Acquaintance offers to drive 11-year-old girl to school but kidnaps and kills her instead

Acquaintance offers to drive 11-year-old girl to school but kidnaps and kills her instead

Audrii Cunningham’s family offered Steven McDougal a second chance by letting the convicted felon live in a trailer behind their home. Steven, however, ended up abusing that opportunity. He would later be arrested for kidnapping and killing 11-year-old Audrii, tying her body to a boulder, and leaving her in a river.


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49 thoughts on “Acquaintance offers to drive 11-year-old girl to school but kidnaps and kills her instead

  1. It is such b.s. that he does not have the intelligence to not know his actions are bad…b.s. America get back to reality and stop reeking havoc on innocent civilians. The laws are too lax, get back to where justice serves the community and not the criminals. Bring back common sense.

  2. Steven McDougall = America's Darren Vickers. The last person seeing the kid alive, only to be the one taking the kids life, and pretending to be eager in the search and rescue mission. Devil hiding in plain sight, ugh!!

  3. I don’t know how someone could do this to a child. Murder is horrible in general and then tie her to a rock. I sure hope this guy lives horribly in prison once his jail mates find out what he did. But the parents also failed her as he had several convictions regarding minors before. Some people aren’t fit to have kids. My heart goes out to the first responders who had to recover her body. I could not imagine having to do that.

  4. This could have happened to me when I was a little girl. The boyfriend of a friend of my mom was waiting for me on my way to school one day. He offered to give me a ride. Not suspecting anything, I got in. He started to drive past my school. When I said something he went back and dropped me off. I told my mom and she called her friend and reamed her big time. I think God intervened that day. I’ll never believe any different.

  5. Who trust their little girl with a friend of a friend. No grown man should ever have your little girl by themselves. The parents were dumb to allow a grown man to take their girl anywhere. It’s so sad she suffered in this manner because the lack of parental supervision. Rest in peace Angel

  6. As an adult of child rape, I cannot tell you how this touches me. This is so heartbreaking. I was 11 years old when I was sexually assaulted. It is a horrible horrible thing for parents to know that their child was abused and then murdered the things that child had to go through. It’s just unbelievable that this man would do that to an innocent little girl what possesses a grown man to want to hurt a little girl a little child that is so innocent I am 65 now and I still don’t understand why I still don’t get what he wants from a little child. It is so sick and so perverse I can’t I just can’t it’s heart wrenching truly it is.

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