15 Dead, 60 Injured in Mass Shootings Across America on Fourth of July Weekend

15 Dead, 60 Injured in Mass Shootings Across America on Fourth of July Weekend

A string of mass shootings across America has left 15 people dead and at least 60 others injured during the long Fourth of July holiday weekend. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down the numerous tragic incidents with forensic psychologist Dr. John Delatorre.

Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie

Dr. John Delatorre: https://twitter.com/drjohndelatorre

#MassShootings #FourthOfJuly #LawandCrime

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49 thoughts on “15 Dead, 60 Injured in Mass Shootings Across America on Fourth of July Weekend

  1. I wonder what pro gun people would say when their loved ones get shot in mass shooting and die. They might say “oh, she should have carried her gun while shopping and evade the bullets and fire back at the perpetrator like in Matrix to save the day. Sad but it is her fault and life goes on”

  2. America has literally become a developing country such a terrible corrupt backwards place , from there backwards outdated gun laws to there non existent health care system they truly do not give two fifths of a F#@k about there people !

  3. Experts say the shootings all have one common thread…. Yeah…. But we can't say what that thread is, bc that would be hitting the nail on the head.

  4. So why isn't it happening in other country's like Australia or Germany 'just for an example or any other country's in the west but only in America, look at Canada 'dosnt Canadians have just as many guns per capita than the united states, Hmm maybe there just trigger happier eh ? who the uck knows i know that much….!

  5. Who are these dishonest bums that run this craptube channel? How about we talk about the 1 thousand murders and 5000 wounded in Chicago alone year over year? All illegal guns because criminals don't do background checks and gun control absolutely does not work. This is just one big city and always the same demographic of people committing 80 percent of the violent crime yet only account for 10 percent of the population. Why don't the insane progressive liberal left talk about this? Because they're inherently liars and dishonest scumbags.

  6. How many of these are really just gang related or organized crime. Let’s be real 95% of these “mass shootings” aren’t actual mass shootings.

    This is a very important distinction. The reason why? A mad man walking into a Walmart shooting people And someone targeting a group at a block party have 2 entirely different solutions

  7. Gun's don't kill people but they sure make it easy and the high capacity semi aotos to allow the shooter to get more people trying to run away for their lives also makes it more of a risk and danger for responding police,.

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