Texas Lt. Governor Says ‘There Are More Important Things Than Living’ – Everything Law and Order Blog

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “Texas Lt. Governor Says ‘There Are More Important Things Than Living’”
  1. Make sure you vote him out of office if you have to cheat you dont deserve the office trying to cancel people vote and America need to vote these old politicians out of office

  2. Yeah, you're correct, I think.

    But we don't have to go into kamikaze mode. We could deal with this like the rest of the first world is. Unfortunately, some people just have to recognize that their world view is predicated on evil precepts. Sometimes I wonder if they would rather go the Jonestown route than have to even question these precepts.

    When I heard him say that, I thought to myself, "Well, at least he was honest." That is simply his rules for everyone else. What other conclusion could one come to?

    In America, we are supposed to have the right to life, liberty, and property. The right to the first two flow from the third according to this thinking, but that is only because they considered it obvious that one's body is one's property. Not too bad, unless you were a slave. It seems obvious to me that this guy thinks he is entitled to have the proles out there working for him. There are more important things than living? I got news for him: value is subjective. Not everyone wants to sacrifice themselves at the altar of a sociopathic ideology.

    I think their goal is just to bring slavery back, except this time everyone except their little clique gets to be the slave. The new plantation is everywhere.

  3. It's all about acceptable losses to keep worthless POS in money and power, they depend on the sweat and blood of others. He said it, "his kids and grandchildren!" From re-opening to now the numbers have climbed dramatically, they don't give a sh_t because they are not liable for their detrimental decisions! 😡

  4. Don't you dare mention "Bald head black dude with the trench coat and shades" from "Tha Crossroads"!! You heard what Wish Bone said about his Uncle Charles!!!!

  5. these Christians that believe in a fake god and expect to push their way of thinking on the rest of us just pisses me off don't try to justify your warped belief to make sense of what you said. everybody has a right to live. keep your religion out of my government.

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  7. He talks as if "Grandparents" are these feeble 85 to 100 year old people, ready to leave the earth, and that nobody cares about. Many grandparents are quite young and alive, in their early 40's, 50's and 60's, and are currently working highly productive jobs and careers.

  8. There are some things that are more important than living thus the phrase worth dying for this is why nobody listens to The Breakfast Club

  9. If he's so quick to sacrifice why dont he go get those million dollars checks they gave to the big businesses and give it to where it belongs to the small businesses and the people who pay the fucking taxes.

  10. This republican just confirmed why they don't give a f*** about the regular americans and their daily struggle. From affordable rent to affordable healthcare and good education…they don't give a s*** about it all, except bowing down to their funders, which is big business and cooperations. There is more important things than living??? unbelievable.

  11. Then he should volunteer to be the first to offer himself as the ultimate sacrifice. Cause of course you don't have to live. Save it for your grandchildren…👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾💯💯💯💯💯👴👴👴

  12. Can't get mad at him for telling the truth. I'd rather have the freedom to assess my own risk. The government doesn't know what's best for me. I know what's best for me. If you're afraid of the virus, stay home. Don't prevent me from earning a living. These democrats love having people dependent on them. They want you to be waiting for your unemployment check or your stimulus. Take control of your own life! The government isn't mommy or daddy. The infantilization of the adult mind is the bane of this country. Take what the man said at face value. He's saying young people shouldn't have to sacrifice their future or have their livelihoods destroyed because of a disease that's essentially killing only old people or people with already severe preexisting conditions. Everyone knows those groups of people need to stay home. The majority of this country (your 30 year old who's just trying to provide for his family) shouldn't be stifled because of something that has a .003 percent chance of killing them. If you live at home with your elderly family, that's a personal decision for you to make with your family. That's the whole point. Open up the economy and give Americans the freedom to make their own choices and live their own lives. This lockdown is ridiculous. Blacks need to stop drinking this liberal kool-aid. We've been loyal to the democrats for 60 years, and because of that we've been stuck at the bottom for 60 years. As Malcolm x would say, you're a chump for following the democratic party.

  13. If we dont open back up soon we will be living like Iraq then yall gone see the real and if America fall all our other partners will fall too if u think this man is wrong then u are trippin only devil i see is this so called person who claim he is a god. There is more important things then living like living in heaven but hey thats just my opinion.

  14. Profits over people, this is the plight of putting money over anything else including your own morals.

    The country is doing fine, don't let them fool you!

  15. No shocker he’s a old white man who is concerned about “his” money!! Everyone is seeing the real America for what it is.. people been. Trying to tell use for many years but labeled crazy, liars, conspiracy theorists, etc… this is the real America

  16. He's actually telling the truth , this life will eventually end and if it's your time it's nothing you can do about it, get closer to God people because Charlemagne will lead you to HELL

  17. I see now why he says all this stuff about white man's economy etc. He is rich and will be rich regardless of the crash that is going to happen now. I'm not even gonna get into it but just think how he is here…as a racist.

  18. He sounds like Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil and Dr Drew. They are alright with other people dying (not themselves of course). They have all lost a LOT of money and are ready to sacrifice people who have significantly less than they do. They don’t care about non wealthy people because working people are not a part of their world.

  19. What a dumb Lt Gov! There's nothing in the world more important than being alive!

    Until the Lt Governor out there packing lunch or dinner, and helping the needy. He's not leading by example. Dude can stfu!

  20. The greatest country on Earth, Land of the free, home of the brave, leaders of the free world, but we can't sit down for 7 weeks without the entire country crumbling? Really?!?!?!

  21. While the chosen phrase was a poor choice of words, I pretty much agree with the philosophy of Lt Gov Patrick.
    This is not a Blind decision. I'm basing this on an alternative Example, Results, and Common Sense.
    Sweden decided early on, NOT to Close most businesses, and instead focused on quarantining the elderly and their families. Closing most business would have destroyed their economy (like the rest of the world). Their reward is:
    * Average result so far in the COVID-19 death rate,
    * and a much less affected economy.
    Other factors that should be looked at but not mentioned in Major Media are the Crime Rates that have skyrocketed along with the stir craziness and early release of thousands of prisoners. (Yep, many liberal minded politicians felt that it was more important to social distance prisoners than to think about how our neighborhoods would be affected.) I have received reports that in Indonesia that there are those trying to incite riots because of the COVID-19 measures that have made life much harder than usual.
    According to Antibody testing in NY, CA and other countries, the actual death rate, while higher than the flu, is much lower than previously reported.
    We have destroyed businesses and lives and the world economy for something a bit worse than the flu!
    We have created followed a treatment that was worse than the disease. 🤦🏽‍♂️

  22. Charmalagne and his racism continues. He gets to say this racist shit with no consequences. Why aren't we holding ourselves to the same standards as we do Whites? We'd hate to be called jars of Nutella, right? The average White person is under these same guidelines yet you act like they're all this guy. Stop the double standards.

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