Beloved Detroit firefighter David Madrigal was killed inside his home just months before retirement. We have new details on the three suspects now in custody.
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Beloved Detroit firefighter David Madrigal was killed inside his home just months before retirement. We have new details on the three suspects now in custody.
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I mean he was all up on dudes girl. For all of time that got you killed. Why not today?
The story is apparently in Detriot, but I keep seeing a Mexican flag. Was David not proud to be American?
What about guilty by association?? If someone does in the commission of a murder, all are guilty also

I'm surprised all 3 of them are allowed to sit together in the courtroom.
Life for a life
I thought the law stated that if you are present during the crime, even if you didn’t commit the actual crime, you can be charged with that crime. It appears this law is used inconsistently. I feel it should always be applied. Maybe if so, it would be an incentive to some people to walk away and call the police.
These three deserve to rot in prison what a despicable act. I hope the family and other firemen are doing ok so sorry for your loss
Hope they burn in hell. And with no one to put them out
Drop the soap
So he killed a hero because he thought the man was trying to score with his chick!? Now he’ll never have her again and believe me, your chick will definitely hook up with other men while you are rotting in prison!

What a waste!
I don't know if this is an old thread but the only question I have is why would he be drinking with thrse 20 year olds?
i love the way the judge handled this. the kids are obviously wrong for what they did, but i also believe the other 2 defendants didn’t know he was going to kill him. nonetheless a horrible situation & i feel terrible for the firefighter but no need to ruin 2 more lives who most likely learned they’re lesson after this.
I think all of them should have been charged with murder. Disgusting!
They all got off easy in this case. A little bit of time or some probation…? They'll be back to enjoying their lives soon enough. Thanks for the speech Judge, I guess???
BS their intent was robbery and someone died! That’s BS
Intoxication. Drugs kill in our. Hoods. Soulless people do it time time again. When will it enddddd. !!???
what happened to guilty by association? Why didnt the 2 people who got off call the cops? They stole the deceased mans jewelry? And are free?!?!?!!
All the thumbs down are from losers or they're related to these POS!
And here is a fine display of our judicial system. Only one charged for murder and the other two scumbags get a slap on the wrist. Remember their faces as they will be out on the streets again attacking more people.
KaRmA's a BiTcH
Put these savages to death
That really upsets me and breaks my heart. He fights and saves people’s life’s strangers at that and these monsters kills him over a bitch
they all get what they deserve.
Killed over a female, wtf, he didn't deserve to go out like that
Nichole looks more like a Nicholas.
I bet that’s exactly why the guy and girl went there to set him up – knew he got sloppy when drunk and liked the ladies – 2 less monsters out the streets such a outrage mos before retirement
I mean if your gonna Rob him why do you have to go to such extreme and murder him…?! Ridiculous
That judge is a class act.
JUDGE IS A DIPSHIT…seriously lacking and feeling the power of his robe…families should dispute this and go after his authority
WHAT he is just trying to save his own the other case where a girl drove the car she still received murder…cause it was planned that way regardless who actually struck a fatal blow…I swear some police departments do the very minimum and some go way overboard…no middle ground
what piece of shit, garbage, punk ass, trio of mother's abortions that lived….they should all be put to death immediately…there is no seperation of criminality or culpability…they all wanted to rob him and his death is on all 3 of their hands
These three guys are disgusting.