A police officer lets a 38-time offender off… then this happens (update)

A police officer lets a 38-time offender off… then this happens (update)

He’s 43 years old and has spent more than half his life in jail. Meet the police officer trying to help him.

UPDATE: Christopher Cannata, who racked up 43 felony convictions, was sentenced in September 2016 to more than 27 years in prison.



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41 thoughts on “A police officer lets a 38-time offender off… then this happens (update)

  1. That Chris guy may be locked up at the interview but omg he was high as hell…..I don’t know how the heck people are getting so many drugs inside the jails but the shit is easier to get when ur locked up than it is on the streets these days!,! It’s sick

  2. You first hear this and think oh boy this is dumb but if you think of the bigger picture how many violent offenders have been released time after time because of prison overcrowding??!! This sounds like it could be a great program if there are enough officers monitoring these individuals and keeping regular tabs on them to make sure they are complying

  3. They say crime doesn't pay. Lol
    In this video you can see the more crimes a criminal commits the more reward he gets like money, rent free apartment, food and they find you a job. Have DemonRats lost their minds completely?. How exactly is this supposed to help criminals from re offending?.

  4. This is bullshit. America needs to get their priorities straight. We veterans struggle everyday with finding a decent job and trying to survive because no companies will hire us. But these assholes get jobs and homes practically handed to them.

  5. I call bs, three strikes… third felony and it’s the chair!!! I’m tired of living in a crime infested hell hole… thanks to local cops just letting people off with suspended time and fines they don’t pay

  6. From the comments thus far, I get the sense that most didn’t watch the video in its entirety or completely understand the point of this awesome program. I personally think for non violent offenders who’s root cause is for example an addiction; then we should try to support and rehabilitate such individuals. Well done to all involved. 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

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