In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: A father who refused to speak about his daughter’s disappearance becomes the prime suspect after her blood is found in his home.


By elboriyorker


47 thoughts on “1-year-old daughter’s blood found in father’s home after her disappearance”
  1. The father is a complete frikin liar! He definitely did something to that baby, & his family that was at that house that night are liars to & there helping him cover it up & get away with it. His family& him should all go to Prison for this. His actions prove they don't give a dam about that baby, only the mother & her family do & they deserve justice & to kno where that baby is at so she can rest in peace. ..

  2. What sort of parents does Ella have to allow a 14 year (without a functioning brain) so much freedom with her boyfriend?????? Ella chooses to be "alone" with boyfriend of the time and consuming alcohol. She chose to NOT tell her parents straight away and NOT press charges. She CHOSE NOT TO REPORT a RAPE !!!!!!!
    As a Mother (born in Calif) with grown children & Grandchildren……… I also question the amount of makeup Ella was wearing at 14 years old PLUS her own behavior.

  3. Alya was supposedly lactose intolerant. If this is a fact why wasn't Trista a dedicated enough mother with Trista breast feeding Ayla until she was well over two years old, So Ayla would receive the BEST NUTRITION possible???

  4. Keep your legs shut quit poppin out kids by men who wont ever marry you much less play baysitter to your kid. When babys are born like that most the time the men are resentful and dont believe they are actually he father anyway.

  5. Kids that have parents who are named in their child's disappearance: Deorr Kunz, Ayla Reynolds, Lisa Irwin, Sky Metawalla, Caley Anthony, and so many more

  6. His mother is a moron. This baby has been missing 12 years. Her mother didn't take her nor does she know where she is.

    He's such a liar. You don't loose a child and move across the country. He went as far as he could get.

  7. Looking at the picture of baby Ayla and her dad holding her with the both of their eyes squinted like that, all I see is how very much she looks like him. She practically identical to him, and it's sad that with finding her blood on some of her items, the police wouldn't arrest everyone in that house. He knows what happened. I wonder if they were asked to take a polygraph test 🤔

  8. Hate to say it but honestly Im surprised we dont hear this more often with these kid like they are now days its terrible was bad enough when kids were raised by VCRs but now they are raised by the internet‼️‼️

  9. That father is addicted to some drugs, but the mother is suspicious as well… I hope the police will get to the bottom of this because it's insane a child just disappears like that!

  10. Sorry I have to ask as a mom…if my child was coming back with injuries why in heavens name would my child there? That alone is putting an innocent child in an unsafe environment. I believe there is foul play but mom was also negligent in allowing baby there. The innocence of these children and abuse and hurt they suffer is totally unacceptable. It's heartbreaking 😢

  11. Yeah its at 15:35 just annoyed me so bad & I could 100% tell there was NO WAY anyone in their 30s & younger wrote the script for this lol. Black fingernail color has been super popular/chic/stylish since 2006. I know bc I remember it perfectly lol the SAME year leggings came back in style. I have the fb pix to prove it on valentines Day w my black nails & leggings 😂 my memory is random af

  12. ❤go GIRLS,
    Go, this happened to me, I told ex I no longer wanted to see him he slapped me in the face and r** me. This happened in my parents home. Marie from the uk 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🌹

  13. The mom is as guilty as the dad. She sent her daughter to live with a man knowing she was coming home with bruises from his house. So she knew her daughter was being abused and sent her to live with her abuser

  14. What a lot of people don't know is that DHHS/CPS was involved. Little Ayla had a breakdown when she saw Justin she was terrified of him. The police had no choice paperwork said to "Remove her from her Auntie's care." The police officers knew Ayla was terrified but couldn't stop DHHS/CPS Karen Small's false paperwork. There is so much more to Ayla's story than this short clip a lot left out.

  15. If that guy says that he believes daughter is still alive, then that says to me that he knows where she is and who has her! Someone needs to keep a close investigative eye on him!

  16. He killed his own daughter and is playing like he doesn’t know anything, in the beginning it stated the parents separated and when she would go with her dad she would have injures. If that’s that a clear “idc about my child” idk what is. On top of that he went miles away to “find his daughter” and would show up to speak. This man is guilty.

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