Was America’s most dysfunctional family busted by the family dog? The Couches fled the United States after a video surfaced of teenager Ethan Couch apparently violating his probation for a drunk-driving conviction.
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He should be locked up for like he’s a coward rat
Wow that kid and mums absolute looser that’s so cringe selfish pos tbh…
He damn well broke the law now so did she she fled with him breaking his probation order as well as leaving the country while on probation the next judge best damn well lock his ass up and hers
The world would be a better place with all 3 of these morons in jail
The couche's don't care what their son did .
I personally think the judge was paid off . I think the mother is on something . The dad is no where to be seen . I don't think they will ever apologise for what that little turd did .
My hat's off to the German Shepard. Nice detective work for exposing where these law breaker's were. Taking along the family dog was a great idea.
Mother clearly does not have a brain in that weird looking head of hers, Father is equally moronic, and the kid is just diabolical looking. Put entire arrogant family, along with judge who gave the kid 10 years probation on a desert island with nothing and let them all slowly starve to death.
Prison is a business with many return customers. Certainly not for rehabilitation.
What a piece of shit family, I’ll shit on this family’s front porch
Ew. Just…ew. I feel uncomfortable walking past Victoria's Secret in the mall when my son is with me. A strip club?!

these people are real problems in our country- yet…with money and connections…we don't think of these people as terrorists. They ARE and sometimes in a more manipulating way. Yuck I hope these people rot..
Need to burn each of there hose down so they have just a shack so they live like how we live
"There are no laws in the books on bad parenting."
1st. Believe it or no, there is.
2nd. Harbouring a fugitive of the law and associated with smuggling a fugitive with a warrent across state lines and across country borders.
In short, hope you liked that money and freedom while you had it. No way to avoid this charges.
No he suffers from homicide and endangerment, evading, tamperingg, etc…
The whole family needs to go to jail
Are you f**king kidding me. Kills people and gets probation because he has "affluenza"? I'm so mad I could spit. This kid should spend the rest of his life in prison. Who was the judge who allowed this? I am simply stunned. What if he didn't have a lot of money and grew up in the projects. Could he use " povertitis" as a defense? Just unbelievable.
So they kept stating that they were found because of the dog yet no mention of the dog in the video? Did I miss something?
This whole family needs to be jailed. And serve hard labor!
I Think MOM and SON are SCREWING each other! Truly sickening that idiots like them have money and try and use it deceptively, be thankful you can have a comfortable lifestyle
It's money not race that counts in justice system.
Morons. Spoiled rich family with numerous houses can’t even pay for their hotel room while they are hiding out? Seriously? Why are rich people the cheapest people ever?
I have little respect for our judges
Parental neglect contributing to the delinquency of a minor ect ect
Afluenza yep that'll do it evertime
Just euthanize the piece of shit
Can we please just do something with these dumbasses already please
Who goes to a strip club with their mother?
Admit it, it's about money. If he was white and poor, he'd be in jail so fast.
The justice system have two tier. One for the rich and one for the poor.