Akron Police Officer Punches Man Multiple Times in The Face After Resisting Arrest

Akron Police Officer Punches Man Multiple Times in The Face After Resisting Arrest

* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Akron, Ohio — On Saturday, July 1st, 2023, just before 7:00 p.m., Akron Police officers performed a registration check on a vehicle that possessed a temporary tag. The report back was the plate was expired and warrants for 31-year-old Jordan Ely Sr. were linked to it. Officers verified the warrants were still active, but lost sight of the vehicle for a short period of time. The car was found in the parking lot of Family Dollar, 970 Copley Rd, with the driver standing next to it. As officers pulled up and exited the cruiser, the driver and suspect, Ely Sr. reached towards the open car door, and then started to turn away as one of the officers attempted to grab his left arm to prevent him from fleeing. Ely began to back pedal while officers were attempting to gain control of him. One officer grabbed Ely by the waist and took him to the ground.

Verbal commands were given to Ely to put his hands behind his back and to stop resisting. Ely did not comply, and officers continued to try to separate his hands to safely handcuff the suspect. Videos taken by witnesses at the scene show the officers struggling with the driver, with one officer appearing to strike the man in the face several times. Once Ely was handcuffed, he was moved to a seated position and EMS was called to the scene for an evaluation. One of the officers discovered a small child inside the vehicle. The child, Ely’s 1-year-old son, was released into the custody of the boy’s mother. Inside the vehicle, officers found a baggie containing a powder that field tested positive for Fentanyl. Ely had warrants for felony drug possession, domestic violence, and contempt of court warrants for several other charges. He was additionally charged with Obstructing Official Business, Resisting Arrest, and felony possession of drugs.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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31 thoughts on “Akron Police Officer Punches Man Multiple Times in The Face After Resisting Arrest

  1. What an actor, trying to draw attention to himself. It was all b.s. and he's a degenerate that deserved the book not only thrown at him, but it smacked across his dumb-ass head as well!

  2. tried his hardest to be the next reason for riots. i CaN't BrEaThE. Bud you're screaming quite a bit for having no air in your lungs. POS, glad the woke mob didn't form quickly enough & all officers are ok.

  3. *while resisting, not after. I was expecting excessive use of force after cuffed with that incorrect title. Don't entirely agree with strikes near/to the face at active resistance, but at least no one was seriously injured

  4. What a loser of a man puts himself in this situation and cry's uncontrollably like a baby throwing a tantrum plus puts his son in danger and his physical appearance tells me he don't care about being a real man and father… nothing but a loser black white or otherwise makes no difference to my opinion.

  5. The incentivity of words for human life in this comment section is a disgrace 🤨! Upon viewing the video I find the behavior of the young man detained to not have done any ill to the officers that approached him. Couldn't the officers had handcuffed the young man standing up by the hood of a car as they usually do? Slamming the man to the ground & punching him in the face is unlawful conduct in this clip. Many rejoiced in the brutal non heroic force inflicted that reflects the callous evil hearts of many. When all was said & done what does the LORD of heaven & earth have to say of this scene? Vengeance is mine says the LORD. He will do the repay to the face of the one who 👊 the man in the face repeatedly. I feel sorry for the officer who did physical aggression so unmercifuly. Even king David FEARED the LORD & stated so by reason of God's judgements & king David said God is no respecter of persons! Uniforms don't mean anything to the LORD when He observes everything & judges lawfully by HIS words that He puts above His name. I've seen Jesus give me things to tell people & they come to pass. Cancer gone' next day doctor can't find it amongst many other things Jesus alone has done & all honor to Jesus alone. The officer that did the punching the LORD let me know that HE is going to repay you to your face for what you did to that man. I don't know how but you can count on it. Any beef on this 👀 look up to heaven & tell Him the one who puts His BREATH in your nostrils. God bless you in Jesus name.

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