The Terrifying Acid Bath Murderer (True Crime Documentary) | Real Stories – Everything Law and Order Blog

The seemingly admirable and respectable middle-class man, John Haigh, was guilty of six grotesque murders in which each victim was drained of blood and later dissolved in acid. Haigh’s calculated disposal of the bodies was an attempt to acquire their wealth in the belief that this would prevent any risk of conviction. Was he a bloodthirsty Satanist or one of the most cunning and callous killers who would do anything for money to feed his greed for money?

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48 thoughts on “The Terrifying Acid Bath Murderer (True Crime Documentary) | Real Stories”
  1. Just. Wow. These atrocities are something that, I think, we all inherently knew occured, overall taking it for granted & allowing our governments to do the same. These inhuman practices were normalized in middle ages and only became further depraved. It's incredible that the most drastic change in 500 yrs was that the state no longer sold tickets; in a total 180, they used considerable resources to ensure there wouldn't be an audience.

  2. To děla to trojče, jak ani jeden z těch tři nejsme ten, kterej máme byt…

    Původně jsem přece masovej vrah, co tuhle identitu ukradnul…

    Ale jsme tři 😂😂😂😅🎉

    A k tomu máme jeden klon a jednoho reptiliana, co má nás skin…

    Takže nás je pět 😂😂😅🎉

    Jen se neboj! Stát to všechno zaplati e😂😅

    A byt pro každého z vás v Praze 😂😂😂😅🎉

  3. Haigh's fifth victim is finally reported missing! You really have to wonder how many charmers got away with murder back then, simply because victims weren't reported missing as prevalent as they are today.
    Faked insanity?! You mean people did not believe he was insane?! You mean that there are sane people capable of this type of thing? To some degree, he HAD to be insane.

  4. I’m surprised ppl can post these old shows without getting copyright flagged or whatever.. still glad they posted it, as it was very interesting n well made.. I’m js, I didn’t think yt allowed this kinda thing anymore 🤔

  5. You don't want to use just sulphuric acid. You wanna add hydrogen peroxide, making a piranha solution. Also, don't use metal drums, the acid will eat through the metal. Of course, only done in Minecraft

  6. i can remember at my small school were you had only one class for your age so you were with the same kids for 7 years two very secretive kids a boy and girl not related or even friends and when they were sick somebody went through their desks only to find everything that had gone missing over years both were red heads though that was just a coincidence the events were years apart but identical

  7. John Haigh's chilling case of calculated murders to gain wealth highlights the dark, manipulative nature of some criminals who hide behind a facade of respectability. His methodical approach to the disposal of his victims' bodies and his motive—pure greed—pose haunting questions about human nature and morality. Was Haigh driven by a sinister belief system, or was he simply a cold-hearted opportunist willing to commit horrific acts for financial gain? This case not only captivates but also terrifies, as it delves into the depths of criminal psychology and the extremes of human deceit.

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