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Lori Vallow Daybell’s defense has used interesting tactics to try to convince the jury that the “doomsday cult” mom is innocent of the murder charges against her. Daybell stands accused of murdering her two children, J.J. Vallow and Tylee Ryan, along with conspiracy to murder her “prophet” husband Chad Daybell’s late wife, Tammy Daybell. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber breaks down nine key tactics used by her defense so far.
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Write you and your wife's way out of prison where's your cult now pray your father (SATAN) will get you out ha,ha,ha,
Smirking all the time let's see how you smirk when you go to prison
So what's become of Chad Daybell, the father of this cult she fell victim too?
Let me guess; Idahoan legal EEZ that over prosecutes the women they criminalize.
At their core all religious beliefs are crazy. But to kiII because of religion is craz….well actually people have been kiIIing each other for centuries in the name of religion.
The video of the journalist that went to Hawaii and questioned them directly to their faces says it all…
Lori had to hand her kids over to the killers, she is just as guilty. By association. Fry her.
I don’t even understand how the inept prosecution even allowed this to move to trial.
I hate how that defence lawyer tries to blame or mock the person on the stand. What a dreadful person.
The defense is blowing it. Her best defense would be to say she was brainwashed from a child . The Book of Mormon is a fraud .Joseph Smith was not a profit these brass plates that were supposed to have hyroglifics that were translated to English. It would take wagon loads of plates to make this book. Ask any Egyptologist. There were supposed to be chariots and weapons of war. But horses weren't brought to America untill the 15th century. There was supposed to have been Synagogue's. There is know artifacts of weapons or Synagogue's ever found in the America's. Joseph Smith his a false profit. That stole stories from the Bible. Baptism for the dead is BS. It's in the Bible because the catacumbians that were hiding from the Roman's that were never baptized. Thier sealing for time and eternity is BS. Mark 12, 25 . Jesus says when they rise from the Dead they will neither marry nor be given in marriage, but are as Angels in Heaven.
Jesse, bad background color for you!!!!
All this for a piece of kitty
She lied about her children's whereabouts and safety…she asked people to lie to the police for her. And then completely removed her entire family from her life, got married and was dancing on a beach in Hawaii. She knew about every lie, every action and every motivation to kill Tammy, kill Charles and her own kids. May she rot for 100.000.000 years.
Get bro to do the dirty,then do the dirty on bro
Worst upload so far in this trial
why you defending her
she got married and celebrating
knowing her 2 kids was buried in his property Jesus christ dude
Of course she's complicit. No doubt at all there. She lied about her daughter being in college, lied when she took her son out of school.Lied to the police about where her son was..Both spouses dead,people being shot at from a car belonging to her daughter..Takes off for Hawaii to get married..Um where are your kids?Sold the dog. My guess is Chad had every intention of being with Lori and they came up with the plan on how to make it happen..Alex being the fall guy until he died..Now Chad will be accused as the mastermind?..Lori thinking she just walks? Nope no reasonable doubt. Guilty,first degree premeditated murder.
Please remember a lot of parents don't care about their children and just plop them in front of a screen or let them roam freely and damage your property…..she of course is pure evil, but how many others have not been caught??!!
This presentation is premature.
Even if she didn’t do the killing she’s still guilty. She needs to be locked up the rest of her life. The smirk on her face in infuriating.
Umm, umm, umm,
He has a new book coming out new title called How I Met The Devil