The Crimes of Ted Bundy And Night Stalker (Serial Killers Documentary) | Real Stories – Everything Law and Order Blog

The Crimes of Ted Bundy And Night Stalker – a double episode release of World’s Most Evil Killers

1. The story of Ted Bundy, a suave, outwardly normal psychology graduate who admitted to killing at least 35 women before being executed in 1989. The story of Ted Bundy, a suave, outwardly normal psychology graduate who admitted to killing at least 35 women before being executed in 1989.

2. Exhibiting cruelty, callousness, and viciousness beyond any human understanding, Richard Ramirez terrorized Los Angeles with his spate of home invasions.

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25 thoughts on “The Crimes of Ted Bundy And Night Stalker (Serial Killers Documentary) | Real Stories”
  1. I think their was alot of overkill as far as the sheriff having the final jail cell all welded solid and multiple locks ……i mean seriously? He was a scrawny little man for gods sake……and his signature? Really….unhave no clue if he bit any other of his victims……? And the mother issue the sherriff talked about……Bundy would have done these killings regardless of his mom thing in my opinion and bite mark evidence isnt admissible in a court of law anymore. Bundy didnt bite that woman so as to leave any clue…it was just a part of his outlet for his rage at the time……I think,that that sherriff wouldnt have made a very good profiler

  2. Wow theres a lot of messed up comments claiming Rhondas full of crap cause she isnt pretty enough for Bundy, you people realize how age works right?? At the time of this interview A LOT of time has passed. Im sure she, you know. Aged.

  3. There was nothing brilluant about Bundy..he just knew what girls to attack,because they were nieve,silly,unsuspecting teenagers,who can be very easiky manipulated by anyone! no,nothing brilliant about this sychopath,maybe THEY think theyre clever,buts thats only with juviniles..he knew that someone okser woukd be more wary,and certainly not get into a car with a stranger,no matter how good looking

  4. Wow Ted bundy'and the night stalker followed you tube guidelines that offensive firetruck you YouTube now that's offensive you all must have Hitler on some where id guess he followed your YouTube guidelines

  5. What I don't get is why did they let him live so many years on death row and to go out the way any normal person can . He was in control til the very end ….. Not right at all . They should of let the families of the victims have a part in his life ending .

  6. I am generally not in favour of the death penalty, though when I was a child growing up in Belfast I thought they should bring it back. I don’t think the death penalty should be on the table if there is any doubt that the person could be innocent. And don’t anyone tell me this is never the case. We’ve seen shows on this channel that illustrate how people have sat, sometimes for decades, in prison only for the world to find out what they already knew…the person was innocent. Still, in cases of serial killers, or where the evidence is overwhelming, then yes, by all mean get rid of the oxygen thieves who don’t deserve to draw breath. —Saoirse, West Belfast, NI

  7. Satan is a creation of the Christians. The Pentagram was used by the ancient Greeks as a symbol of good deeds and charity. It has been taken over by Devil worshipers. They worship a non-exixstent being. Evil does exist but not the devil.

  8. Why they always try to portray Richard as mysoginist?! He was a sick, twisted, cruel psychopath but he actually prefered women then men. He let most of his female victims live if they obeyd him, he loved his sister. He despised most people in general but as he hiself said in one interview he liked women better.

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