How to Install an Angle Kit (Shopping Cart Angle)

How to Install an Angle Kit (Shopping Cart Angle)

Learn how to get extreme steering angle for your drift car! Not only will you learn how to install an angle kit, but you will learn how to replace the entire front suspension including the lower control arm, wheel bearing, tie rods, coilovers, sway bar, steering knuckle, and brakes.

Tools and Products
Bump Steer Kit:
Angle Kit:
Extendable Ratchet:
Wrench Set:
Torque Wrench (goes to 250ft-lbs):
Thread locker:
Electric Cutoff Wheel:
Wheel Bearing:
Stiffer Springs:

Thanks Chris Forsberg for footage of his car:

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Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. ChrisFix assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. ChrisFix recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of ChrisFix, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not ChrisFix.


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33 thoughts on “How to Install an Angle Kit (Shopping Cart Angle)

  1. I love Chris’s car because it he installed an exhaust and he also installed a Hydro break also installed performance carbon fire clutches and she’s the best YouTuber ever the best YouTuber ever he makes199 million horsepower and his car is just the best of car ever I did another mustang because that mustang is too good for him. If I just got a Mustang like that I can’t really get a Mustang like that. Must like that. I can’t really get that. I don’t even know where it is, so I would tell Chrisfix and you know it’s just the best YouTuber and he’s just the best YouTuber. I watch all of his videos about the angle kit the first time drifting and he just think it good at drifting so he stalled a Hydro break cause I had your break and he’s like you know he like the best YouTuber ever if you watch his videos subscribe and get a big thumbs up to him I always do that when I watch his videos and Chrisfix you’re just the best YouTuber ever I just wanna say you’re the best YouTuber I’ll come visit you in New Jersey when I turn 16.

  2. with experience, having an angle kit is 100% worth it. full lock and just a little gas and it will spin even a 120 horsepower beater. in my new edge it spins if i even press the gas at full lock.

  3. Will Chris reply to this 5 year old video? I'm not sure, but I will ask anyway.

    When you removed the sway bar, was there a difference in comfort? I'm thinking about doing this to my Honda Civic EK3.

    Can you upload a video on how to install a turbo charger? There are other tutorials from other channels, but I don't feel like doing it without watching a Chrisfix video.
    Thanks for the great content man!

  4. For anyone watching this, first off love these tutorials. Awesome for us beginners but; Please do yourselves a favour and get a ball joint removal tool. I got mine for $50 CAD and it will save you so much pain if you have persistent ball joints. No real chance of damage and they pop off in less than a minute with no hammering.

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