Psychopaths probably make up around 20 per cent of the prison population in both the USA and Britain. They are four times more likely to re-offend than other released prisoners, yet they are just as likely to get parole. Little is known about the minds of psychopaths and what is really behind the horrific things they do – but Equinox tackles the subject in this insightful documentary. Professor Robert Hare – consulted by the FBI and British Home Office – is the undisputed oracle on the psychopathic mind.
In Psychopaths, he reveals stunning new evidence behind their behaviour, and suggests people should look to the brain for clues and not bad upbringing. This programme examines the Psychopathy Checklist, IQ distribution and blending in to social norms; and reports the peculiar phenomenon that treatment programmes make psychopaths re-offend earlier and more aggressively.
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How disgusting and evil!
Looking for a cure or way to change behavior is the wrong approach.
The special forces in any country are primarally psychopaths. Rather redirect them to the correct career path.
It's always valid to change for a better self! If the self is a horrible monster, in disguise or not, it's always acceptable to 'righten' it into a human being!
My opinion child sexual offenders have a brain chemical in balance. Very difficult ( how) to treat. Statics show they will re offend
That chin says I’m an inbred
Ever notice they are predominantly. White ? I’m just saying. It’s a footnote and Asterix
Ever notice they are predominantly. White ? I’m just saying. It’s a footnote and Asterix
the bible warned us they are ravenous wolves vipers and snakes, wolves in sheeps clothing and are born that way psychopaths aka estranged from the womb Psalm 58: 3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies …. definition of estranged no longer close or affectionate to someone; alienated
Anybody ever figure out Wayne’s last name?
Anybody know the name of the first perp? He looks like Weird Al Yankovic.
I believe psychopathy is now classified as antisocial personality disorder. They’re uniquely qualified for certain professions, and can live very moral lives. I like that you stress not every “psychopath” is dangerous.
I have antisocial personality too, people misunderstand a lot of times and usually I don't disclose. I'm not a monster, but i have the potential to be really cruel if someone crosses me, for the most part I see it as having different motivations. Life can seem a bit meaningless at some point when I see myself missing out on stuff, but even if i have this thought I end up not caring. I'm quite impulsive(have adhd too) but meds take care of that. I usually conform to the world or people around me because it makes things easier for me, going completely against the current is just not a good place to be. If you are nice to me though I will be nice to you and you can be sure I don't do it because I feel obliged to or because i care deeply about you, I ACTIVELY CHOOSE to be nice to you in return, which is meaningful I believe. I see a lot of people doing or saying things only because it is expected of them or they are driven by some emotion, for me it's a conscious thought to do something nice idk if that makes sense
Ahh the chip in your head. Just what the higher ups want.
Trying to understand them is an aberration, as much as trying to understand and tie up the devil himself
And in all this, how the victims are doing, suffering for the rest of their lives …?
No emotion..the eyes are dead. No soul?
Lie…lie..lie. Just enough to fool normal people, so they can get out.
Uhm. Yes. Robert Greene's book POWER is now teaching many, many people to simulate psychopathy.
In this category we can Include Theresa may and Boris Johnson who destroyed UK's future by completing Brexit…The next nazy regime!
The treatment programs don't work because psychopaths use them as a learning opportunity to become better manipulators, and thus more effective at fulfilling their own wants and needs. Fundamentally, psychopaths don't think there's anything wrong with themselves. To them it's crystal clear that the universe exists only to serve them.
Born broken can not be fixed.
Not one word of spiritual
Wayne doesn’t need to be released
If a therapist is easily seduced, then he is useless at his job.
What about women psychos. There are millions of them.