3 in Custody in Beloved Firefighter’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

3 in Custody in Beloved Firefighter’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

Beloved Detroit firefighter David Madrigal was killed inside his home just months before retirement. We have new details on the three suspects now in custody.

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34 thoughts on “3 in Custody in Beloved Firefighter’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I thought the law stated that if you are present during the crime, even if you didn’t commit the actual crime, you can be charged with that crime. It appears this law is used inconsistently. I feel it should always be applied. Maybe if so, it would be an incentive to some people to walk away and call the police.

  2. So he killed a hero because he thought the man was trying to score with his chick!? Now he’ll never have her again and believe me, your chick will definitely hook up with other men while you are rotting in prison! 🤦‍♂️😂😢
    What a waste!

  3. i love the way the judge handled this. the kids are obviously wrong for what they did, but i also believe the other 2 defendants didn’t know he was going to kill him. nonetheless a horrible situation & i feel terrible for the firefighter but no need to ruin 2 more lives who most likely learned they’re lesson after this.

  4. They all got off easy in this case. A little bit of time or some probation…? They'll be back to enjoying their lives soon enough. Thanks for the speech Judge, I guess???

  5. And here is a fine display of our judicial system. Only one charged for murder and the other two scumbags get a slap on the wrist. Remember their faces as they will be out on the streets again attacking more people.

  6. I bet that’s exactly why the guy and girl went there to set him up – knew he got sloppy when drunk and liked the ladies – 2 less monsters out the streets such a outrage mos before retirement 🤬🤬- RIP

  7. WHAT he is just trying to save his own skin..like the other case where a girl drove the car she still received murder…cause it was planned that way regardless who actually struck a fatal blow…I swear some police departments do the very minimum and some go way overboard…no middle ground

  8. what piece of shit, garbage, punk ass, trio of mother's abortions that lived….they should all be put to death immediately…there is no seperation of criminality or culpability…they all wanted to rob him and his death is on all 3 of their hands

  9. 🧐Mmmm…I don’t believe that the fireman was flirting with the guys girlfriend..Sorry but she/he looks like a very plain Jane to me.Their motive was to commit evil, steal, and to end his life..So sad 😞

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