[Training Video] US Marines Firing The Powerful M2 Machine Gun & MK 19 Grenade Launcher

[Training Video] US Marines Firing The Powerful M2 Machine Gun &  MK 19 Grenade Launcher

U.S. Marines conducted machine gun firing tests and exercise with the Browning M2 .50 Caliber Machine Guns and Mk 19 grenade launchers.

The M2 Machine Gun or Browning .50 Caliber Machine Gun is a heavy machine gun designed towards the end of World War I by John Browning. Its design is similar to Browning’s earlier M1919 Browning machine gun, which was chambered for the .30-06 cartridge. The M2 uses the much larger and much more powerful .50 BMG cartridge, which was developed alongside and takes its name from the gun itself (BMG standing for Browning Machine Gun). It has been referred to as “Ma Deuce”, in reference to its M2 nomenclature. The design has had many specific designations; the official designation for the current infantry type is Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, HB, Flexible. It is effective against infantry, unarmored or lightly armored vehicles and boats, light fortifications and low-flying aircraft. The M2 machine gun has been produced longer than any other machine gun.

The Mk 19 grenade launcher (also known as the Mark 19) is an American 40 mm belt-fed automatic grenade launcher that was first developed during the Vietnam War. The first model (Mod 0) in 1966 was determined to be unreliable and unsafe, but a total of 6 Mod 1 launchers were successfully tested on U.S. Navy riverine patrol craft in the Mekong Delta in 1972. The Navy made further improvements to the weapon, resulting in the Mod 3 in 1976. The MOD 3 was adopted by the U.S Army in 1983 and remains in service to the present day.

Video Credit: U.S. Marine Corps | United States Department of Defense

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20 thoughts on “[Training Video] US Marines Firing The Powerful M2 Machine Gun & MK 19 Grenade Launcher

  1. Вы просто баран и, настоящий балван, Трусы 💪💪💪💪💪

  2. ااااااااااااششششششششششششششششششطططططططططططططططووووووووووووووووووووولللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللللةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة

  3. ประเทศหนึ่งให้ทหารฝึกยิงแค่ไม่กี่นัด……แล้วจำหน่าย x500

  4. En la verdas, ellos no han mostrado nada ellos tienen armamentos que aun el propio presidente no sabe ni los soldados de esa nación, solo un grupo leal y más profundo del servicio secreto capacitando para ese tipo de armamento . Que puede definir un conflicto en minutos. jamas demostraran eso ya que todo es secreto de estado así le pueden llamar . Pero yo le llamo secreto tecnosientifico . Son personas que la mente esta controlada
    Estos soldados que practican en la escena. Solo muestran armas convencionales pero para los científicos secretos es algo pasado . . El presente tecnológico armamentista de estados unidos esta en el uniforme corporal y armamentos de otra dimensión. Nada comparado en generaciones y visto en la actualidad

  5. Вы просто баран и, настоящий балван, Трусы 💪💪💪💪💪

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