A house of lies: Erik and Lyle Menendez’s relatives call for their release

A house of lies: Erik and Lyle Menendez’s relatives call for their release

With more attention on the murders of Kitty and Jose Menendez, family members of Lyle and Erik Menendez are calling on law enforcement officials to reconsider their sentences.


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29 thoughts on “A house of lies: Erik and Lyle Menendez’s relatives call for their release

  1. 3 decades ago inspite of the ignorance at the time about inscest families and trauma dynamics, half the jury understood and voted for manslaughter, which led to hung jury. Second trial was behind closed doors, corrupted by not allowing evidence in and leaving out options for jurors. It was not fair back then and unacceptable with todays knowledge and awareness. Everyone can see the trial and figure out that they both had good characters, acted in trauma, high emotional state of fear and impulse, and never were a danger to society. So many witnesses from family, teachers, coaches and several specialists gave a clear picture. And even their prison guards are vouching for them, they are model prisoners and never have been "cold blooded killers" as presented by vile media, not a moment of violence before or after.

  2. Very weird how many people saying they need to “heal” and “deserve” to be released. Are you insane??? They KILLED two people. Brutally, at that. Then lied and cried as if someone else did it. They are NOT victims. They need to rot in jail. Two people will NEVER be alive again. The fact that they didn’t get the death sentence was a blessing enough for them. They got to live out their lives unlike their parents. Do yall not understand what DEATH is ?????? Truly insane.

  3. This irks the F out of me, not only do they massacre their family, they drag them through the mud with these lies, I watched the trial in its entirety and watched how Lyle was always enjoying himself like it was a movie set to him and maybe it was, but more importantly than that was his demeanor he just didn't care, while Eric showed a little more empathy in my opinion you could tell lyle was running the show.

  4. There have been murderers that have been let out that just killed for no reason other than to kill!! These two were severely psychologically, physically & sexually abused by both parents since they were little boys by the 2 people who were supposed to love, protect them & nurture them!! Their second trial was not a fair trial because the judge limited the sexual abuse testimony from them & the witnesses!!! There’s no excuse for murder but the are extenuating factors & they have served enough time!! People who didn’t watch the trial & have never been so severely abused for many yrs by a parent can’t understand!!

  5. It is so weird that somebody would want to marry someone who is in prison.

    Anyway i am mixed on whether they should be released on one hand there is no excuse to commit fiest degree murder against your parents but on the other hand they have already served 35 years, most of their life in prison. Being molested as a child will fuck you up,no excuse for family murder but like i said they are already kind of old now.

  6. They’re cold blooded murderers! They planned the murder and went on a shopping spree afterwards. Then when they get caught they start telling lies about their parents and the parents can’t defend themselves because they were murdered by their accusers. I hope these two monsters are never allowed to go free!

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