The Man Who Doesn’t Breathe (Extraordinary Person Documentary) | Real Stories – Everything Law and Order Blog

Stig Severinsen, a world champion free diver, travels to the frozen climes of Greenland, where he attempts to set two extreme diving world records. But will he prevail?

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27 thoughts on “The Man Who Doesn’t Breathe (Extraordinary Person Documentary) | Real Stories”
  1. Stigs superhuman mastery of his body is very impressive but to say he's better not relying on technology is a bit misleading considering the high expertise and complex technological back up needed to pull off this stunt. How would he manage it without this level of support? Starting with aeroplanes, skidoos, chainsaws, fully kitted divers, wet suits, dry suits, medical back up & state of the art monitoring, etc etc? The Tibetan monks have a history of this kind of elevated yogic abilities but from a cave or cell high in the Himalaya within a context of deep meditative prayer.

  2. This means your here for a real reason God has a plan for your life.u give me Hope . we're not in total control and no one knows what tomorrow holds. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY..THANK YOU AND THANK GOD…

  3. the amazing thing about his dive is he sucks in every bit last of air before submerging into water so that gives him the edge that he needs alongside his condition mind and body to pull of such amazing dive

  4. 31:55 – I’m sorry no I haven’t heard of that “classic example” of WHEN YOU TAKE A BABY AND PUSH THEM UNDERWATER but ok keep going……… lololololol 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

    (also, all the people commenting about the title being “clickbait” because he does, in fact, breathe as a human being on the planet Earth—- if you are STUPID ENOUGH to even for a split second believe that it is possible for there to be someone out there who actually lives without breathing, you deserve to be clickbaited all day every day until you learn how to be smarter lololololol 🙄🥴)

  5. Y😘u are an incredible human being but dont push yourself to the "extreme of the extreme'. Sea is far way different from a cold ice water…🥶 a loud round of applause to the diving team. All amazing human being.

  6. And there is some poor audio editing here… "they die for one reason, to run out of breath." I don't think the scientist studying this feat would have said that's the "reason" they do this, they are diving to do exactly the opposite reason?

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