6th Circuit Rules Bumpstocks are NOT “Machineguns” – FIS No. 52 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Late last week, the US Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the ATF in the GOA v. Garland case, holding that bumpstocks are not “machineguns” under federal law. This was never about “bumpstocks,” but rather this was about fighting against the tyranny of the executive branch, e.g., the ATF, in enacting legislation outside the legislative process in Congress. This is about any and all firearms and firearms accessories, and preventing bureaucrats from picking and choosing what they decide is legal vs. illegal. #Bumpstocks #2ndAmendment #ShallNotInfringe

Join me live at 6:30 p.m. to go over the opinion, and what it means – or doesn’t mean.

ATF Loses Bumpstock Case Today at the 6th Circuit


23 thoughts on “6th Circuit Rules Bumpstocks are NOT “Machineguns” – FIS No. 52”
  1. Here's the blog post I wrote on the James McBride flintlock "musket," which I briefly mentioned when talking about civilian arms at the founding of our country. Actually, civilian arms generally were much better than the basic military muskets of the day, which were generally only good when used in formation with a bunch of other inaccurate short range muskets. Civilian arms, especially on the frontier, were by necessity, effective enough to be used by a sole individual in a varying range of scenarios, both related to hunting and guerilla warfare. https://scavengeology.com/james-mcbride-his-actual-musket-and-his-epic-life-as-a-frontiersman-and-soldier/

  2. 30.MAR21
    Lose one, win one. I hope the Hawaii case will be submitted to the USA Supreme Court.
    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Franklin, Benjamin. “Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor.” Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Colony, November 11, 1755.
    FoundersArchive.gov. https://founders.archives.gov/?q=Project%3A%22Franklin%20Papers%22%20%22essential%20liberty%22&s=1511311111&r=1
    (accessed 10.MAY2019).

  3. It only took how many years since this tyrannical executive order came down before it was reversed?

    I'm honestly surprised the court ruled against the government in this case. I've always maintained the Judiciary and executive branches are the government so it never makes since to expect the government to rule in your favor and against the government.

  4. "The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could, by any rule of construction, be conceived to give to Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretense by a state legislature. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both."
    -William Rawle, A View of the Constitution 125-6 (2nd Ed. 1829)

  5. "what Trump didn't realize?"
    RINO Trump has always been a leftist gun control clown.
    He's a lifelong NY liberal degenerate democrat conman who did more against the 2A than Obama ever did.

  6. Should any firearm be banned? No. Freedom is scary.
    Should alcohol be banned? No. Freedom is scary.
    Should cigarettes be banned? No. Freedom is scary.
    Should recreational drugs be banned? No. Freedom is scary.
    Should FB, YT and GOOGLE be able to delete content not illegal? No. Freedom is scary.
    Should cryptocurrencies or bartering be banned? No. Freedom is scary.
    Should we give in to the mask Nazis among us who scream for compliance? No. Freedom is scary.
    Should any vaccine or drug be mandated? No. Freedom is scary.

  7. ALL GUN LAWS ARE TREASON, PERIOD and have been from the first one the TRAITORS enacted.

    Our Government doesn’t have the Constitutional Authority to touch the Second Amendment. PERIOD.

    See, the United States Constitution was written to expressly define the Powers of our Elected Public Officials would have once in Office. That’s all that Document is and does. PERIOD.

    The Bill of Rights is a Document that “we, the People” have told Government that have ZERO AUTHORITY to touch… PERIOD.


    "Gun Control" is illegal as it is in direct conflict with the Bill of Rights, Second Amendment, which states "Shall not be infringed".

    The United States of America Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.

    Unconstitutional Official Acts

    16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256: The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be In agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail.

    This is succinctly stated as follows:
    The General rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it's enactment and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it.

    An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted. Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it….. A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one.

    An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby. No one Is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.

    The NFA and GCA were treason from the second they were created….PERIOD AND are therefore NOT law…..

  8. Love your videos. I do have quick question for you, if you get the tax stamp for full auto or a suppressor do you give up your 4th amendment rights? Does the government have the right to come into your home to inspect the firearms or suppressors?
    I thought about getting a FFL and sell firearms out of my home but decided not to do that as it would give the ATF the right to enter
    my home whenever they wanted to inspect my FFL records.

