How to Install a Battery Kill Switch

How to Install a Battery Kill Switch

Learn how to install a battery cut-off switch that kills the engine and all electrical power to-and-from the battery. I also show you how to crimp battery cables using a hand crimper, hammer crimper, and hydraulic crimper, so you will learn each method and how to get perfect crimps.

Extendable Ratchet Set:
Jig Saw:
Impact Wrench:
Angle Grinder:
Heat Gun:

Kill Switch:
Small Wire Crimper:
Hammer Crimper:
Hand Crimper (and cable cutter):
Hydraulic Crimper:
Terminal End Kit:
2 Gauge (7mm) Wire:
Hole Mount Zip Ties:
Zip Tie Mounts:

How to Install a Kill Switch:
Parasitic Draw Test:–MLNIbik

0:00 Intro
1:32 Tools and Products
5:40 Wiring Diagram
6:19 How a Kill Switch Works
11:20 How to Crimp Battery Cables
19:50 Easy Way to Add Split Wire Loom Tubing
20:29 Installing the Battery Cables
24:10 Organizing the Wiring
26:12 ECU Cut Off Wiring
31:54 Kill Switch Panel Fabrication
37:47 Panel Installation
39:20 Testing the Kill Switch

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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix.


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42 thoughts on “How to Install a Battery Kill Switch

  1. Why would you have to cut power too your alternator when the fuse box is what supplies power to the ECU and the rest of your components? The car would cut off anyways with the alternator going with it.

  2. So a kill switch is a drastic measure that's even riskier if you have a tune? Maybe make a vid on how to program a button that loads a pre-made tune onto the ecu? 😀

  3. Next how to install killswitch on old diesel vehicles, I don't have any but I think some people might need it.

    I've seen a few runaway diesel in person and it was pretty scary, I can imagine how those driver feel when they saw the engine roaring even if the ignition isn't even turned on

  4. I sometimes think I know all there is to know about a subject when I get an introduction to something 😂

    I cannot believe how much I learned, watching this video, especially things about crimping tools, and how to test a crimp and also understanding about the alternator and ECU power and resistor.

    I learned about
    1.terminal end identification markings
    2. 3 types of crimping tools and why
    3. What a good and bad crimp looks like inside
    And much more!
    Thanks Chris for the next level of my continuing education.

  5. One critique for this video: If you install the alternator positive on the same post as the fuse block, your engine will not kill as the alternator will keep it alive. You should have the alternator cable ran to the same post as the battery positive thus removing all sources of power from the engine and fuel system in the event of an emergency. Otherwise great video!

  6. Chris Fixx has been a teaching tool in our high school Auto Tech I & II for several years now. Young students tend to listen to a young sounding voice. Especially when the in class instructor is 67.

  7. If I just want a kill switch on a vehicle i dont drive everyday and is not a track car/race car, and all I want to do is just kill the power from the battery can I just use a simple 2 pole switch on the positive wire?

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