only if saddam was alive

  14. This is so much based, Turkey does recognize their identity. Turkey just does not recognize another country in their country. Abdullah Ocalan is not even a Kurd. Just don’t have a opinion about things you guys don’t have a clue about.

  15. I'm sad that you lost your leadership but as an Armenian let me remind you what you done to our Christian brothers and sisters for years, you took Turkish money and killed thousands of innocent Armenian Christian people. Your ancestors took money off the young Turks and helped them I their genocide. You were supposed to be our neighbors but you massacred innocent men women and babies for Turkish money but as a Christian I must forgive you and I do

  16. the cruelty demonstrated by the turkish government imprisoning countless kurdish children is a prehistoric, barbaric holdover practice from the dark ages, then again, the pkk is obviously a pro communist militant group of "terrorists" in the crosshairs of their hated enemy.

  17. missing allot off audio in the doc..after the 30min mark. shame. and hearing edogan talking about israel now and how he blames them for the palistian situation. He does Exactly the same with the kurds. And you dont get anybody protesting in the streets for them. What a double standard.

  18. Ok thanks for showing how France or the EU has multiple faces that you cannot rely on. Why? Pķk is considered terrorist by all NATO countries, just like al-Qeada or Hamas. Pkk office in France hmm what tha F😱

  19. Do you realize that PKK is recognized as a Terrorist Organization by the EU? How can the PKK operate so freely in France to the point that it has a public relations person? Do you see the hypocrisy and the politics behind it?

  20. Pkk is an armenian terrorist organization, this people don’t speak kurdish. You f liars, what are you doing with terrorist who killed 100 people.? Also pkk are responsible for the import of heroine in Europe. How can france help an terrorist organization? Because france is not an ally and they will do anything to attack Türkiye, just like the Arminian (so cold) genocide.

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