  9. We need to have every man, woman and child that can safely wield a rifle and handgun to be issued such, by the government.
    Upon this, the person is immediately inducted into the Second Continental Army of the United States.
    A lot of other items go with this, but it's all covered.
    I don't need to be writing a book here.

  10. We have gone well past being "Governed"… we have move into Slavery!
    It is part giveaway of Freedom but mostly Take, Take, Take, & Take away!
    Every Legislature has become the Enemy of Freedom and Liberty!
    How can you have any faith in a system that keeps approving Civil Asset Forfeiture without a conviction! The Tax Code/Laws! The Banking Laws! Spying on Citizens!

  11. In this Day and Age… Everything is Illegal, Cops LIE, the Government Steals your Money, Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty!

    Pay Attention… It does not matter if the cops know the law or follow the law!

    The court created “Qualified Immunity” and “Clearly Established Rights” to benefit government and SCREW the people!

    This allows the cops to do any damn thing they want and there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY and Transparency!

    Qualified Immunity Explained & Clearly Established Rights (The Appeal)

    Get a bunch of groups together, write to your legislators, start petitions, stay active to end these judicial edicts! The Auditing Community is a Good Start!

    There is NO FREEDOM in America until these judicial edicts are abolished!

    Michigan State Police Abused K-9 Use Gets Criminally Charged – Earning The Hate (Rick Gore)

    “Predictive Policing” Algorithm Creates a Dystopian Nightmare for Residents of This Town (Institute for Justice)

    No Fly List, Terrorist List, Gun List, Now the Maybe List!

    You can beat the Charge… but you will not beat the Ride!

  12. 'A government governed by the consent of the people' What a strong statement with many implications considering the ignorant and plentiful left. The ability of voter fraud which is temporary pending the legalization of minors, illegal immigrants, and felons being able to vote. Our Republic is done.

  13. Without accepting some sensible gun control legislation, the insensible will continue to come at us (i.e. banning cosplay scary plastic parts). Shame on the ATF for handling bump stocks like idiots .. any device that enables machine gun like fire rates .. should just be illegal.. write the laws correctly .. ban the bump stocks, which are stupid dangerous accessories that most gun owners would NEVER own.

  14. The ATF is not relevant anymore.

    The Mafia no longer openly deals in drugs, prostitutes, and alcohol. Vinny The Eel is now Vincent the Lawyer (who will sue you to financial death). The ATF and FBI have stopped that.
    The Mobsters (at first) were seen as "heroes" for fighting prohibition (until the St. Valentines day Massacre). That horrific murder shocked (even the most diehard supporter). Then you had the fact that "civilians" — people not mobsters or Feds — were being shot and killed (that also turned the tide of the Mafia's image as "good guy".
    The 1934 NFA removed the MG(s) and established the ATF as Firearms experts
    The 1968 GCA – again, established rules for firearms
    the 1980 banning of "assault weapons" buy Reagan (of which I did not like at all and wrote) established that.
    The 1994 Violent Crimes and Control Act (Clinton Assault Weapon ban) set the definition for "assault weapon" – Again the ATF had more authority. But, 2004 the law expired.

    Now, the ATF must find and or change existing laws to label things "firearms".
    This proves that it is no loner Relevant and needs to just disappear. We do not need this agency any more. 90% of its duties have long been negated and or died.

    The most dangerous Law Enforcement Agency is a LEA that is bored. That LEA will then "look for crimes".
    Have you ever noticed (around the 15th and 30th of each month) that cop cars seem to be out more? That is not an accident. That is a revenue mission and not a "traffic control mission".

  15. You are the gospel of civil rights! Im so glad I found your Channel! I don't own a gun right now but I'm going to apply for a gun license in New Jersey. I am not sure what is required but I heard it's ridiculous. And just to be clear, the reason I want to own a gun is because the government is trying to take that right away! What you're saying makes me so angry! What can we do about this?

  16. Won't someone think of the children? I am, I want the children to grow up and be able to buy whatever they think they need to protect their children. If there are bad cops out there, I want them to think twice before they start raiding my neighborhood. To protect the children.

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