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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


35 thoughts on “United Airlines Forcibly Removes A Passenger From A Flight – Donkey of the Day”
  1. The next time you chumps are sitting on a runway for 4 hours because some loud mouth won't depart the plane remember how you supported this fool.

  2. I wanted to feel sorry for this guy, but that bastard named the internet had me laughing my ass off!!!! He sounded like he was in a POW camp being tortured! LOL Then they dragged him out like an old rug! He bout to sue the shit outta United!!! Call that shit Hong Air on they ass! LMAO

  3. Local police beating the shit out of people for private interest. Anyone else find that insane? Not just government being used as muscle, but muscling innocent people out of their rights. Rights taken away due to United overbooking, hoping to rack in cancellation fees.

  4. What about the black woman Delta dragged? Where was the outrage?? He has a damn record, 96 counts of felony..lost medical liscense and trading drugs for sex. Oh the cops are black and United stocks are falling because of Chinese influence. Where was all this caping when the black woman got dragged??? Get Real…Black people worry about yourself because it's clear no one else does when it happens to you.

  5. Jessie, Al, and the NAACP must be pissed the dude isn't black. It would have been a nice earner for them.

  6. how do you force someone off a plane that paid their ticket and then all of a sudden they posted he was a crooked doctor 10 years ago all over the place smfh one thing has nothing to do with the other

  7. uncle tom the one pulled and slam 69 year old Vietnamese dude to floor his face hit arm rest uncle tom is big dude he might goes to jail.

  8. I don't think the Doctor would sue because United will cut the check with the quickness. It better be over $30 million.

  9. If this does go to court, I'll bet United Airlines defense will try to use this Dr's prior record with the law to try and either get off or get a lighter punishment. His name is Dr. David Dao and got arrested and had his license suspended some years back. Now that has NOTHING to do with this particular case but that's the kind of stuff that some lawyers try to pull.

  10. Overbooking would imply that they SOLD more than the available # of seats. But they needed to transport crew. This not a policy of over selling this was a logistical need. Charlemagne deserves his own donkey of the day for jumping to conclusions. Airlines can't predict crew needs especially coming off all the bad weather.

    Since when did ignorance of a stipulation make it null and void. That's like going to court and saying I didn't read the contract I signed and thinking it doesn't apply because YOU did not read it.

  11. I've worked with airlines for 2 years and I've never heard of "involuntary deboarding" because of an overbooked flight. I know you can deny them boarding if you have to, but never once they've been seated. 24 hours before the flight, you get a more or less finalized list of passengers. Some rare occasion, someone will buy a seat on the day of the flight, but even that will be available 60 minutes before departure when the flight closes. That means after that 60 minute mark, no one can check in anymore. So 60 minutes before departure, before boarding, they already know if they are overbooked and NEED to find volunteers. This is where I think the United gate agents messed up. They failed to sort out their overbooking at the gate before boarding, and now they have to do it in the plane which they shouldn't be allowed to do. Shame.

  12. it wasn't even overbooked. they just wanted those seats for crew members. they should of held those seats open before the people boarded. who lets someone sit down and then kick them off.

  13. I know they aint use the wendys newyork video 😂😂😂 Breakfast club just to perfect for the culture

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