A man is nearing his end on death row. The detective who helped put him there regrets it.

A man is nearing his end on death row. The detective who helped put him there regrets it.

Robert Roberson has been on death row for over 20 years after he was convicted of killing his young daughter. Now, the people who put him behind bars and other lawmakers are pushing for the governor to grant him clemency ahead of his scheduled execution on Oct. 17, 2024.


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50 thoughts on “A man is nearing his end on death row. The detective who helped put him there regrets it.

  1. If this is all real, that he had autism and had problems showing emotions and thar he did not kill his baby then why he is still in jail. Who is really the person who can finally saves him from the mistakes of the past? Why it is so hard to save peoples life even if we can. Why we cannot do it immidietly? Im always puzzled with this question because to me it doesnt makes sense. If we have power to save someones life then why dont we do it immidietly?

  2. This is absolutely unacceptable. My question is where were all these people years ago . Politicians?? Really he shouldn’t be looking at whether he dies on D.R. He should be exonerated! God this man has served to many years captive, please let this man live the rest of his life with peace and dignity. Free from the wrongful conviction from uninformed humans on Autism. May your miracle of setting him free be seen by all believers and nonbelievers. Thank you Lord! Amen 🙏 ❤

  3. Eric and lyle killed parents to get their money. Grown men to lazy to earn a living. Parents teach your self reliance and maybe they won't freak out when tbe get caught cheating in college or tbey won't kill you than look for your will. Cousin who said eric told him about "molestation" died from drug overdose allegedly.😮

  4. If they let this so called autistic man out of jail and off of death row , this is just going to open up a new can of wormspeople are going to try to get away with murder because they quote unquote have autism. Btw my son is 21 and has real autism.

  5. If they go through with it, they are disgusting! I've seen first hand the modern mistreatment of parents on the spectrum. While not always acceptable behavior choices are made, the accusations they can deal with because of them being so mis understood can do so much damage….
    They're questioning the cause of death, and it's saying there's evidence to prove the baby's cause of death wasn't related to 'SBS' – the lead detective doesn't agree anymore. FREE this man! Get him some help 🙁 Absolutely heartbreaking. kudos to the detective for apologizing and maintaining a regular visit. Hope this story goes viral he needs his message out there. #RobertRoberson

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