Presidents Of ESPN And Disney Suspend Jemele Hill For Expressing Freedom Of Speech – Everything Law and Order Blog

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By phillyfinest369


38 thoughts on “Presidents Of ESPN And Disney Suspend Jemele Hill For Expressing Freedom Of Speech”
  1. I agree with the ideas here, however freedom of speech doesn't cover these private entities. Freedom of speech is only guaranteed when speaking out against the government to protect citizens from governmental persecution. You are not guaranteed freedom of speech on a television station. BUT I like your spunk!!

  2. Jemel Hill….is smart…she got out of that ESPN contract really quickly…she knew who to speak about! Kudos – You go girl! Now you can do WHATEVER you want. Respect to her!!

  3. Just putting this out there…..freedom of speech means your able to say what you want without fear of going to JAIL for it…not freedom just to say what you want without consequences….there's a difference.  People view "freedom of speech" incorrectly, which gets them in trouble.

  4. So here's the thing about free speech you idiots. You don't have it when you are working. The first amendment prohibits "the Government" from suppressing your speech. Employers are free to, and do it, daily! Supreme Court has ruled on it many times, all in favor of the Companies. Free speech LMAO. This ignoramus Hill is costing the Company she works for money, the Company that pays her check. What an idiot!

  5. Did you give them Donkey of the day for firing Mike Ditka, Curt Schilling, Colin Cowherd (he was "mutually let go" but we know what that means), Trent Dilfer, and Britt McHenry or when they suspended Linda Cohn for free speech. Charlamagne is the biggest hypocrite radio has ever seen. These white liberal Democrats have this man by puppet strings and he don't even know it lol. Crazy, crazy…

  6. We long forget our history, sports has always been apart of politics. Hence baseball was called America's pass time during WWII to get there mind of mass social issues during that time, aka the war. But even during that time sport figures raced issues and awareness. We can't pick and choose when it is ok to be patriotic,. This just a certain privilege in affect.

  7. Anyone who has a problem with people of color exercising their constitutional rights in the United States should consider one of two things. (1) Go find another country to live in.  (2) Send yourself to Hell.  The least someone could do is pray that many would get rid of all the hate in their hearts and dream of this country moving forward in unity.  But if not, those are two options.

  8. The 1st Amendment protects you from the government. But, your employer can fire or suspend you for whatever they so please. Ignorance at its finest.

  9. The constitutional rights were given to protect the people from government. Not private entities or businesses.
    Stephen A. Smith could tell you that.

  10. She ain't get suspended for freedom of speech expression it's cause she's casually mixing in sports with politics when people only go to their channel for "sports" and they're main anchor is just spreading lies about our president and spouting more division instead of just talking sports in which she was hired to do

  11. This issue is bigger than Hill.  Those who dare to speak the truth will be finished. IMO act or your business is done… no tax breaks, licensing renewal, etc. What other reason for a retroactive suspension. Folks, it's not about disrespecting the flag, it's control and breaking down the establishment. Stand up for our constitution.

  12. Curt Schilling got fired by ESPN for the same thing, dont make it a black and white thing. You're only causing more racial divide, by constantly blaming everything on race.

  13. Those same advertisers fund ESPN. Lol Charlamagnes politcal biases are so dumb it's laughable now. Espn is the most liberal network out there so this suspension is a slap on the wrist. Curt schilling is a conservative who got fired so spare me the double standard. Does he not understand business or a consential contract?

  14. i stand by Hill and agree with what she stated but truth be told ESPN has a right to suspend her. Way the world turns. If I was her I'd go off and do my own thing.

  15. She represents a business and they have policies. If she wants to express herself, then she needs to work some place that allows her to speak that way, but if she is aware of the company's policy and she still violates that, then they are right to suspend her. Just because she may be right about what she is saying, doesn't mean she should be allowed to state this on her account. If someone said something in support of Trump, the same people defending her, would want that person fired.

  16. Do we really expect anything different from a bunch of old white guys? They want black people to stay in their place and only verbalize the things they are comfortable with hearing. They have co-opted the original intent of taking a knee to make it about the flag and # 45 orange only uses his inflammatory tweets to inflame his racist base. I was not alive during the 60's, but my parents tell me this is worst than that time.

  17. I bet you ESPN is shredding the old policies and creating newer one's, but they'll conveniently back date them for our legal beagles.

  18. i never understand people who protest the white power structure but still want to be employed by that same white power structure. news flash You cannot change them by protesting period. IMHO to fight bigotry and racism you need to first remove yourself from a dependance on the white power structure. Not as easy as it sounds but unless done we will still be protesting for this and that 100 years from now.

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