A real-estate mogul and his wife suddenly vanish from their multimillion-dollar home overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
The exclusive community is horrified, the couple’s three children are distraught and police are left scratching their heads.
Then a bizarre 911 call turns this strange missing wealthy persons case into an even stranger wealthy persons murder mystery.
More: https://bit.ly/2D5CH2B
This case as covered in more detail by 48 Hours. it's on YouTube: Murder and Manhunts | 48 Hours Full Episodes. At the end, it provides news of his pathetic sentence.
Soooo what your saying is there was ‘noJuan’ in the suv😂😂😂
Massive home beautiful but sadly a crime scene
More old stories 😢
He talks about the murder of his wife on the 911 call as if he is asking to buy a cup of coffee at the Starbucks. Totally monotone, no emotion.
she is yucky 🤮
Once their green card is secured, they don't give a f@k
Lmao he sucks 😂😂😂😂 like I’m so sorry for qwee. Her husband sucks and did a terrible job of covering himself , thankfully
In case anyone missed it, they lived in a multi-billion dollar home.
They caught him in mexico
How do idiots like this become so rich? Life is totally unfair.
He's probably in Kansas, Texas, with a new name, beard, long hair and a cowboy hat to boot.
"He deeply loved his kids. We took his passport, we didn't think he was a flight risk."
#1 He "deeply loved" his wife at one point too, and you see how that turned out.
#2 He's already shown how far he would go to save his own skin, "no matter how absurd his story was.
#3 He had the means to post a hefty bond, and I'm sure he had bug-out cash or some other assets stashed.
Finally, even without a passport he was a stone's throw from the Rio, and we all know how simple it would be to cross the border.
I am pretty sure that constitutes a flight risk. Especially since the prosecutor felt the need to explain why they dropped the ball. Damage control. You used poor judgement, OWN that shit!!
being rich is a personality trait
dont tell me hes racist as shit
Our justice system is so deranged. All that evidence and you can still go free despite your obvious lies!!?
Watching these makes it clear that you literally have to confess or a body be found or else you can be the guiltiest person in the world with all the evidence against you and still go free
Rip Kobe
Lmao dude cheating on his WIFE without using a condom. Just raw dogging anything that moves. What a disgusting pos.
Don't mix man…
Chafiwick is a con artist